I seem to have misplaced mine. Ten straight days of illness and I've turned into a self-obsessed mommyblogger who can talk about nothing else but her children and their illnesses. Gah. I'm boring even myself at this point. I suppose I should at least be thankful that they're old enough that I don't have to talk about potty training...
Seriously, this bout of the plague has just sucked the life out of me. Between the relentlessness of sick kids and sick me and the unbelievably crappy stormy weather that I'm not allowed to complain about because we need the rain oh so badly I am in dire straits. I haven't touched my camera, or really even been tempted to, in days. I pointed out a pretty cloud to Maya today and she actually asked me why I wasn't photographing it. I'm keeping my head above water workwise, but barely, and that's pretty much using up any stray brain cells I've got left. I'm telling you, I'm a zombie. These night wakeups are killing me, it's like having a newborn again, and if I wasn't convinced before that I'm too old for that (I am, and I was) I sure as hell am now. Good god...
I'm hoping to get Maya back to school for the morning (I really NEED to get Maya back to school for the morning, I have to go run a meeting while she's there) but I suspect that a full day is still too much for her and she'll be back home again for the afternoon.
I also really, really, REALLY need a chance to take my camera and get the family outdoors this weekend to recharge all our depleted batteries and relight my creative fires but last time I checked the weather they were calling for strong winds and cold cloudy weather.
Great. Just great.
Gah. I'm even boring myself. I have GOT to get rid of this cabin fever and get out of the house to do something that doesn't involve a meeting of any kind.
That, and I have GOT to get some sleep.
And on that oh so interesting note, it's time for bed. I apologize to everyone I haven't gotten around to visit, I have the staying power of a flea at the moment. I'll be by as soon as I can.