Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Thursday Thirteen - My 20th, Their 100th!

In honor of the 100th edition of Thursday Thirteen, I'd like to share 13 great bloggers I've "met" through TT (in no particular order). Their lists that have made me laugh, or cry, or think, or just ponder a bit, but they're always worth a read:

1. West of Mars - what can I say about Susan, Trevor and the gang? This is definitely one of the cleverest blogs out there. If you haven't yet had the pleasure you don't know what you're missing!

2. Shelly from This Eclectic Life. A storyteller turned blogger extraordinaire. Running the gamut from riotously funny to poignant, Shelly will have you begging for more.

3. Uisce - in addition to pouring out his soul online, he gets extra points for great spelling.

4. Vader's Mom - always has a virtual smile and a friendly comment, with the cutest dog around (I love the puppy pictures she just shared for his birthday)

5. Nicholas at A Gentleman's Domain - great, creative lists. There's always something there to peak your curiosity.

6. Gattina - a Belgian take on things, funny quotes, travel pictures and more.

7. Himself from More Hockey Less War - I don't follow the local politics he's been writing about lately, but on the whole what more does the world need than more hockey and less war? Works for me. And, his banner has a graphic of a skating Che Guevara!

8. Christine from Are We There Yet? - one of the all-around sweetest bloggers I know, with a smile you can't help but return.

9. Janet from Fond of the Beach - she'll always be Fond of Snape to me.

10. Lady G from A Knight's Lady - her deep and intense love for her husband and family paint a lovely portrait of what's truly important in life

11. She of The Screaming Pages - Interesting stuff, great reader, and what's more, she put her money body where her mouth is and went to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Plus, she's got an awesome banner.

12. Amy from AmyHabla - go give her some love, things aren't turning out as she'd planned.

13. And of course Michelle over at Scribbit. I didn't meet Michelle at TT. In fact, I don't remember how I found her blog, but her blog is where I first heard about TT (and all sorts of other great things), and now here I am, 20 weeks in and going strong. Thanks Michelle!

Thanks everyone for enriching my blogging life, and here's to the next 100!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


MaR said...

I know some bloggers from your fine list. I have also "met" wonderful people through TT, that's why I keep writing my lists :)
happy thirteening!

Anonymous said...

I've read quite a few of these, too -- great blogs, great people!

Happy TT to you! :)

Tink said...

I agree with you: great blogs! Long live TT. :-)
Mine is about handfasting.

Dewey said...

A couple of these are my favorites, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Great list of bloggers. I have some of those list on my TT also!!! Happy TT!

Natalie said...

I've read some of those blogs - good ones, I agree! :)

Happy TT!

Special K ~Toni said...

I agree with your list! I read a few of these and they are fab!

Air Force Wife
Check out my contest!

Jenny McB said...

Good list, a lot of my favorites also.
Love your title banner!

Gina said...

I am a regular visitor of both Scribbit and Lady G's blogs. I have come across a lot of wonderful & interesting blogs thru T13!
Happy T13-ing!

Nancy said...

Good list, I have to stop reading links, I get so "attached" , lol

I clicked on Waiting for Sophie from your blog the other night and had to read the whole thing from beginning to end to Ollie! Beautiful story.

Your blog is one I now have to read daily.


DK said...

Thanks for this great list. I found some wonderful new blogs to explore! Happy TTing, and stop by for a visit whenever you're in the neighborhood!
A Flyover Blog

Jenny said...

Oh I love visiting Shelly over at This Eclectic Life!

Ingrid said...

Thank you very much ! It makes me very happy that you like what I write !

Miscellaneous-Mum said...

Hmm...I don't know a lot of those. How could I have missed out I wonder?!?!

Robin said...

Happy reading everyone :).

Nancy, that's exactly what happened to me the first time I read Shana's blog. I read one post, and then found myself sitting for hours reading from start to finish! What an amazing family, and what an amazing mama.

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

I'm a fan of Christine as well! Great list.

Anonymous said...

Some of them are my favorites too :)

Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

I'm still relatively new to TT, so I DON'T know most of the bloggers on your list, but now I have a good starting point for whom to read. :)

Anonymous said...

And thank you for letting me meet you today through TT - What a great way to meet interesting people!

Anonymous said...

Great TT. I know a few of these bloggers but will have to check out the rest. Thanks for introducing them.

Kellie said...

I read some of the blogs that you have listed and I agree that they are great blogs!!

Anonymous said...

Scribbit is the best! I see I need to get out more, I haven't heard of a lot of these bloggers. Great list. Happy 100th TT Celebration!

Suprina said...

Robin-Love your list. You are the FIRST blog I go to in the mornings. You and several other bloggers have inspired me to keep at blogging. It is SO addictive! But such a great outlet for a mother that doesn't get much adult interaction!

Jeremy Lowe said...

Bookmarked this so I can visit the 11 I have not been to. Thanks and happy tt

Anonymous said...

Great list of blogs! Happy TT!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

My legs are cramped, I've got a headache, my cats missed me overnight, I'm famished, and there's a HUGE and violent thunderstorm overhead ... and I'm so pleased to be on your list, amid so many great bloggers who I, too, really like that none of it matters.

You've made my day, woman. Thanks!

Mercy's Maid said...

Great minds think alike. Well, not exactly alike, but our posts this week are similar. Happy Thursday!

Lori said...

Im Lori....nice to meet you:) Happy TT.

L^2 said...

I regularly visit many of the TTers on your list, but I'll definitely have to check out the rest.
Happy TT and thanks for visiting mine. :-)

Lexa Roséan said...

great list and good luck with your travels. have a great time.

The Daily Matters said...

Good list! Thanks for stopping by and for the warm welcome.

Susan Demeter said...

Great list! Thank you for stopping by, and happy TT!

Crissybug said...

I been to a few of those bloggers pages. I will have to check ou the others. Thanks for the insight.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Thank you!

I read a lot of these as well, but I've bookmarked this and I'll come back and check out the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

Your so sweet. Thanks for the mention.

I've read quite a few of these blogs too. They are some great bloggers.

Happy TT to you! :)

Spy Scribbler said...

I'm in love with The Screaming Page's layout! Great list. I love Susan's Trevor, too! And all the others, of course!

Happy TT 100!

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic list... you really put some effort into it! Thanks!!!

Scribbit said...

Well aren't you sweet to say that! Thanks so much I had no idea I was in part responsible for your great TTs!

And the admiration is mutual :)

Anonymous said...

Some of my fave blogs there. And Many thanks for including me. I'm very flattered!

Anonymous said...

I've poked around in a couple of those too--it's a small wonderful world in the blogosphere. :)

New TTer

Janet said...

Here you mention me, and I'm a day (hahaha WEEK) late and a dollar short! Thanks for including me, and I'll always be fondofsnape!!! I miss him on my blog :(

Mercy's Maid said...

I'm a reader of some of those blogs as well. You have good taste. :)

Your Mr. Linky isn't working. :( Maybe you forgot to change the date in the code for this week?

Mercy's Maid said...

Nevermind! This is last week's entry. I can read. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the nod! And sorry about all the local politics. :)

I'll be back to posting about hockey soon!