Thursday, November 22, 2007

TT - Florence Photo Blogging

This week I've got a photo list for you. These are 13 of the photos I took during my trip to Florence last week. I've selected them to show a diverse slice of Florentine life. I don't know how many people will actually see them with it being Thanksgiving, but I wanted to share my visual impressions of this magnificent city now while they're still fresh in my mind. It was so hard to choose just 13... If you'd like to read more about our trip just click on the "Florence" tag down at the bottom of this post. I'll be writing more about it and sharing more photos over the coming weeks, so check back often.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Happy TT, and happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today. (Since Thanksgiving is a regular work day here in Israel we'll be celebrating on Saturday with a whole host of good friends and a turkey dinner complete with all the trimmings.)


Gattina said...

Your pictures are beautiful ! I have such a nice souvenir of "Firenze" ! Mr. Gattino being Italian, you can imagine that I know Italy, lol !

Natalie said...

For some reason my computer won't let me see them. :( But I bet they're beautiful! I would love to visit Italy...someday, someday. :)

My TT is up

Anonymous said...

Too bad I can't view your pics!! Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

wonderful pictures! I am very jealous.

Linda R. Moore said...

I can't view them ... I don't have the required plugin.

Happy TT and Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a whole buttload of TTs this week:

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

those photos are stunning happy thanksgiving for Saturday

Zenmomma said...

Those are amazing photos! The markets look so wonderful. The colors!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, lovely. I really enjoyed those. They are of gorgeous quality and there's so much in some of them (for example, in one photo I could see the statues in the archways of a tower high above the ground). What a wonderful T13...

Denise Patrick said...

Beautiful pictures. It's been over 30 years since I was last in Florence. Maybe it's time to go again!

Thanks for visiting my TT!

Pieces of Me said...

Those photos are gorgeous; The last one really caught me. Florence hasn't changed.

Tink said...

I can't see the pictures either. Pity, 'cause I'd love to!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for visiting my random TT.

Kate said...

Beautiful photos.

MaR said...

I love Florence! every corner, every piece of architecture and the wonderful sound of the church bells...
Great pictures, I remember reading something about the locks, don't couples do that and throw the key in the river??
Happy TT and happy Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday!

Head Gaggler said...

Beautiful pics.

Robin said...

I'm sorry that so many of you can't see the pictures. I wonder why that is.

Mar - yes, that's the story with the locks. Hokey, but very romantic.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to Florence for about 15 years, but your photos took me right back there. Thank you so much for sharing them!
Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the chancy Italian fall weather cooperated with you guys. Glad you had such a great trip. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

I'm so jealous I don't think I want to look at the pictures. LOL No, really what a fantastic trip.

Shesawriter said...

What a great list of pics! Wish I'd been there. Beautiful architecture!

Happy TT and Happy Turkey day!


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Those are incredible, Robin!! SO no fair I couldn't go with you -- maybe one day when the kids are older, our families will meet somewhere for a vacation. That would be way fun!

Nancy said...

Your photos are just beautiful. I have never been to Europe, and I get goose bumps when I see pictures of what I have missed, so far.

Have a happy Thanksgiving Saturday, and be thankful everyday =)

Anonymous said...

Oh how I'd love to go there! BEAUTIFUL!!

Kim said...

Beautiful Robin, just beautiful. I can imagine going back in time when I see those pictures of the beautiful buildings. Adding Florence to my list of dream places to go. Can't wait to see more!!

Cynthia said...

I went to Florence many years ago...One of the best trips of my life! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Happy TT!

jayedee said...

glorious photos! hoping you and yours have a wonderful thanksgiving full of blessings and good food!

Lori said...

Great pics:) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Awwww..Robin, it says No Photos Found! Wonder why I can't see them!
I'm sure they are gorgeous.
Wanted to wish you Happy Thanksgiving, and have a wonderful weekend!

Darla said...

It's been a while since we've been in Florence--but some of it still looks pretty familiar--the market, especially. Thanks for the memories!

Anonymous said...

So jealous. I'll check back to read the details of your trip. The hubs and I would like to go there someday.

Thanks for stopping by my TT, too.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Amy Ruttan said...

Gorgeous. You lucky duck. One day I'll get there. HAPPY TT!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I'm so thrilled you chose to share.

I'll check back regularly to see more. :)

Happy Thursday :)


deedee said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Harlekwin said...

Great minds have been thinking alike today! These are wonderful. I don't know why I was so enchanted by all the brass locks, but I was. Perhaps, it had to do with the colors and the composition and the fact that each one represented an unknown person.

Regarding the inability of some of your visitors to view the slide show you posted today, it may be because it is a flash player. I have started using the Pictobrowser because it loads much better and lets the viewer choose the speed of the images. Here's a link so you can try it next time!

Happy TT and Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great celebration on Saturday. Oh, and thank you for visiting and commenting at my site today.

My Busy Life said...

Incredible photos! What kind of camera do you have? I am no photographer, but I do enjoy great photos. These are amazing! Thanks for sharing, if you want, come read my boring TT:

Marilyn said...

Someday I'd like to travel... I can't see the pictures but in my imagination they look perfect.

tanabata said...

Those are great photos, and they brought back some nice memories. We visited Florence a few years ago for a couple of days. Thanks! Happy TT!

Robin said...

Thanks for the heads up Harlekwin, I'll give that one a try next time.

Mocha Mom - it's just a Canon PowerShot A540, nothing fancy. In fact, indoors it takes lousy pictures but it does usually come through outdoors. I'd love to upgrade someday though...

My Busy Life said...

Well I didn't expect that from a Canon, I know my gf has one and it takes great outdoor photos too. Maybe my next TT I will post some of my favorite photos that I have taken. Thanks for answering my question, it is always nice to know what others use to get their good photos.

Anonymous said...

You are truly talented - those photos are beautiful. I must go to Florence now.

Happy Thanksgiving this Saturday, and thanks for a great post.

Carol Anne said...

Robin these are gorgeous! They could be post cards! You have an amazing camera or amazing skill or both!

Robin said...

Neither - I just limited it to 13 pictures out of 142 LOL. Anyone can be good with odds like that.

Lea said...

Such beautiful pictures Robin... Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Jo said...

Great photos. Makes me nostalgic.

Janet said...

who was that handsome man washing his hands in the fountain?

Cute teensy yellow car!

WOW! Love the locks picture :-)

Robin said...

Some street vendor, no one I know. You'll have to go there and track him down for yourself ;-).

Jenn said...

Your pictures bring back so many memories! I hope we can back in a couple of years. Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends Saturday.

Fourier Analyst said...

I remember seeing these but I did not stop to comment (sorry). I recognize almost all the same photos as from our trip, but as it was in April and the weather gods were not happy, most of our pics are gray and washed out! Looks like you had a great trip! I am so pleased. But tell me, did it stink? When we were there that was the first thing we noticed. It was not pleasant, even though the sights were beautiful! Funny what kinds of things influence the memories you have of a place!!