Thursday, September 25, 2008

TT - 13 Bizarre Bad Day Holidays

Where do they come up with this stuff*...

1. Have a Bad Day Day--November 19 (do they give out frown face buttons or something?)
2. Humiliation Day--January 4 (remind me to hide all pictures of me from the 70's!)
3. Peculiar People Day--January 10 (could work for most of us)
4. Be Late for Something Day--September 5 (heck, I do this every day)
5. Blame Someone Else Day--January 13 (fun!)
6. Blame Someone Else Day--August 13 (yes, again)
7. Blame Somebody Else Day--April 13 (they really liked this one, didn't they?)
8. International Twit Award Month--February 1-28 (I could get behind this one)
9. International Twit Award Month--April 1-30 (are twits so worthy that they need two whole months?)
10. National Procrastination Week--March 1-7 (now this one I like)
11. Be Nasty Day--March 8 (ooh, this could be fun)
12. Panic Day--March 9 (aaaaaaahhh!)

and finally

13. International Panic Day--June 18 (for those for whom ordinary local panic isn't widespread enough)

* The answer is right here.


Anonymous said...

OMG!! I can't stop laughing!

I could definitely get behind a week of procrastination. ;-)

Janet said...

Nice to know I finally have some days in my honor :-)

SandyCarlson said...

I'm in for No. 10! What a list...!

ShannonW said...

LOL I love these holidays. Especially #10!

anymommy said...

Three blame someone else days and I missed them ALL this year. Next year, I'll be ready.

Malcolm said...

There are indeed some crazy holidays out there. I don't know if you have it, but there is a really good reference book published annually called Chase's Calendar of Events. There is even an online version here:

I don't agree with the dates for National Procrastination Week. I think it should be the week of March 8-14. No, better make that the week of March 15-21.

Lori said...

That list isnt it??? lol...Happy TT:)

Meju said...

I am all about Twit day, could find a winner several times a year! Happy TT.

carrhop said...

Wow. Looks I need to update my Palm Pilot calendar software....



SJ Reidhead said...

I would celebrate National Prosrast.......but.....I never get around to it!

The Pink Flamingo

anthonynorth said...

That was fun! It's good to have it confirmed that we're all as mad as I thought :-)

Unknown said...

Those are hilarious. Happy t 13. Mine are up at a Daily Dose.
A Daily Dose of Toni

Anonymous said...

it is blame someone else day EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Carmen said...

I had to put an editorial calendar together using these things once, and my favorite day was "Hootie-Hoo Day" - and I can't make this up.

Darla said...

I love these! I put a lot of them on the Demotivators calendar I gave my husband. There was one I particularly liked--something about husbands housework day. :)

Qtpies7 said...

Weird, I don't get the duplicates, though. I don't even get why they have those "days" but to duplicate them? LOL Dumb.
Great list!

Scribbit said...

You are too funny! Just what I needed this morning!

carmilevy said...

Sometimes I think they come up with these holidays to give morning radio hosts something to talk about.

Thanks, btw, for your great suggestion re. timing the announcement of a new Thematic Photographic theme to Wordless Wednesday. I'm going to give that a shot next week and see how it goes.

Much appreciated!

bernieg1 said...

You are right. Those are some bizarre holidays. Good finds!

My TT is up at 13 Myths about Barack Obama

Mia Celeste said...

LOL. What great holidays!

siteseer said...

Who knew?? I love that we can blame our entire lives on someone or something else lol.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

I'm up for celebrating a few of these.

I noticed Humiliation Day falls just after New Years Eve - hmmmmm.

Nasty Day could translate for me to the day I've always wanted to have - the "Say whatever you want to the customer" day.

Donna said...

Thanks for the giggles...I totally needed them! I think one of my sales reps put off procrastination week until this week... :(

This is a great list.

Anyway, my list is up here. Stop by if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

Blame Someone Else DayS ?! Whoa. Crazy. Hehe :)

Thanks for showing these to us for your TT!

Mariposa said...

I kinda love March 8...LOL

Have a great weekend!

Claremont First Ward said...

You must have a different calendar than I have. None of these holidays are listed on mine and I could use em'! :)

Anonymous said...

i've been stuck in procrastination week...for about a month. :) happy friday!

Diana M said...

This is truly a great list. I love it...Thanks for sharing...

Cindy Swanson said...

At first I was thinking, "Don't we have enough bad days already without making holidays out of them?" But then I read them, and they're pretty hilarious. Got to have a sense of humor about these things! :)

Great TT!