Monday, July 23, 2007

Done! (Harry Potter)

I'm finished reading, now I have to let it percolate a bit and then I'll go back and reread a few sections of both this and Book 6. I got it this morning and was done in time for bed, including a few hours at the playground and then another hour to cook dinner. (No, I didn't even try to work today. Yes, I'm a geek. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good story, and I HATE being kept in suspense.)

And she's a damn good storyteller. Not always a fantastic writer, but a damn good storyteller. I couldn't wait to see how it was all going to end.

We can talk spoilers later, once more people have had a chance to read it.


Mom101 said...

You make me look bad. I'm still 2 books behind. (Don't tell anyone.)

Unknown said...

You're finished??

And here I was thinking that I was a quick reader, being on page 215, having just gotten it yesterday!!

Shari said...

Robin, I finished too, read it the day I got it and even squashed in a date with the hubby and a few other small things. Can't wait till we can talk about it more, lots ot talk about. Thanks for the DYJHIW tag, that was fun!
PS - put one photo of Vi up on the website, can't seem to get the videos to load! She is the one in the purple dress. Sadly she has about as much coordination as I do so I suspect she'll burn out on actual ballet, but free form dance (which is all they do at this age) seems to suit her well.

Janet said...

Yeah, I have to digest it awhile before I post. But I've been talking to people about it all day, and that's helping :-)

Anonymous said...

I finished it Sunday afternoon. Processing, indeed. I've posted a few (rambling) thoughts on the subject. See if you concur! :)