Sunday, November 4, 2007


If I had enough
I could quit this working thing
And blog all day long

But until that happens, I'll be scarce. My parents are in town visiting and I'm trying to compress my normal work hours into just a few days so that I can have time to spend with them. I'm blogging and visiting when I can, but for the most part my limited computer time is sadly crammed full of OPC (other people's crap). Between that and my upcoming trip to Florence (just 4 more days(!!), after which I should return with my creative batteries recharged and my soul brimming over with beauty to share) I'll be scarce this week.

Look here to see what people with time to heed their muse had to say about money.


Jo said...

A funny response! If I don't speak to you before have a great time in Florence.

DJPare said...

OPC - I like that!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Have a great time in Florence! I love Italy!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Woohoo for Italy! Of course I'm partial ;)

Buon viaggio!

josie2shoes said...

I'm with you, Robin - wouldn't it be fun to blog all day with no financial worries? I hope you have an AWESOME time in Florence, we'll be eager for the pictures!

Gill said...

Have a wonderful time in Florence!

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

Have a great time in Florence!! I am jealous as we haven't made it there yet.

Jen said...

I hope you have the best vacation ever! And wouldn't it be great to just blog all day long - no life responsibilites!!

Anonymous said...

Commence the count down!!

Have an unforgettable time and a nice visit with your family!

Jen said...

It's so hard having company, especially when you're trying to get outta town yourself! (BDTD) Have a great trip! I'd love to go to Florence...heck, I'd love to just have a quiet night in a hotel! LOL

Anonymous said...

Have a god trip. You will be missed!

Lea said...

Robin, you are going to have an amazing, beautiful, inspiring time!!! I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Take these two urls/numbers with you, tucked into your folder with tickets and other reservations. Hopefully, you will not need them! We got caught in the Air France strike and this made ALL the difference when we needed to scramble for hotels and return tickets.

See you around the island when you get back!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip! and come back with great stories for us!

Anonymous said...

How lovely, Robin. Have a wonderful holiday, be safe...and watch the money you spend and dont let it come back to bite you..;)
I am sure you will :) Take care, UL

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your well-deserved and hopefully rejuvenating time in Florence! :)