Friday, November 7, 2008

Birds in Flight

When they're flying in a clear blue sky even pigeons can look good. Photo taken on a walk though Jaffa 2 weeks ago.

Look here for more sky shots from around the world.


Leora said...

Excellent. I love you got a threesome.

Mojo said...

That's a tough shot to get from that angle. Birds are seldom very cooperative when directly overhead like that. Nice job!

Janet said...

Great closeup...I can almost see their eyes.

Jeanne said...

Excellent shot. I've had such trouble properly capturing birds in flight like this I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

I like the angle of this photo.

Catherine said...

Not so easy to take a picture of birds in flight! Wonderful Sky Watch, Robin. I like the end of their wings.
Have a nice week-end.

Nancy said...

Great capture...
I love the wing/feather detail.

Maribeth said...

That's lovely and relaxing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Robin: Nice capture of the birds on wing in your skies, are they crows?

AphotoAday said...

Great group, or should I say flock...

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin! Those are great flight shots. You are right I wouldn't have guessed pigeons because they look so much better than a pigeon here :0)

storyteller said...

What a wonderful photograph! Thanks for sharing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Neat capture:)Happy SF!

Gattina said...

I think I have to close your blog right away ! If my cats see this picture ... lol !
It's a beautiful shot !!

Anonymous said...

yet another reason i think it'd be so much fun to be a bird... :)

have a good weekend!

Jackie said...

Oh my you got a great shot!! I know because I am always chasing after birds in flight and they can be very tricky to get a good shot.


Happy SWF:-)

Genny said...

How very cool, Robin. At first, they didn't look like pigeons to me!

Thanks for your sweet comment yesterday. :)

Jan said...

Great shot. Yes, the pigeons look good!

bobbie said...

It's true. Every bird is beautiful when soaring through the sky.

bobbie said...

I must also tell you - your peace globe was beautiful.

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Indeed... it is just when they land that they turn into gross rats with wings.

(latent bitterness regarding birds due to trauma, please excuse me)

Very nice shot!

Kahshe Cottager said...

You caught a bird ballet in the sky! Great skywatch photo!

Mozi Esme said...

Very cool photo! I've never thought of pigeons as photogenic before :)

Jientje said...

That is so hard to capture and you did it so well!!! Lovely picture Robin!

Jeanne said...

Hi Robin, back again. Thanks for your comment on my blog. To answer your question nope, no wide angle lens, just my regular camera and luck. : )

Unknown said...

you peeps and your sky shots!!! ya'll rock man thats a pretty pic...I am stoppin by from allmed to say HI!

SandyCarlson said...

You do right by those pigeons. They do look good!

"Sunshine" said...

Awesome photo! I'm still trying to get pictures of birds sitting still (my reflexes aren't trained well enough to capture birds in flight yet). Anyway, your detail is terrific--good job :)

Anonymous said...

Yup. And you and your magic camera eye.

Anonymous said...

Super photo!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to capture birds with their wings spread.Nice detail. I've never been to Israel but want to go very badly. Thank you for this view.

I'm here because I saw a link to "Flowers" and then to "Skies" and I love to photograph!

I think I will try to join. This is photography heaven!