Thursday, June 12, 2008

On the way to Eilat

I haven't disappeared on you. We're in Eilat for the weekend for Jay's company's annual event. It's not as hot as in previous years but this year's hotel is not at all up to snuff and the awful whiny music coming up from the pool for the past several hours as I tried to get Maya to sleep didn't help. We did have a nice lunch break near Mitzpeh Ramon on the way down though (climbing wall and scenery pic) and a nice swim in the hotel pool this this afternoon. Jay and Itai are out at an evening event at Park Timna now. Dragging Maya out for something that didn't even start until 9pm and wasn't really for her age group didn't sound like a winning plan so she and I stayed back at the hotel and saw a musical version of Tarzan put on by the hotel's entertainment team. (It was awful, she loved it.) After that they put on a bunch of kids music and let the kids go wild on stage, which if Maya's enthusiasm level was any indication she'll remember as one of the highlights of her life to date. Unfortunately you won't see it because I can't seem to get the correct version of the picture to upload. I hate using unfamiliar software, it makes me feel like an idiot. Hopefully I'll get it sorted tomorrow when Jay's around. I'm on his computer and things went a bit wacky. Also all of my post processing seems to have disappeared so the landscape pictures look totally washed out (not helped by the fact that I was shooting one handed while the other hand kept a death grip on Maya's arm to ensure she didn't go plummeting over the edge. You'll have to take my word for it, the views of the Machtesh Rimon crater were stunning. I'm not doing justice to them.
Come back tomorrow when I will hopefully have sorted out my technical frustrations and will be feeling less ornery. In the meantime have a great end of the week everyone.


Robert said...

So you'll keep us in suspense only until tomorrow? Ok, I can wait it out! Sounds like your mostly having a good time. Looking forward to more pictures as always. :)

deedee said...

Wow, what a spectacular view.

Anonymous said...

i love that view! very pretty. have a great weekend!

Shannon said...

Gorgeous! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see the photos, sounds adorable. But the pics you did post are fab. That crater is awe inspiring.

L^2 said...

Hi Robin,
Hope you and your family had a good weekend. I just wanted to let you know that I answered some of your photography questions on my blog the other day. ~HERE~ Thanks for participating!

Phyllis Sommer said...

yep...i love machtesh ramon but i can't imagine going there right now with my kids - i think i'd be so scared i would've put them on a leash:-) that last shot is super, tho!