Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Festival part 2 - from the inside to the out

I shot these around the perimeter of the festival. What a gorgeous area. If only they didn't have that whole endless winter thing going on this little corner of the world would be very appealing...
I like the way the light is shining through the leaves in this one
If you look carefully you can see a beautiful old covered bridge in this one. It was right about now that I was really regretting leaving that zoom lens home...


Thank goodness the trees are showing signs of turning, letting us know that this beautiful New England summer will soon be just a memory, otherwise it would be awfully hard to leave all of this green and water on Wednesday.


Robert said...

These are beautiful images. I must say I'm a little disappointed that you left a lens back home. Where are your priorities? Oh wait, you traveled alone with TWO kids, that's right. You're off the hook. :)

Maura said...

Very pretty and very peaceful-looking! I love the berry pictures best. I wonder what kind of berries they are?

Nancy said...

wow, I love the whole series of photos. Well done Robin, it's like I'm there.

Leora said...

I really enjoy how you did the people posts in one group and the nature posts in the other. My favorite is the tree that creates a triangular view. Then the berries framing the river at top.

Robin said...

Actually Robert, I did have the lens in the US, I just didn't have it that day (kicking myself firmly in the rear). I used it for the loon pics, among others, and you'll see it in action again when I get a chance to post the tubing shots. I was just traveling very light at the festival.

Dawn Fortune said...

New England summers are as fleeting and magical as they are precisely because of our winters. Every warm sunny day is precious because we pay for it with a week of cold and drear. Glad you are enjoying it, and the pictures are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

okay. i soooo need to be where those pictures are. i'm in desperate need of solitude and nature...

Preethi said...

Awesome pictures... seems like a fun festival!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots. Especially the trunks and beries.

Mojo said...

The leaves were already turning in August?? Around here that doesn't happen until at least mid-October!

Beautiful countryside though. And yeah, it's too bad you left the zoom behind. That covered bridge would be awesome.