Saturday, November 13, 2010

JPIX - The I Can't Believe It's Nearly Hannukah Edition

My wish to you - may love and light fill your home and heart not just at Hanukkah but always.

Why can't I believe it? Because here we are in mid-November, Hannukah just a couple of weeks away and yet it's about 30 degrees outside. Good grief...

And now, without further ado and in no particular order whatsoever (i.e. in whatever order I managed to insert the photos and links), my very first attempt at hosting JPIX. Please excuse any formatting weirdness and the lack of those cute columns that everyone else seems to manage so easily which steadfastly refused to obey my command despite the stream of family-unfriendly words which escaped my mouth as I tried. Yes, I am the queen technodunce.

Wish me luck...
What makes art Jewish, from BookishIma

Hutzot haYotzer 2010 from Avital Pinnick

Ilana-Davita visited Lubeck Synagogue

Sheva loves her beautiful Rozie from the moon and back

Mara goes Sukkah hopping

Next Sukkot in Jerusalem from Leora's son

Leora's symbols for a sweet new year

Toby finds a flowery succulent

Devo shares a winter sky

Batya shares images from Tel Shiloh after the fire

Easy Up Sukkah Decorations from Batya

Cosmic X spotted light rail cars in J'lem

JBloggers meet face to face

Cosmic X spotted this funky car

Batya visits J'lem's Machaneh Yehuda Market

Mrs. S visited Apollonia

Frume Sarah's Rosh Chodesh Kislev

Imabima's Rosh Chodesh Kislev

and last but not least

Life is for Living

Whew, I made it. By the skin of my teeth, but I made it. There are some wonderful photographs and blog posts here, be sure to take the time to click through and see them. And if you'd like to see more of my photography you'll find plenty here around the island and in my online photography shop.

Happy viewing.
 Click here to submit posts for the next edition of JPIX.


Dina said...

Come on Robin, you did a great job!
Those photos look so diverse and inviting, I off to click on some right now. Thanks for doing it.
Shavua tov and happy sharav.

toby said...

Hey - great job!

quilly said...

Looks great to me. I am especially liking that photo at the top which I suspect is yours. Now I am off to check out that car!

Mara ~ Kosher on a Budget said...

Thanks so much for including my sukkah picture. Funny it seems like a lifetime ago that I submitted that! Looking forward to checking out the rest of the submissions.

Phyllis Sommer said...

you did a great job! and thanks for including me! ;-)

i just can't believe that chanukah is so soon....not quite ready yet!

Batya said...

This is the Perfect Pre-Chanukah Present for JBloggers. Thanks!

Leora said...

So lovely! I'm so happy you did it; I hope you enjoy the outstanding pictorial results.

As I explain to the cashiers here, Chanukah is easy. Just buy potatoes and make sure the chanukiot are in order. Now Sukkot and Pesach... those are holidays that need prep!

Anonymous said...

Great job Robin! Thanks for including my post.

Mrs. S. said...

Beautiful job!

Thanks for including my post, and have a wonderful week!

Ingrid said...

Return to Belgium here you can cool down and have flooding on top of it, lol !

Daryl said...

OY ... stop rushing the seasons .. Thanksgiving comes first!!!

Jew Wishes said...

What a fantastic job you did!

Anonymous said...

So many great images here! Thanks for including mine.