Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hamentaschen (updated with link to recipe)

Click to enlarge
Hamenstaschen are the three-cornered cookies traditionally eaten on the Jewish holiday of Purim, occuring on 11 March this year. And yes, I did notice that Maya was sneaking tastes of chocolate filling every chance she got.
Update: You asked (in comments), and you shall receive: I've posted the recipe here.
Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what everyone else isn't saying this week.


Leora said...

Ah, the chocolate goopy Israeli syrup kind. Very kid-friendly. They look yummy.

Robin said...

More "frosting-y" than syrupy - it's the same stuff they spread on bread for sandwiches (which this mean mom won't buy for my kidsj, bad enough they get it in their afternoon program some days). It stayed pretty solid after baking :).

And yup, they were pretty yummy. I'm on a diet and it's taking all of my willpower not to go scarf one down right now.

Janet said...

oooh what fun!

Anonymous said...

I bet the kids LOVE making those...mmmm. Dang, I'm gonna have to go buy chocolate!

josie2shoes said...

Some of my best childhood memories are of baking with my Mom. This looks like lots of messy, delicious fun, and that's the best kind!

josie2shoes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Aww, man! I was going to make some on Sunday, but we might be road tripping to my new cousin's bris. Apricot's the big hit over here; we don't have cool chocolate fillings. :(

Sara Elizabeth said...

Those look so yummy. I would have been sneaking chocolate too.

Happy WW!

Phyllis Sommer said...

i never thought of putting that stuff into hamantaschen. i'm so buying some for my preschoolers at our local israeli grocery store...

i love her little sneaking finger....

anymommy said...

Mmmmmmmmm. Absolutly love Maya caught with her hand in the filling jar!!

Anonymous said...

The chocolate spread inside the cookies are making me drool :P

Anonymous said...

Maya already knows what's good. I'd be doing the same thing. That's a fun picture.

Terri said...

Oh, I love Hamenstaschen! Time to do some baking! I've never had them with chocolate; and since I'm allergic to chocolate, I'll stick with the prunes and walnuts. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yum...

Anonymous said...

Very appetizing! Great shots.

SandyCarlson said...

They look really, really good--so unlike the ones I have made!

Anonymous said...

Can't really blame her! I'd do the same too! :-)

Beth F said...

I love hamenstaschen. My grandmother used to make them every year.

jams o donnell said...

Ooh they look tasty. If I were Maya I would have been sneaking the filling too!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Mmmm, they look delicious!! :D

Anonymous said...

I love this with the finger going into the jar..Your kids are beautiful Robin... Michelle

maryt/theteach said...

Mmmm, looks delish, Robin! I'll be by for coffee...

Indrani said...

They seem to have turned out well.

Julia Phillips Smith said...


Anonymous said...

gah! torture by cookie! i'm starving!

Jientje said...

I LOVE that first picture!!!

The cookies look yummie, are you going to post the recipe?

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Ohhh I just learned something new, Mmmm... they look so good. Happy WW

Kim said...

Those look good Robin......is that Nutella?


Anonymous said...

You can't beat chocolate, although poppy seed is good too.

I posted a WW today. Please feel free to visit (http://tinyurl.com/ameerb), and enter my contest while you’re there. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

They sound and look delicious. Just enough chocolate peeking out of the middle to drive me insane!!!

Daryl said...

Home baked hamenstaschen must be amazing .. sadly the ones in the bakery are not so tasty ... but then no one made them like my Grandma Sophie who also made the most delicious ruggala ...

Carol Anne said...

oooo I love hamenstachen! There is a great place in Baltimore that has them year round. Haven't found any really good ones here. Can you share a recipe?

Robin said...

I'll post the recipe a bit later - it will be in a new post but I'll add a link to the bottom of this one as well.

If you want to try one Mary you're going to have to use the recipe - ours are all gone already :-). (Next batch to follow this weekend, in preparation for the mishloach manot (treat bags) that both kids need to bring to school on Sunday.)

Anonymous said...

They look fab! The least you could have done was send one to each of your commentors (is that a word?)

Anonymous said...

We'll be baking our hamentaschen this weekend. I make a lot of fruit flavored ones (raspberry, lemon, cherry and strawberry) but my personal favorite are the almond/chocolate chip ones I invented. You used that canned Solo almond paste, not the marzipan kind, and then add a few chocolate chips before folding. TO DIE FOR!

I just wish I could figure out a way to keep the lemon curd from running, which it does every year. But they're so good I have to keep making them.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Here in Australia Hamen's ears are the go in the Jewish community, which I live amongst. I'm trying to think with my incredibly lazy, sleep deprived head, whether Hamentaschen are made here too. Will make a stop at the Kosher bakery to check this out. :)

Robin said...

Hamentaschen and Haman's Ears ("Oznei Haman") are the same thing - just two different names. Hamentaschen originally comes from the Ashkenazi (Eastern European) tradition while Haman's Ears is the name used in Israel and by the Sephardi Jewish community :).

It go late here. I'll post my recipe tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

ooo..I am hungry just simply looking at these! Oh and I love the pic of your kitchen - I wish I had one just like that! Awesome...

Mojo said...

Looks mighty tasty. And obviously it's a hit with the littles. Sort of like chocolate baklava... without all the work.

Nalini Prasanna said...

Looks so yummy, thanks for the recipe, will try this in my spring break :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Had these this month. Although the one I ate had a raspberry filling. Yummy! Looks like fun to make.