Monday, October 31, 2011

Partying like it's 1976

When I asked my daughter Maya what she wanted for her 8th birthday party she had lots of crazy, insane, over the top ridiculous very well-thought out ideas, but the one she held dearest of all was this, that there should be a disco ball.

Could've been worse, she could have asked for John Travolta...

Happy to oblige, my little disco dancing star.

And in case you haven't heard yet, holiday shopping just got a whole lot more interesting - and easier too! I've joined Society6, an online photography and art superstore where you can order framed prints, gallery wraps and even fabulous laptop skins and iPhone covers straight to your door. I love how they offer so many ways to share my work - in fact, I'm so in lust with those iPhone covers that it's making me with I had an iPhone to put one on! I'd love for you to come by and take a look for yourselves, and who knows, you might just find the perfect gift for that impossible to shop for someone...


Daryl said...

What a fun gift .. and I love a site called Uncommon for my iPhone cover .. cool art from artists or design your own

Fábio Martins said...

I like this picture. Very colorful!

Mimi said...

Your disco balk bring sback happy memories of a birthday party here when my eldest was about 8!
Went to visit that site- it's great and will keep it in mind for gift shopping.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

disco ball for the win!

And now off to check out this store.


Ingrid said...

John Travolta ? no, he is too old and "round" now, lol ! I think he would dance like an elephant !
Nice disco picture !

Felisol said...

A disco ball, oh, sweet nostalgia.
Great picture of the colourful reflections. Hope her party came out equal beautiful.

Lola said...

Great disco ball!

Hope you're having a good week too,


PS Off now to check out that great-sounding store!

Hootin Anni said...

How sweet a request. Hope she had a great 8th birthday celebration. And you obliging her...that is terrific.

Thanks for the visit today.

Carletta said...

Love the shot!
"Night fever, night fever...." :)

catsynth said...

Cute. I can hear the disco music in the background :)