Thursday, June 28, 2007

L is for...

It's my turn to do the alphabet meme, and the oh so lovely Nancy (who's just delurked here after lurking for ages and who's blog I just discovered and am really enjoying - go check it out) has given me the letter "L". I now have to come up with 10 of my favorite things that start with the letter L.

Let's see...

The first one's easy, #1 has to be Love of course. What better L word could there be?

So far so good.

#2 is Lasagna - my wonderful husband makes a fabulous lasagna - complete with homemade pasta. Yum! (And no, that's not his in the picture, it's a stock photo from StockFood.

#3 is Lucky. I'm so lucky to have the world's best husband and two incredible kids.

Hmmm... Getting tougher. How about Lampang for #4. Jay and I had INCREDIBLE 2 hour (yes, two HOUR) Thai mass*ges there in a setting one could only describe as "authentic" for a ridiculously low price.

Ooh, ooh, I know! #5 is Laptop! Where would I be without my laptop!

#6 Lizards - not exactly a favorite thing per se, but the ones we get on our roof (patio) are pretty little and cute, and they do eat mosquitos.

#7 Lemonade - fresh lemonade is a favorite drink here in Israel all year long. You can't get iced tea (can't call it sweet tea, I'm not from the south) anywhere, but you can bank on the lemonade being fresh. I looooove fresh lemonade.

#8 would have to be Lists. I can't function without them. Especially packing lists.

Two more. I think I can, I think I can...

Ok. #9 is Lisa - my mom's name, and she's certainly one of my favorite people.

And last but not least, #10 is Life. Absolutely one of my favorite things. I wouldn't be having any fun without it.


Fairly Odd Mother said...

Very good! Hey, I wonder who will end up with "X"!

Nancy said...

Very well played ... and #3 Lucky ... I am sure they feel just the same, lucky to have you as a Mom and wife. =)

Robin said...

Thanks, it was fun to do, too.

Hey Nancy, how does this work? Am I supposed to give people letters now?

Nancy said...

How ever you want to Robin, either tag them, or as I did, post it as an option for someone to request a letter.

The letter you give them is of your choice =)

Anonymous said...

I cannot function without lists!! OR lasagna! :) Happy Friday!

Jen said...

Ok, I'll play. It'll just take three days to get it typed in; darned old computer. :(

Shari said...

I'll play too, just don't make it too hard, I still have 5 more days before vacation so I'm in pre-vacation brain fry mode!

Robin said...

Great Shari, have fun with it. You've got "N" :).

Janet said...

all you need is love :-)

Lovely photos!

Anonymous said...

L is one of my favorite letters.

"Live, Laugh, and Love", and let them eat Lasagne, while sipping on lemonade while blogging on your laptop...Then there is my lovely Lindsay!!

Very well played! Great answers, Robin.