Sunday, August 3, 2008

Made it safe, sound and more or less sane

I'm falling down exhausted after the neverending travel day yesterday (23 straight hours daylight flights so no one slept - and our dvd player croaked just 90 seconds after I put it on!) and another long day today, but we're here and happy now. We took the kids to play miniature golf for the first time this morning (Itai's request) and then went to the beach for a bit in the afternoon but the weather crapped out on us (rain in the summer - how bizarre! Not to mention inconvenient...) so we came home and hit the hot tub instead. Tough life, isn't it...

No photos or videos to share yet, but there will be plenty soon.

I'm off to bed now. More later. Goodnight all.


Nancy said...

Take a big breath.

Now just have fun and enjoy =)

Anonymous said...

My hell, the DVD player crapped out first thing? On an intercontinental flight? Did the flight attendants take pity on you and sneak you some wine? ;) Glad you got there safely!

anymommy said...

Glad you survived the trip. Hope the jet lag is very shortlived and you continue to enjoy that hot tub.

Leora said...

Glad to hear you made to your blog! Sorry about the rain. If you don't like the weather in New England, wait a minute.

Unknown said...

Glad you're safe and sound! (and not sick?)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it!

After the weekend I've had, a hot tub sounds grand!!!

Shannon said...

Oh 23 hours of travel with 2 small kids does NOT sound like fun! Especially with a crapped out DVD player. Glad you made it though. Sounds like the trip is off to a lovely start. Can't wait to hear more!

Robert said...

Glad to hear you made it through. And you were off an running with activities; that's impressive. Here's hoping the trip goes wonderfully. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm so glad you made it safely!

Stop by my blog Tuesday and pick up your award! :)

Janet said...

Glad you made it in one piece!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a great vacation! We just got back from China in coach - I know the feeling :-)

Mozi Esme said...

I HATE those endless eternal days of intercontinental travel - especially with a baby! Hope you're recuperating well . . .

Anonymous said...

glad you made it back with minimal headaches! enjoy that hot tub! :)