I'm writing this week's list on my laptop while I sit on the floor next to my daughter's bed as she falls asleep, so a list of all the stuff she has in there with her seemed like the obvious choice. Beyond the standard blankets and regular pillow she is snuggled up with:
1. A hot pink Tweety Bird pillow
2. A large turquoise and purple fish pillow
3. A red elephant handmade by someone from the local senior citizens' day center that we bought at last year's children's after-school activities fair
4. A purple beanie baby named Benter (no, I have no idea why Benter either. It's not a Hebrew name.)
5. Mommy Bear - a white bear wearing a ballerina costume complete with pink tutu
6. Idan Bear - a small light brown teddy bear, the brother of the family. He used to have a plaid bow-tie but it's long gone
7. Daddy Bear - a medium-sized dark brown teddy bear
8. A Pink Elephant
9. The Swissair Dog (a stuffed dog wearing a Swissair shirt - a gift from a traveling friend)
10. A small Scooby-Doo. This one used to be her brother's, and is the very last present my grandfather picked out himself for his great-grandson.
11. A blue and white bunny with a rattle inside. Also inherited from her brother (who never really played with stuffed animals).
12. A small dalmatian - this one is a really cheap shlocky carnival midway-quality one. I have no idea where it came from, but she won't give it up.
13. A small plush doll in Native Alaskan costume that my parents sent from Alaska.
There are probably a few others in there that I've forgotten about too. It's a wonder that she can even fit in the bed with all of them.
Hang on, she just fell asleep! I'm outta here!! Zooooooom!!!
Happy Thursday Thirteen everyone.
1. A hot pink Tweety Bird pillow
2. A large turquoise and purple fish pillow
3. A red elephant handmade by someone from the local senior citizens' day center that we bought at last year's children's after-school activities fair
4. A purple beanie baby named Benter (no, I have no idea why Benter either. It's not a Hebrew name.)
5. Mommy Bear - a white bear wearing a ballerina costume complete with pink tutu
6. Idan Bear - a small light brown teddy bear, the brother of the family. He used to have a plaid bow-tie but it's long gone
7. Daddy Bear - a medium-sized dark brown teddy bear
8. A Pink Elephant
9. The Swissair Dog (a stuffed dog wearing a Swissair shirt - a gift from a traveling friend)
10. A small Scooby-Doo. This one used to be her brother's, and is the very last present my grandfather picked out himself for his great-grandson.
11. A blue and white bunny with a rattle inside. Also inherited from her brother (who never really played with stuffed animals).
12. A small dalmatian - this one is a really cheap shlocky carnival midway-quality one. I have no idea where it came from, but she won't give it up.
13. A small plush doll in Native Alaskan costume that my parents sent from Alaska.
There are probably a few others in there that I've forgotten about too. It's a wonder that she can even fit in the bed with all of them.
Hang on, she just fell asleep! I'm outta here!! Zooooooom!!!
Happy Thursday Thirteen everyone.
Wow, that's a lot of stuff. Can they actually sleep with all that? I guess so. What a cute picture.
Good Night, Maya.
Would this be a twin-sized bed? Ha ha. This is quite a bit of company for your daughter. I remember those days. I never managed to get all the gang out when I made the bed, and it was always lumpy! What fun. God bless.
Ahh, little girls! There is no pink in this house! LOL!
Sounds like she loves to be cozy...
A red handmade elephant and a pink elephant? Sounds like my kind of kid!!!
Happy tt!
Actually it's an older Israeli single bed, so narrower than an American twin. Cozy is definitely the word LOL.
My son has quite a collection too in his bed: two owls, a turtle puppet, a lobster, a bonsley pokemon, a pikachu pokemon, a gigantic bumble bee, a shark and some others that have slipped my mind. Happy TT.
Just how big is this bed anyway?
What goes "bump" in the night? One of the aforementioned items getting kicked out of bed. ha ha. Kids are so fun.
Gosh, I love your daughter. She is such a bright light. How fun that she sleeps with all that stuff.
And truly hats off to you for allowing her to be exactly who she is - that's a rare and beautiful gift.
Happy TT!
On a Limb with Claudia
How funny. And what a cute little girl!
