Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Giveaway Time Again - Inspiring Books for Parents

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for entering everyone. The winners will be announced in a separate post later today.
It's hard to believe that time is going by so quickly, but here it is already - the big Fall 2008 Bloggy Giveaway kicks off today, and you're invited. Click on the link (going live at 8am CST) to participate in literally hundreds of great bloggy giveaways.

For my own giveaway this time I'm giving away inspiration. How do you give away inspiration, you ask? The answer is with three different books that will recharge your batteries and inspire your parenting. All three are books you can pick up for a minute or two here and there, no need to carve out a large block of time in a busy parent's day. Keep them for yourself or slip them into a shower or new baby gift to bring a smile to a tired new parent's face.
Two are perfect gifts for the fathers in your life:
Father to Son - Life Lessons on Raising a Boy - full of small tips and good advice - everything from "Let him learn the joys of chocolate chip cookie dough" and "teach him how to throw a curve" to "talk to him about his dreams. And about yours". Good stuff, well-packaged.

The Little Big Book for Dads - this one moves well past tips and advice into how-to's. I love this book. There are sections on songs and nursery rhymes, jokes and tongue-twisters, activities, and even recipes. Everything from how to collect insects or fly a kite to the words to "Froggy Went A-Courtin'" and a recipe for french toast. It even teaches you how to juggle marshmellows and do magic tricks.


A Special Collection in Praise of Mothers - this collection of essays and quotations is sure to tug at your heartstrings. Here are two of my favorite quotes:

The mother is the most precious possession of the nation, so precious that society advances its highest well-being when it protects the functions of the mother. Ellen Kay

It will be gone before you know it. The fingerprints on teh wall appear higher and higher. Then suddenly they disappear. Dorothy Evslin


To enter, leave me a comment telling me who inspires you as a parent, and be sure to leave me a way to contact you if you win. And while you're here, grab a fresh cup of coffee, kick off your shoes and take a look around. You never know quite what you'll find.

Three winners - one for each book - will be chosen at random on Friday, 31 October.

This giveaway is international and open to everyone.


Janet said...

No kids, just wanted to say the picture on the Father to Son book is absolutely hilarious!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I love that painting on the cover of the mothers' book. There's a great British miniseries called 'The Impressionists' where they have a scene about Claude Monet painting this one. The kid ran up the hill and as they were calling him back, Monet liked the framing better and started painting away like mad.

This is a wonderful giveaway, Robin. You can put me in for the mother one.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Woops, forgot to tell you my inspiration. I'm lucky to have three mother figures in my life: my own creative mother, my aunt who has been a second mom to me as my mom is a second mom to my cousins, and my mother-in-law who is a true friend as well as my husband's mom. All three women have their own mothering styles and I appreciate each one of them. Lucky me - I get to enjoy the nurturing vibe of three fantastic women.

Anonymous said...

My inspiration as a parent is my mother. She raised 6 kids without breaking any of our bones. ;-)

If I lose patience, I chant and say, I have only one kid, my mom has six. My agony is only 1/6th of hers.

I'd love to win any of these books!!

sandierpastures [at] yahoo dot com

GeonHui's Bakery said...

My grandmother inspires me as a parent. She was like a second mother to me and I hold her lessons and actions close.

Tales of a Peanut said...

My parents are such inspirations to us. We're expecting our first child and are remembering so much that our parents did right with us!

Kimberly said...

I was raised since I was a toddler by my paternal grandparents. They became "mom" and "dad" to me and inspried me to be the parent that I am today. I am also inspired by my mother in law who was a widow at a very young age with six children and she was able to manage. I find that truly amazing.

Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Unknown said...

My own dad inspires me, he raised me by himself, with no help, and he taught me how to be a good person and always try my best at anything that I do!

anymommy said...

Oh, you got me with that finger print quote. I'm all teary now.

rebecca said...

I love and respect both sets of parents (mine and hubby's) and really look up to them. Sure, they made mistakes, but we can learn from those too!

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I draw most inspiration from my memories of my mother. Thanks for a great contest.

chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net

Chantelle said...

both of my parents are amazing but i have to say that as an adult my mother is now the most inspiring person to me. I only hope that someday I can be the mother she has been to me. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

Both of my parents have inspired me, but I will mention my mom for the giveaway. She always told all of her children that we could become whomever we wanted to in life and I think that allowed me to follow my dreams instead of being afraid to try.
Thanks for the giveaway. : )

AudreyO said...

Both my mom and her sister, my wonderful aunt inspired me. My aunt had the most wonderful relationship with both her sons and their wives. That is to be admired.

Anonymous said...

My mom is my inspiration. She is always there for her kids, loves us unconditionally and is seriously the best grandma around!

Audra said...

My grandmother is an inspiration to me even though she's been gone for 2 years now. She had 13 children 82 grandchildren 150+ great grandchildren and knew all their names when she was 90!!!

Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

Meaghan said...

Hi again :) We are doing another giveaway for coffee this Friday and all your entries from last week count towards this one! And, there are ways to get even more entries

Also, we decided to do a giveaway every Friday so keep checking back!

cpullum said...

Two people my mom and grandmal they past down all their recipes and traditions!

Ginny said...

My mom would be mine

Julie Donahue said...

My older sister is my inspiration. She did a lot of raising me while my mom worked. SHe works hard for her family now.

the schros said...

my dad inspires me as a parent- i find myself parenting like he did

Anonymous said...

I'm not a parent yet, but my husband's family inspires me already. They belong to the apostolic church and are all close (as are the members of the church. It's like one big family.. and I love that, even though I'm not apostolic and my husband isn't a member of the church either) Adoption is big in the church and my husband's family as well, so that's something we want to keep going. :)

raspberrykitty at aol dot com

Molly C. said...

