Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - Loon on the Big Lake

We're having a wonderful time here in New Hampshire enjoying family, watching cousins pick up right where they left off a year ago, eating ourselves silly (yikes) and staying away from the computer so we can really enjoy this gorgeous New England summer. This little corner of the world truly is paradise - at least for 2 months of the year ;).

Today's agenda included watching Maya and my niece in a play (skit) at theater camp, peanut butter fudge ice cream (and no I didn't share, the kids had huge scoops of their own choice of flavors (and by the way, cotton candy ice cream is in fact as awful as it sounds)), and an afternoon of boating on the big lake, capped off by watching this beautiful guy diving for his (her?) dinner.

So what have you been up to this week?



deedee said...

Working, but now I'm off to Italy for a week!
Sounds like you are having a good time! All the best,

Tania said...

Sounds like a great life! Beautiful bird in your photo.
Have a happy week Robin:-)

kayerj said...

enjoy your vacation :)

Carletta said...

Just catching up and 'listening' to what you've been up to. Sounds delightful! I've only been to New England once and I loved it.
Enjoy your time with family.

Carletta said...

Sorry Robin, the first link is wrong. I added the correct one.

Yosefa said...

Ew! My daughter picked cotton candy last time I took her out AND she wanted to share. And I forgot my wallet and my daughter only had enough cash for two cones (none for me).

I read a really long article about Loons in American Scientist yesterday. Did you see any loon fights? Did you know that older male loons will fight to the death to protect a good territory?

Leora said...

Sounds like you are having a grand time. Love the light in your shot.

Daryl said...

My shot was taken walking along the riverside .. the Hudson River .. that shell of itself was once a tower that lifted cargo off train barges ...

Daryl said...

AND today I am directing everyone to my other blog where I am shamelessly promoting my talented husband's latest video .. come see

Come Away With Me said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your New England summer.

Mama Pajama said... I'm missing Vermont! nice loon! : )

Mimi said...

Peanut butter fudge ice cream? Oh, you've won me over!
Boating on the lake sounds fun too!
I'm glad you're having such a good holiday.

catsynth said...

Looks like a gorgeous day on the lake. And I agree, peanut butter fudge ice cream is great - and I've never had cotton candy ice cream but it sounds awful.