Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Hannukah

It's 4:10 in the afternoon. The light is beginning to fade. In just a few moments two very excited children are going to come running through the door, and a little while after that it will be time to kindle the first of the Hannukah lights.

Happy Hannukah to all who are celebrating tonight. May all of your weeks be happy and bright (and may all your sufganiyot be light!)

PS In retrospect, the effects of giving her a magic wand at the same time that he received a ball should have been predictable. Isn't the 11th commandment "thou shall not play baseball in the living room"? Luckily, we ended it before anything got broken LOL.


Nancy said...

Happy Hannukah to you and your family Robin!

Maddy said...

Huh! When I read 4:10 I assumed it was morning! Eek.

Happy Hannukah to you all.
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

Janet said...

Happy Hannukah to you and your family :-)

Robin said...

Nope, 4:10pm. It was 16:10 for all you non-Americans :).

Head Gaggler said...

Happy Hanukkah!!!

Pieces of Me said...


Jo said...

Happy hannukah. Eat some yummy food for me!

Anonymous said...

Happy Hanukkah!
My boy can't wait for tonight.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Happy Hanukkah, darling!!!

Jen said...

Happy Hannukah! :) (I have a funny story for you someday; I really need to find some Jewish friends so A has a better understanding of Jewish holidays. LOL)

Mel said...

Happy Hannukah Robin and family!

Anonymous said...

Happy Hannukah, and may there always be light for you :)


Fairly Odd Mother said...

Happy Hannukah to you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe that commandment is "thou shalt not play with ANY ball in the house". At least that's what it is at our house.

I'm very stuffed. Latkes. So freaking good. Tomorrow is the sufganiyot. I can't handle both in the same night. My son thinks his stomach is going to explode. :-)

Happy Chanukkah to you, too Robin.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! :) Happy Hannukah!

Beau Brackish said...

Happy Hanukkah Robin, to you and yours from me and mine!

Scribbit said...

Hope your family has a wonderful Hannukah--

Hope that you're heading towards a wonderful year too.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Hannukah Robin!
