Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cleaning foam bath toys?

It's backwards week again at Rocks In My Dryer's WFMW, which means that I get a chance to ask for tips instead of giving them, and I've definitely could use some good ideas for this one.

How do you clean foam bath toys?

We've got a ton of them - a set of sea creatures, a pair of faces with assorted features (think two-dimensional Mr. Potato Head), and a new set of foam "paper dolls". The problem is that after a while these foam toys start getting very grungy looking. I'm no germaphobe, but even to me it seems like bathing with something covered in mystery mold is probably not a good idea.

I've tried running them through the washing machine with a bunch of bleach and that helps a bit, but it still doesn't get them really clean, especially the older ones. Other than the grunge they're in great shape and played with often, I'd hate to throw them out but if I can't get them cleaner I'm not going to have a choice.

So, any bright ideas out there?


Phyllis Sommer said...

scrub 'em in the kitchen sink with a scrub brush? at least you'll know they're clean but grubby looking...

hope your week is going better...

Anonymous said...

How about through the washing machine with a towel? Maybe the towel would help scrub off some of the grime. I need to do this...and toss the squirty ones; they're all gross inside.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it'll make them look clean but you can use vinegar as a natural disinfectant that will remove mildew without destroying the foam toys.

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

I agree with sugarplum - maybe just a good soak in something and then another good washing.

Carol Anne said...

yep, we soak ours in vinegar. Works for most of them.

Shannon said...

I chuck the moldy looking ones so I am interested to read all of the answers too! Apparently vinegar is the way to go. Cool!

Anonymous said...

that's the kind of thing i'd have to google! i am no help...

Toto said...

Try the dishwasher.........I actually did a whole load of our CROCS a while back and it worked really well! They of course didn't STAY dirty, but they were really clean when the wash finished!

Robin said...

Vinegar's gotten the most votes so I'm going to start with that - I'll let you know how it works :).

Thanks everyone.

Jenn said...

Thanks for you baby sign tip for me. We call nursing Momma Milk because of the grocery store scenerio.

I'm thinking the washing machine for the toys. I only have plastic bath toys, so I'm not sure. But that's what we do with sponges.

Another thought might be to soak them in a vinegar, water solution. And then rinse, of course!

SandyCarlson said...

We never got past the "been here too long" and "ewwww" phase to even try cleaning them! Good luck.

Niki Jolene said...

i vote for vinegar and baking soda..... soak!

myrtle beached whale said...

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