Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Ever-Shifting Canvas

Where: The beach
When: Just after dawn
The players: a crab, a bird, the sand, the water, the sun, a shell

The beach is silent. The pale light of the early morning sun casts everything in soft, muted tones, not yet stripping them bare with the harsh light of day. The only sound heard is the mournful cry of a gull. A crab skitters haphazardly over the sand, busy with an errand only he knows. A gull pecks hopefully at the shells washed up by the tide, checking whether the sea has returned more than empty promises. The crab's trail, the bird and his tracks, the shells, the light, all come together in an early morning tableau. Unseen. Unspoiled. The water lapping quietly at its edge.

As the sun begins to climb higher, so too does the water. In the blink of an eye it will all be gone, erased by the rising tide, to be recreated again with the dawn. Each day a new painting on fresh canvas. The same, and yet vastly different.


anthonynorth said...

The artistry of the cycles of nature.

Crafty Green Poet said...

this is lovely, you set the scene very well and you're so right about the new canvas left when the tide goes out again

Irene said...

Sounds wonderful.

Yeah, I am just a little jealous of your warmth and sun while we enjoy temp in the teens.

And it is so cool that you are also getting the Nikon D40. I would love to share tips. I often read this site:

They do a really great job teaching about photography and they have forums for questions on everything camera and photography related. I have learned SO much.

Good luck!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Awesome take on the prompt.

Did you see mine? Tee hee.

Nancy said...

beautifully written, it leaves a clear visual as I read it.

Shannon said...

Beautiful piece of writing. i could SEE that amazing tableau. We just booked our summer vacation at the lake. YOu have made me yearn for that time! Wonderful!

L said...

makes me want to go back to the beach.

Robin said...

Thanks for the link Irene, I'll definitely check it out.

Anonymous said...

A painting...or a play. Nature gives us both I think. I like it when you paint pictures with words, darlin'. I only wish Texas beaches were as beautiful!
Thanks for a lovely image to start my day.

Claremont First Ward said...

Lovely. Just lovely. And so thought provoking!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the rising sun!

get going

Tumblewords: said...

A lovely scene - I like the gull's take on the empty shells. Visual and vibrant piece!

little wing writer said...

enjoyed your introduction of the scene and players... the story was awesome!!!... born on the beach you describe it perfectly...