It's a strange thing, figuring out how to act when your country is at war, when your friends and fellow citizens are being fired on, but your own life is going on business as usual.
Do you blog only about the war? Not talk about it at all? Try to put "something" into every post so that people remember that the Hamas has been firing deadly rockets into Israeli towns for eight years, so people see that Israelis are not war-mongering while casually going on with their lives while Gaza burns?
The south of the country is a living dichotomy. People trying to keep some semblance of normal while rockets rain down (27 so far today, and it's only three in the afternoon). Here in the center, life goes on. Yesterday I took my children to a much looked forward to children's holiday show, today it's board meetings and jujitsu and parent teacher conferences, except that one of the women at the board meeting has had rockets fall next to her kibbutz, and others had to stay away because of the war, and still others are worrying about children or friends in the army.
It's not quite life as usual.
So what is the etiquette for blogging during wartime for those of us who've chosen not to live-blog the war? Do you obsess about the war? Hard enough not to do in real life, will doing it on the blog make it even worse? Do I reassure all you readers that I'm fine, and present my life as some degree of normal so that you don't worry, or do I present the situation as it exists in other areas of the country to present an alternative to the international press you tell me is showing only one side of the story?
Damned if I know.
Here, have a photo instead.
Great post. In my humble opinion, you answered your own question well.
Love the photo. Great composition, color, depth. I like how the spokes break up the picture.
I don't know the answer for you, but for me, I'm so angry and annoyed at the extreme stupidity of the left, who don't even know ANYTHING about the history of Israel, or anything even remotely relevant but protest for Israel to get out of Gaza that I just want to scream. So I post about it. I have to. I don't think I'm obsessed, but I can't stop thinking about it. I just want it to be over already (duh) and I want the freaking Gazans who voted for Hamas to get a clue as to what is going to happen if they don't back away from the terrorists.
I also want them to stop bitching and moaning about how they are starving and expect Israel to bring them food and medical supplies. Can you say biting the hand that feeds you?
Robin - just post what's in your heart.
Our local papers have been about 50/50 in printing the news about what's going on in Israel.
There was a good article by Charles Krauthammer (who's column is distributed by The Washington Post Group). He stated that "Some geopolitical conflicts are morally complicated, but the Israel-Gaza was is not. If possesses a moral clarity not only rare but excruciating. Israel is so scrupulous about civilian life that, risking the element of surprise, it contacts enemy noncombatants in advance to warn them of approaching danger. Hamas, which started this conflict with unrelenting rock and mortar attacks on unarmed Israelis - 6,464 launched from Gaza in the past three years - deliberately places its weapons in and near the homes of its own people."
Terrorism is terrorism! I just can't believe that American citizens can forget September 11th so quickly. It should be etched in all our hearts and minds. If we continue to "forget" history will continue to repeat itself over and over and over again.
My prayers are with you, Robin, and with your family and friends, and with Israel.
Post what you feel, we won't judge you eithr way. It's not good for your health to go 100% in either direction. You can't obsess about the war nor can you pretend it's not happening. Safety and best wishes. How are your children handling it?
Hi Robin,
It must feel so very strange to have such chaos going on so close to you, and yet still be living your daily life. I think you are handling things fine in your are a sensitive person and it always reflects in your entries. Anyway, I've thought of you so often lately and still worry, even when you tell us it's not that close to you.
On a separate note, thanks for the welcome comment in my was so exciting to have a comment, woo hoo! :) I thought about the picture also, but I think I have no clue how to do that! I have a lot of learning to do on this blogging biz.
Take care, my friend.
Robin, post what and when you feel you want to about what is happening. I prefer reading about it on you blog vs what is censored in print or on TV.
Just don't stop posting your photos! =)
I know that you always seem to post exactly what I need to read.......I wish you didn't have this delimma!
Such a good question. What is war etiquette? Not something we are taught. My suggestion would be to follow your heart. I know that I want to hear whatever is on your mind so if that is bombs and death, I am here, if its a beautiful moment with your kiddos, I want to hear all about it. Follow your heart and you can't go wrong.
Your photos is always!
Even I stopped my regular posts about dating to talk about the war. It just seemed so pointless to be talking about dates I had 3 years ago when all of this is happening. I guess it's one way to keep my mind off my recent breakup:-)
No matter what you write, people are going to worry, so my vote is that you write what you want, need and feel. Whatever you need to do to deal with all of this.
Don't know, my dear. I do know I check in with you often to learn how you are. I hope knowing how much we all care and are pulling for your country helps.
Robin, I think of you and your family every day. What would happen if everyone knew and loved someone on all sides of war??? Would we stop? Would we say no more? Robin, you write what ever you need to write. How could there be etiquette in the middle of something like this??? And I will read what you write, for you are my friend and matter to me. Sending my love your way... XO
We will read whatever you write. I'm sending all positive thoughts your way. Do tell us regularly that you are safe...I need to know that.
The picture is delightful, by the way.
i'm with leora - you answered your own question. i do, however, feel somewhat the same way. i feel silly bloggin about other things, but then again, life goes on and if it doesn't...they win, right?
Just...just keep posting so I know you and your family are ok. That's all I want, all I need. I know your country is at war, and that saddens and frightens me. Just hug your kids and let us know you're ok.
I had a dream last night that my family and I were in the middle of rockets falling. So, even if we are not really in the middle of it, we are all feeling it. Unfortunately for us in the North end life is going on a little too normally. But we do sympathize because we have been there. Even if you blog about life as usual, there will always be a little of what is going on in what you say, even if you don't say anything outright, because it effects us all whether we want it to or not.
I have been thinking of you since I first heard those terrible news...hope you and yours are safe.
I can't offer my advice about how you blog the war, but I know I will keep turning back to your writing for a more personal side of this conflict that continues on and on. I would think if your life is all war, then just talk about that. But if it's not, then add your perspective as it touches your life. It is hard for me to see the reality of war without such a perspective and yours will be valuable. Share on.
Bloggers are making up etiquette as we go. Just keep writing and keeping it real and relevant to you and yours. And we'll keep praying for you and your country.
Whoever said "just make sure you keep posting your photos too" I'm with them. you can't ignore what's happening, and suppressing it isn't healthy. We're here to listen, to offer comfort when we can, sympathy when we can't.
So vent as much as you need to. I can't speak for the rest, but I'll be here to listen. Seems the least I can do.
I think that anyone who doesn't understand why should read your post and how Israel has to cope every single niece is there right now..I am so sorry for everything you have to deal with and probably will for a very long time...Michelle..
I've been wondering about this too.
I tried ignoring the war, but I just could not anymore. I finally posted a short post, but it isn't really about what I think....
Blogging about that will make my tummy hurt (though I might have to do it to make my head stop hurting)
I don't know either, but you're asking the questions and that's all you can do. I always think, in the midst of tragedies and violence about how there are always people who just have to go on, live their lives the best they can with the pain and the fear.
Well I haven't got any answers but I thought this post was terrific--just keep doing more of this [she says selfishly].
I've also been wondering about this. My past few posts have been about the war. When I'm on the computer it's all I think about. I don't know the answer, but your blog is great, so I guess just keep doing what you're doing.
I would not expect you to ignore it.
I know many in the world expect you (your country) to ignore the rockets.
I just hope you're safe :-)
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