Friday, November 4, 2011

Dona Nobis Pacem


If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.

      -- Moshe Dayan (1915-1981) 

He's right of course. But perhaps, with more openness, more listening, more tolerance, more genuine efforts to understand, and true support for diversity in the world, there would be fewer of them in the first place, and the barriers to those conversations would be lower.

Dona Nobis Pacem - Grant Us Peace

Better yet, grant us the strength and the wisdom reach out and take it for ourselves.

Blogblast for Peace 2011


Lui said...

I agree. Absolutely.

Durward Discussion said...

Excellent post. Shalom

Mama Pajama said...

great quote, and beautiful thoughts - thanks for this post, Robin!

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

If we can stumble our way to a burgeoning peace, so too can the Middle East.

The Moshe Dayan quote is excellent!

Shalom & good luck.

Judy, South Africa

Daryl said...

Perfect quote and wonderful photo/globe!

Claudia said...

I love the blue! Great peace globe!

Peace be with you today and always

catsynth said...

Beautiful choice of image for your peace globe!
Wishing everyone peace today.

Sarge Charlie said...

I stand arm in arm with you and pray for peace in your land.......

Travis Cody said...

Indeed. Well said.

Best wishes to you and yours for peace today and in all the days to come.

Karen Jo said...

I totally agree. Peace to you today and every day.

Anndi said...

I have always loved that quote... May we all have the wisdom to reach out and share our Peace.


Julia Phillips Smith said...

A shift in perspective can definitely make a world of difference.

Peace to you on this amazing day.

Bluezy said...

Such a great quote for Peace. It is so true. We teach our children at school to share. They go to school and play together at recess and smile. There are children all around the world. We need them sharing and playing as well. Like Mimi, posted on building it. Let's build it like we would build a park for recreation literally re-create peace.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. Much to think about.

Come Away With Me said...

Amen to that! A great quote, I don't recall seeing it before. Thank you for the positive inspiration.

Mimi Lenox said...

Perfect quote and succinctly powerful peace post. LOVE your photography!

(#2200 in the Official Gallery at

Annelisa said...

Seeing things from other people's point of view can be difficult sometimes, but sometimes simply allowing others have a different point of view is what is needed.

Peace to you and yours x

[A link to your post will be on my blog 'Peace Bloggers Unite' soon]