Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not another ugly duckling

Actually, he's a crowned crane. Click to enlarge for the full effect.
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Anonymous said...

That's just beautiful :)

Gilit Frank said...

Where is he from?

quilly said...

What an incredible shot of a surprising and unique bird. I am impressed -- and jealous!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fancy lady of old, albeit an odd looking one!

Great shot!

Leora said...

He's a beauty, but when I clicked to look up close, I saw all the dirt in his mouth! Funny.

Phyllis Sommer said...

way cool.

bichonpawz said...

GREAT shot! It does look kind of like a little old lady...with a hat! What a cool looking bird!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

What an interesting looking creature

catsynth said...

Beautiful and very distinctive.
And I'm pretty sure he is not native to Israel ;)

Jael said...

Wow,what a beauty!

Stan said...

That's quite a bird. And to think, it used to be a dinosaur.

Robin said...

He (she?) lives at the Safari Park in Ramat Gan, Israel, just twenty or so minutes away. My husband bikes by the park on his way to work each morning and often catches a glimpse of rhinos, zebras, antelopes and other park residents. Not a bad morning commute, eh?

Randi said...

Wow...cool and beautiful face!

Anonymous said...

We just have cranes in our zoos. Is this your pet?

Robin said...

It was in the zoo Judy, definitely not a pet.

Wishing 4 One said...

Just gorgeous and he/she knows it too!

judi/Gmj said...

I love his eye, and his neck feathers, they look painted on they are so perfect. His mama need to teach him to use a napkin to wipe his mouth. :)

Anonymous said...

Quite the dandy! I bet he's a real lady's man.

InventingLiz said...

Great shot! He's very colorful!

Beth F said...

Wow -- that's an amazing shot, especially when enlarged. Wonderful.

moneythoughts said...

Nice picture. I had an elementary teacher that looked like that to me.

Anonymous said...

Great picture!

Daryl said...

Fabulous shot. This is the second crowned crane .. saw the first one at the Little Rock Zoo in the last millennium

EG CameraGirl said...

Exotic and regal looking, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Robin what an outstanding job with this bird. This little shot does not do the full photo justice the eye is so clear and sharp wonderful job!

Dina said...

That's really gorgeous!

storyteller said...

What a MARVELOUS capture of a most unusual bird. I shared an odd bird without quite so much class just this morning at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,

Patti said...

That is a great shot! I agree that he looks like an old grand dame with a fancy chapeau.

I see what Leora means..dirt in his mouth.

How uncouth!

Fun photo, Robin. ;-)

Jientje said...

Wow. This is chrystal clear, such a perfect picture Robin!!

Carver said...

What a great shot. I also love your dirty window one. Mine are often like that, I hate to admit.

Mojo said...

Heh. He's a dandy isn't he? Got a 'tude too, from the look of him.

RivkA with a capital A said...

I think the crane might just be my favorite bird. I think it is beautiful. And this is a great shot!