Monday, December 5, 2011

The Shopkeeper's Gift


Click here to purchase this print on etsy, and here to purchase it as a laptop skin, iPhone case, etc. on Society6.

Lots of pinks, whites, and even glimpses of red in this gorgeous gerbera daisy, a gift from a shopkeeper's sidewalk stall when I stopped to admire it.


toby said...

That one is so exquisite - amazing find!

Rebecca Einstein Schorr said...

Until I read the caption, I thought this was a brooch. The Jeweler did a a good job with this one ;)

Rajesh said...

Exceptionally beautiful.

Dhemz said...

very detailed...awesome picture! thanks for dropping by!

Ralph said...

That is absolutely beautiful. It feels like oil on canvas, the lack of a distracting background perfect - the lovely flower offers its solitary beauty all alone...

Mrs.D said...

what a gorgeous capture!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! How beautiful !

Daryl said...

What a lovely thing to do!

Liz said...

Lovely daisy!

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Maria @ LSS said...

It's beautiful. I just might try that and I might get a daisy too. :)

Simply Delicious said...


Unknown said...

She looks like a piece of jewelry!

Leora said...

I love the background. So soft and delicate - the whole image is.

Carletta said...

Artfully done Robin!