As I think you read on my blog, my 2 yo's crib is stock full of stuff. Someday I need to get a good picture to remember it. My 6 yo used to be exactly the same, but thankfully she now only needs here blanket and her Webkinz doll.
kids are so funny like that. :) They like lots of stuff.
I love the picture of your daughter. she is darling.
woohoo! Lots of lumps :-)
Ah, a fairy princess. Long may she reign!
the Pink Flamingo
It really is amazing that she can fit in there with all of that stuff! She is adorable Robin!
At least she's not like mine, who hides things under her covers, only to be found when I make (or strip) the bed.
I find interesting things in there. Things that you think would be uncomfortable to sleep with.
LOL...too funny!
Tee hee that is a lot of fun
OMG! I am totally stealing this idea for one week. My daughter has SO many things on her bed!! LOL!!
Exactly what I do. But I have set up a lounge chair in Boo's room! Why not some comfort for mum too!
Boo has nothing in bed with him. A pillow and a nekid doona. No sheet, no pillowcase. Nada.
Weird child.
Where does she sleep with all the bears?
Happy TT.
My husband used to sleep on his bed when it was awash in paperback books. I mean 50 of them. Whatever works...
Ugh at least its not chocolate milk!
Nice Thursday List! Come check out some games on my list!
What a sweet list! Your daughter is a cutie -- good job, mom! ;)
Wow...that's a lot of stuff! My daughter hasn't taken to sleeping with that much...yet.
Wow, will they all make it through the night or do some jump overboard-or should I say get kicked off?
My daughter is sleeping with a giant Mini Mouse Pillow.
So pretty in pink! My daughter also loves to buy stuffs all in pink. Cute picture of your little pink angel.
How does she fit into bed with all that stuff??? That is really funny...she looks like a character...
My post is 13 things about my son....
Hee! Reminds me of me, somehow. ;)
I need to find my big pink mouse and move it in here.
I have two TTs this week: pretty pics at Raven's Roads, and a goals/resolutions update at Raven's Range.
That reminds me of when my daughter was little--her bed was similarly full of stuff... and she always knew if something was missing. Thanks for the memories!
What a lucky girl. It tickles me to remember those days... although I am 46 years old and I still have half that stuff!
It always amazed me my daughter could sleep with all the things she would bring into the bed with her.
Cute picture :)
Mama Bear's TT is up for the week.
Great list, Amazing what kids can sleep with.
Reminds me of one of my sisters' bed. She had so many things in her bed she had to sleep rolled up in a ball. She couldn't bear to put them in the closet or a drawer.
Gandalf & Grayson's Mom
Gee - does she like pink? :)
Gotta love all the stuff. My son likes to sleep with a tube of toothpaste, a DVD and a metal car. No kidding. Too bad he sleeps next to me.
Cute list. I love giving stuffed animals to my nieces and nephews - they're just so darn cute. Happy TT
Now if you said she had a stuffed Junior Asparagus with her, I truly would have been impressed!
How does she fit in the bed?
We took a photo of Katelyn when she was about 3mos old with all these stuffed animals in her crib, and emailed the photo to our family asking them to find the baby doll.
Maya will definetly be cozy with all those pillows and stuffed animals.
Happy TT!
I used to sleep with a bed full of stuffed animals when I was little, too! :)
Aw, cute - must be a huge bed or just the right amount of acrobatics ;)
In addition to several stuffed animals and dolls, my daughter sleeps ON TOP of 24 Dora and Diego books.
She doesn't have a princess and the pea problem, does she?
What is it about girls and stuffed animals? The teenage girls I deal with every day are still kids at heart. I am always confiscating their nuisance items.
Dang! Clicked the wrong button! Its Friday!
Is there any room for her in her bed? Big bed?
Know what you mean. DD2 has such a menagerie of animals that I wonder she doesn't suffocate. But she has names and personalities for each one, and rotates who is her favorite every couple of days or so. And no, we can't seem to get rid of any of these "friends"(sigh).
Well Darlin'I have finally caught up. It has been lovely spending an afternoon with you and catching up with your life. I will be writing an e-mail soon with a more personal message. Thanks for not giving up on me and for all your encouraging comments.
BTW, how is the exercise routine coming along? I start tomorrow, wish me luck!!
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