Monday, June 17, 2013

Tap tap tap... Is this thing on?

So, uhh, ummm... How exactly does one come back from having forgotten to blog for 3.5 months? It wasn't even a conscious decision, it just sort of happened, and then the longer I was away the harder it was to come back.

Everything's fine, I was just crazy busy with work and I guess I sort of lost my blogging mojo. Let's try again and see if it comes back. I'm game if you are. Assuming of course that there's anyone still out there after all this time. Is there? Are you?

So where have I been? Well, there was a trip to Provence with my husband way back in April. It was wonderful, everything a trip to France should be despite the fairly lousy weather. One of our hosts told us we're not crazy for thinking that it rains in Europe every single Passover/Easter week - it really does. Sort of the way it always rains on Purim here in Israel. Still, you really can't go far wrong in France, whatever the weather. Don't you agree?

Les Baux de Provence

Cassis Harbor

Van Gogh's Courtyard in St Remy

Goat cheese for sale at the Cassis weekly market

After France there was the usual flurry of spring - getting out into nature, our annual trip to the folk festival, the beach, the pool, and so much more, but I'll save some of those for another post.

Right now we're in the midst of the annual end of year insanity - an elementary school graduation, end of the year sports events, all the birthday parties for all of the kids with summer birthdays - you name it, it's probably happening. It's all good, but more than a little exhausting to keep sorted. It's a good thing I've only got two kids and two adults to keep track of - any more and someone would be leaving the house without their underwear for sure.

So that's me in a nutshell, with a few photos thrown in for fun. What have you all been up to these past few months?


toby said...

Welcome back - we missed you! I have the same problem with my funny signs blog, I'm hoping to get back to it, really I am, tonight! Or, maybe tomorrow...
These photos are gorgeous! I don't think of France as somewhere I'd like to visit, but you make it look pretty tempting. I'm completely honored that you're jumping back into blogging and linking to me all at the same time - yay, and thanks!

photodoug said...

Robin - enjoyed your harbor view.

Mimi said...

I'm in exactly the same boat as you re blogging, trying to get a comeback organised!
Beautiful photos, I like the look of Cassis harbour!
Good to see you back Robin.

Daryl said...

oh those were worth waiting for ...

i do not go online, no email, no blog reading (i do a post ahead for the weekends, usually sometime during the week while feeling productive) no computer ... so on Monday i am always loath to get back both to the office/work and the computer/emails/blogs but this morning as i sat here kvetching to myself i spotted your blog had updated .. so here i am .. so glad to see you!

SouthLakesMom said...

I understand how it's easy to sag ... but I missed you! And I can see that you didn't lose your eye for a good photo while you were gone.

Dina said...

Hi Robin, welcome back to blogging. You can look at the last few months as gathering material for future posts.

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Robin, it's good to see you back posting again. In fact, I was just looking at your blog a couple of weeks ago and thought maybe you'd given it up. Your photos from France are postcard perfect, as always. Hope to see you around on the blogs more often these days.

Ralph said...

Like all the commenters, it is very nice to see you blog again! If you had enough work that kept you away, it is better to have business...a lovely look at France. I am partial to the goat cheese - to have a couple of these wheels about now would be a treat!

Patti said...

Hi Robin!

I've been away from my personal blog too..with a few exceptions when I've done shadow shot sunday or something.

I keep up a blog for work, which takes a lot of time. But it's all digital first these days in the newspaper biz.

Your life is busy!

I agree that you can't go wrong in France, although I've only been to Paris. I really would love to see the rest of the country.

A bientot!

Dimple said...

Hi Robin,
I've taken a couple of breaks myself when other parts of my life have taken over...that's just how things go.

Love the first shot!

Lesley said...

I'm in the same slump, sortof, letting work and other things get in the way. I've needed to take more photos if I'm to have a photoblog, but just can't seem to get into the spirit of it for some reason.
Maybe a good holiday is in order?! Your photos of France look tempting :)

Liz said...

Beautiful photos.

My entries:
Liz (mcn)
Liz (mot)

Gillena Cox said...

great photos; have a nice Tuesday

much love...

Natural Handcrafted Soap said...

/ How beautiful that is

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You've infected me with the travel bug again--oh, your wonderful photos!

Mary & a Splash of Red

Heckety said...

Gorgeous photos- especially the top one. Dunnow how you achieved the effect but it is so in keeping with old French stonework. I always think that food hygiene in France is laughable, and the chevre crate just proves it again! But who cares, bet the cheese tasted good- actually, bet the cheese walked home by itself it was so strong!

Hannah said...

My husband wouldn't take the time to go up through France instead of Germany to Sweden the one trip we made to Europe, so I'm interested to see your cool photos of France. They look wonderful. Probably the French would have sneered at my attempts to talk their language, sigh. I switched to goat milk recently so the Chèvre cheese looks great.

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Beautiful pictures. Hope to see you posting more regularly here :)