Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tulip Fields

Click to enlarge
This is actually my mother's photograph from my parents' recent trip to Holland, but oh how I wish it was mine and that I'd been there to see it with my own eyes. I usually post my own work here but this was too beautiful not to share.
Visit Wordless Wednesday for more pictures that speak for themselves.


Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'm glad you posted it, too!

Dora said...

I'm seeing rainbow on land! Can't believe it. ;)

kayerj said...

that would be a sight to see, just beautiful!

Sara Chapman said...

A couple of hours north of Seattle is a tulip festival every spring that looks like this, the Skagit Valley Tulip thing. Holland is probably closer to you, though. A sight worth travelling to, I think!

Unknown said...

Wow! That's a field full of colors :)

Stan said...

Gorgeous picture. There is a place like that in southern California, near the town of Lompoc.

Daisy Deadhead said...

That is just stunning!

For the dog people!

Anonymous said...

Are they flowers? Still, what a very nice photo. :)

Randall said...

Magnificent. Are they tulips?

Sara Elizabeth said...

That is so beautiful! I wish I was there to see it too. A trip to Holland is officially a must now. hehe

Truly lovely photo. Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

jams o donnell said...

Excellent shot. I love the colours and the composition. Happy WW

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Could you imagine flying over sucha tapestry. Incredible.

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!!
I'll love to be able to witness this gorgeous sea of tulips!!
I envy your parents so much :)
Have a good week Robin :)

Kelly said...

So gorgeous. We have some close by to me and I forgot to and get some picutres of it. At least I can look at this one

Indrani said...

I am glad you shared.
It is extremely beautiful!

Gilit Frank said...

Gorgeous- does Holland still import bulbs from Israel and then grow them in Holland? I think I heard that once and was surprised....maybe it was another type of flower

the monkeys' mama said...

ohh we've been to Holland during tuilp season and it is simply remarkable. Thanks for sharing and i hope you get to visit Holland soon!

Beth F said...

I'm so happy you shared this photo. I love The Netherlands and I encourage you to go, tulip season or not.

Robin said...

I have been Beth, although quite a while ago. It's a wonderful country to visit. Someday though I definitely want to make it there during tulip season!

Mojo said...

Speaks for itself... yes it does. Amazing!

Dina said...

How true!

Come up to Jerusalem sometime to see the Binyanei HaUma Roman kilns.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I agree thank you

Cheryl Pitt said...

That is so gorgeous! I went to the Netherlands in fall 2005, I want to go back and see the fields in spring!

Brooke said...

My mother went and she told me about the miles of beautiful flowers... Pictures can't capture how beautiful they are in real life.. How I long to see them... You mother took a wonderful picture

amanda guthrie said...

Gorgeous color, In Calif we have about 2 weeks of Spring and then slam into Summer so seeing sights like this are refreshing!

Claremont First Ward said...

Amazing. When I lived in ORegon, I went to this tulip farm every spring where there were acres and acres of tulips just like these.

followthatdog said...

Beautiful. When you see photos like that is it no wonder so much important European art came out of the Netherlands.

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Stunning ~ Went thru Holland once and saw a few of the tulips! So beautiful!!!

Daryl said...

This is a wonderful shot ..

Leora said...

Your mother has a great eye for color! What a beckoning scene.

cafe au lait said...

Beautiful! I'm glad you posted it. TFS!

Janet said...

so beautiful!!!

Phyllis Sommer said...

beautiful picture! i wondered where you got such gorgeous fields of tulips in israel....then, of course, i read the words. i'm slow:-)

Anonymous said...

It's really amazing! I live in Holland for a few years and Spring is my favorite season coz of the tulips;)

The Pinay Blogger

Melissa said...

Simply gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing with us.

BK said...

Wow, all that are tulips? It must be a very beautiful sight.

Anonymous said...

My brother is stationed in Germany and he and his wife toddled on over there to see them. {lucky poopheads} This weekend they're going to Istanbul {again, lucky poopheads}. Oh well, do it while you're young and childless and living overseas...LOL!
Those tulips are just beautiful.

anymommy said...

Your photos are always gorgeous - this one just radiates joy. What color, thanks for posting it.

Grace @ Sandier Pastures said...

Soo beautiful! I've seen those tulip fields while in Holland (Keukenhof Gardens) in the spring of 2006! I'd love to go there again.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty. We have a Tulip festival near us. I'm not much of a flower person but I do love to go walking through all the colorful fields. Happy WW! ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Sure is a pretty sight!

Libby's Library said...

Going to Holland has been on my wish list for as long as I can remember! The flowers...oh to see those flower. Thanks for sharing:-)

bichonpawz said...

This is FABULOUS! I would love to see it in person! Your mom took a terrific pic!! Thanks for sharing!