Knowing that my kids are growing up waay to fast, inspires me to be the best parent I can. I need to race the clock to teach them all I can before they turn into young men.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

My dad inspires me. :)

lilacbutterfly [at]

Anonymous said...

My mother is definitely my inspiration. She has been through a lot and has presevered. I can only hope to be as great of a mother to my kids as my own mother has been to me.

CanCan said...

I get inspired by parenting books. It might sound weird, but it's true! I like to read Montessori books. It reminds me to slow down and bring things to my preschooler's level instead of brushing him aside to get it done faster.

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my mom inspires me the most.

Shannon said...

What a great giveaway! My mom is my inspiration as a mother. She didn't do it all right when I was a kid but she loved being a mom and she has made up for her mistakes twice over again. I hope one day my kids can say the same about me.


my kids inspire me in one way and my mom in another please enter me- very nice- thanks

frugallm said...

Every time my daughter comes out with something new she has learned it inspires me to teach her even more!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Carol said...

My Mama! Thanks for a chance to win.


HeatherLow said...

my parents inspire me. We have always been close. There has always been an open line of communication. They were fair and respectful but also made us obey and be respectful. I'm very thankful for their example.

Tyna said...

I have to say my hubby inspires me as a parent. He didn't have a dad, and he's doing so well even without a role model. He'd love the Dad books!

jayedee said...

unconditional love.......that's my inspiration. a childs love is so pure and all encompassing! *sighs*
please toss my name in the hat for this awesome giveaway! good luck everyone and be sure to check in at the lost world for my giveaway too!

noreen said...

my Mom, she did great for what she had

ahiltz said...

What inspires me at being a parent? My children's unconditional love and how everyday they always tell me how much they love me and gives me kisses. Of course I make a point of doing it to them everyday, so it goes to show how much that means to them as well! :) Thanks so much for doing this for us!

Ren said...

My sister and my sister-in-law are both great moms. And they have some of the greatest kids. I love that my son has such awesome cousins.

crystal said...

My grandmother inspires me. She was the best mother & now grandmother & I strive to raise my son the way she raised hers!

Jodi said...

My mamaw was my inspiration, she was the most amazing woman I have ever known.


fancyfeet48 said...

My parents inspires me, They raised me and taught me how to be a good person and always do the best at anything I do!

Anonymous said...

My father was always my inspiration. He was a peace maker in life, a model of what kindness and love are. I lost him this past summer and it still aches horribly. I still have my mother and she inspires me with her determination to carry on and seek out her purpose as she learns to live alone. I love my parents so much!

Nadi said...

Wow, all great books! My mom is my daily inspiration. I now have 2 kids of my own and I can't get by a single day without losing it a bit, and I can't remember my mom ever losing her cool even once while raising my brother and I.
Thanks for the giveaway!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Jenna said...

My Grandmother is an incredible inspiration! She is a Mom of 6 and has lots of stories to tell about raising her kids.

jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com

Becky N. said...

What a nice giveaway! Myself and my husband could both surely benefit from each of these books.

My mother-in-law, actually, is one of my biggest parenting inspirations. She's such a patient and constantly loving person. I'm not sure how she manages, even after raising 6 kids and all the multitudes of grandkids! She's always helping me remember that some of the challenges I face are so typical and *expected* out of children my age. The perspective really helps!

redpolkadotsgirl said...

my 2 boys are such an inspiration to me. they are the reason for everything I do.

Cindy said...

I would have to say that God's love for me is inspiration to me as a parent. I never truly understood how much God loved me until I became a parent myself.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

My mom inspires me as a parent. She's amazing!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

My inspiration is my own mother!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My mother was my biggest inspiration. She passed away at a young age (62) but I learned so much from her.

Lisa said...

What inspires me the most is when I am having a hard day my kids will come up to give me a hug and comforting words like I love you mom, it will be ok, it just warms my heart to know that they show compassion.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

My inspiration is of course my mother. She gave up a lot to give us kids what we needed. Thanks for the giveaway!
itsahumanzoo at gmail dot com
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Anonymous said...

My mom is my inspiration. I strive to be just 1/2 as good as she is to me!

daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com

Liz said...

I wasn't inspired by someone until 3 years ago when I married my husband. No, he's not my inspiration, but his mom is. She is the mom I never had.

taysmommy said...

my good friend Becky...I try to be half the mom she is.

J.M. said...

My husband is my good parent inspiration. He is always so calm and always knows what to do.

Unknown said...

The person that insprires me as a parent are my Daddy and a close friend.\Please enter me in your contest.

Anonymous said...

my hubby is my inspiration...he stays so calm and nothing seems to bother him...never looses his cool...

lilhottemomma@yahoo . com

butler1939 said...

My mother is my biggest inspiration. She makes me want to be the best Mom that I can be.

Candie L said...

I am inspired by the older families at church. They seem like they always had it together and never had moral struggles or other problems

Shane H. said...

My mother-in-law actually inspires me as a parent. She did a wonderful job of raising my hubby. She's also so very patient, kind and understanding with my sons.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother did a wonderful job raising nearly a dozen children with almost no money. She is loved and adored by everyone in her family. She is truly an inspirational parent.


franaroon said...

I am currently expecting my first child due Thanksgiving day! I would love these wonderful books! My biggest inspiration as a parent right now is feeling those little kicks and knowing I'm so close to touching those little toes!

Robin said...

Thank you for entering everyone. Comments are now closed. Winners will be drawn later today.

Good luck.