Monday, September 28, 2009

Where we spent the weekend

Mostly photos from me this week, text not so much. I came down with a miserable virus the night before we left and am still not completely back to myself. Misery aside we still managed to have a very nice weekend camping at
Park Yarden (sorry, no English website) with five other families, all good friends and all with kids around the same ages as ours. You'll have to hunt a bit to find the red this week, but it's in there. All images are clickable (except for the first, I apparently screwed up something with that one. And uploaded the wrong version of the second image too but nevermind. Bygones.).
Home Sweet Home Tent Sweet Tent

The view from the tent (yes, the light really did glow like that)

A tributary of the Jordan River

Old flour mill (part of the park site)
Just above the mill



Mojo said...

Not so hard finding the red here Robin. I thought maybe this was another music festival when I saw the tent.

Sorry you're under the weather. Get well soon okay? And I'll make sure your link gets up at Mary's. Go. Eat soup. Rest.

Jill said...

Oye - I'm so sorry that you had a sicky weekend too! And doing it in a tent gives you extra kudos! You were a trooper. :)

Hope you had a great weekend nonetheless - and an easy fast on Yom Kippur!

Nukke said...

What a lovely place !!!

imom said...

That looks like a beautiful place to spend the weekend! I hope you're feeling better soon!

Dina said...

Looks like fun.
Maybe better a human virus than a computer virus. But hope you are feeling well soon.

Felisol said...

Looks like a beautiful place to spend time with the children. I was always worried that my daughter got too little free nature experiences, I and a friend of mine took our children out for a bike hike with tents. I was fun, but I alas, was too old to spend the night in a tent.

When my daughter was eight we guided her to the scouts. She then got lots and lots of outdoor camping-, without her parents.

I'd like a shower in that waterfall. It looks so tempting.
And, wow, for river Jordan, what a beautiful sight.
From Felisol

maryt/theteach said...

Vinny and I got our flu shots today so we can avoid (let's hope) and flu this season! I see the RED here and there and of course in the last wonderful shot - his RED bathing suit! Happy Ruby Tuesday, Robin. Hope you're feeling better. :)

quilly said...

Camping! I love camping, although my last trip was 72 hours of rain and I wasn't sorry to see it end.

I feel so bad for you being ill away from the modern conveniences of home. I am certain you could have had a much better time, but it looks like your family had a blast.

Rona Michelson said...

I love the last picture, especially after remembering my hot walks to and from services today. I could so stand under that waterfall!

Dimple said...

I spotted a tiny patch of red in the first photo, but the red in the waterfall looks like it's having fun!
Hope you're feeling better!

kayerj said...

looks like you had a good time, especially the waterfall shot. Hope you get feeling better soon.

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like your getaway was a ton of fun. Well, I'm sure it would have been even better if you felt better, eh?

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Looks a nice place to camp, sorry you were ill though. I hope you feel better soon.

Jael said...

Park HaYarden looks like a great place for camping! Hope you are feeling better already.
And sorry about Mordechai;read your previous posting on him, and sad that he passed away.

Patti said...

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well for the camping trip.

I see the red swim trunks. Your son must have had fun. :-)

Take care and feel better soon, Robin.

Gilit Frank said...

feel better - glad to know there is still water left in the Jordan. I saw the Kineret a few months ago and was very very worried!

Ralph said...

The Jordan, it is nice to see a bit of that waterway that jumps at you from Scripture...

I haven't been camping in decades, but the nature and waterfall seem so natural and relaxing. Relaxing, that is, with a plush mattress under your sleeping bag. The red of the swimwear works for RT, as well as those those red hills above. A nice time was had by all, and by yourself - hopefully the nature provided a nice distraction from your virus. Get well soon!

Marites said...

beautiful place! got me envious on the waterfalls pic..

Carletta said...

Just looking at the river shot is relaxing for me.
Your last shot is absolutely wonderful! What a splash and the upturned face - nicely captured!

This week my Ruby is on my photoblog:Carletta’s Captures.

claudie said...

There, a story with pictures... I love it. How fun.
Happy RT
Love Claudie from Canada

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling much better now! Camping and viruses don't go together well.

LOVE the shot of the running water. I'm thinking that must be pretty rare in a country as dry as Israel.

Miranda said...

Looks like a wonderful place. Hope youre feeling better.

bichonpawz said...

I haven't been reading much lately as we've been on the road...but I am back now and will start keeping up again! So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well and hope you are better real soon!! What a beautiful location for camping...great pics!!

life's journey said...

Every time I see a tent that means camping...But the red is easy to find...Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Mamí♥Picture said...

What a Lovely place!

Shannon said...

Looks lovely! Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Feel better Robin hope it doesn't hang on forever like some virus's do. Love the camping, our family loves to camp. Saw the red but "Who is the hard body in the red shorts?" LOL!

Daryl said...

Neat pix .. hope you are on the mend

I have fasted for us all, so go forth and sin, you have a clean slate!

Auntie E said...

Don't you Know Mom can not get sick,lol. Hope you are getting better. Love the last photo. Looks like some one had a lot of fun.

MaR said...

Hope you are feeling better now!! love your tent, sweet tent!! and I found the the ruby shorts, great shot!
My Ruby Tuesday.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Bummer to be sick for such a trip but you've captured lovely photos to share. Hope you're feeling better!
Hugs and blessings,

Patty Reiser said...

Sending an Angel of Good Health your way. Hope you feel better soon.
Looks like you had an ideal camping spot. Looking forward to the pics.

Suki said...

Hope you get better soon!

Ellie said...

You probably don't have bugs and water snakes there :) I like the nature - but I keep the distance. You guys are brave!

Mimi said...

I sure hope that's not you under that waterfall! Looks like a lovely place.
Although I love camping, I can't imagine camping while sick, can't have been much fun.
Get well soon.

The Cunning Runt said...

Very cool shots!

Singapoare Plants Lover said...

You have a very wonderful weekend.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely campsite!

moosh said...

Looks like a wonderful place to camp. I love camping.