Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dusty Window

Caught in Tel Aviv a while back
Forgive me if I'm slow answering comments lately, I'm actually reading a book! An actual book. With pages. A whole series of them in fact. I was looking for something to read about two weeks ago and on a whim decided to reread Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander (yes, of Russell Crowe fame, but the movie is actually drawn from a number of different volumes of the series, leading to some confusion as I reread them), but of course O'Brian cleverly ends each volume with the lead-in to the next installment in the series and before I knew it one thing had led to another and I'm now on the 13th book in the 21-volume series. Happily (but impractically) we already owned them all so there has been nothing to stop me from racing helter-skelter from one to the other. I remembered just enough from my first read years ago to entice me ahead, not enough to allow me the rest that comes from knowing what's ahead.
I so rarely take the time to completely immerse myself in a really good story these days, I'd forgotten how much I love it, and how overwhelmingly consuming it becomes.
So, what has consumed you lately? Where has your passion taken you?


Anonymous said...

A book? what's a book? LOL. Good for you. Life consumes me. I just take it and do with it what presents itself to me :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your book(s).
I like your shot!

Cheryl Pitt said...

Great shot! You can see them so clearly! I love the fuzzy shapes in the background.

quilly said...

I, too, have been reading lately - -and writing things other than blog posts!

Leora said...

Something eerie about your probably was done so innocently, but I see like a Holocaust remembrance symbol. Sheesh, I can read into any image.

Enjoy the book!

Anonymous said...

I love to read and agree that a good book can really take you to another place where nothing else seems to matter. I usually look forward to winter thinking I'll have all this fabulous time to read and then reality takes over. Enjoy your book!

Gypsy Lala said...

This window is interesting.

Maurice Lauher said...

Dusty windows often
serve as billboards
for our imaginations.

Nice photo - keep on reading

Lew said...

Your graffiti is nicer than most of ours! Marianne reads a lot, I take pictures.

VioletSky said...

They should keep going - it looks like there's plenty of room for more artwork!

Daryl said...

I love when a book pulls you in so deep time passes unnoticed passion of late has been getting out and taking pix of the last of the summer flowers ... and ridding our apartment of carpet moths which BTW do not eat JUST carpets but cashmere sweaters and any other item of clothing that contains really good wool or cashmere .. sigh

moneythoughts said...

I just received a new book for my birthday to read too. I plan to mention it in my blog today. I like the photo, and yet the fuzzy image in the lower right hand corner disturbs me for some reason.

imom said...

I love that photo!! Books always devour my time and I love it. Enjoy getting lost in words!

Suki said...

When I was reading The Sword and Scimitar I got so engrossed in it that I just forgot about everything around me and kept reading it any time I could. ( It has over 400 pages)

Anonymous said...

A very simple, interesting, and speaking Window View.

I'm determined to read a great deal more this fall and winter, or die trying :-). Lots of non-fiction! I've found this week that if I workout in the morning, I can sit still long enough to read for an hour or two in the afternoon. (Hyperactivity is an issue here...but I love books!)

Josie Ray

kayerj said...

I love your dusty windows, since the weather cooled my windows have become covered with little tiny handprints of my little guy who is yearning to be outside. I have a rule he can't go out before the sun has had time to warm the air up. He pretty much takes all my time. enjoy your reading time.

Ellie said...

Very patriotic picture - I like the feeling of a real person behind it - finger in the dust expressing passion. I am tempted to look at a book, but I stop existing until I finish the book - not sleeping - jumping to the end and back.

Annie Jeffries said...

I didn't know Master and Commander was a book, let a series of 21 books. I'm an avid reader so I have only one thing to say - "Read ON!!"

Patti said...

A book? I feel guilty that I don't read fiction. I'd be so much more well-rounded..

As to the window art, someone must have suddenly had the urge to express him or herself, I suppose.

Great capture,

Patti said...
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•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

I have a few windows that need attention also, but my fingers are too busy typing :-)

Dimple said...

Hi Robin-This is an evocative picture with the raindrop marks in the dust, the Stars of David, and the indistinct lighter colored portion at the bottom. I like it!

I also have been reading more. I just finished "Gertruda's Oath" by Ram Oren. I recommend it! It is a true story of the terrors and heroism found during the Holocaust. It is also a story of the heights and depths man can reach.

Thanks for the visit!

Shannon said...

I often forget how sweet the pleasure of curling up with a good book can be. Enjoy my friend!

Jientje said...

I'm way behind on commenting and blog reading as it is, books would only make it worse! Like Thom says, life consumes me. And getting ready for my trip of course!

annies home said...

my children, my church and the youth at church have consumed my time

Mojo said...

Lately? I've been wrapped up in promoting and documenting Domestic Violence Awareness Month in various ways. And keeping up with a couple of blogger friends going through some particularly difficult stretches. And ... well, a few family affairs all of which have conspired to keep me pretty much below the radar for the last couple of weeks.

I L.O.V.E. this photo. I can't even say why for sure, I just do. Perhaps the simplicity of it, or the sentiment, or... I just do.

maryt/theteach said...

Oh it's been so long since I've been able to immerse my self in a book just for enjoyment (I'm ALWAYS reading for my lit classes. Lucky you, robin! Love the window shot! :)