I'm running late this week and very pressed for time, so here's an easy one: 13 shows I'd love to be able to catch on reruns.
1. Get Smart - need I say more?
2. Dangermouse - Greatest Cartoon EVER
3. thirtysomething - a great show, and I think I'd like it even better now that I am in fact 30-something (for a little while longer anyway. Ahem.)
4. Hill Street Blues - the original gritty cop show
5. Zoom - the original ones, for my kids
6. Electric Company - for my kids, and to see a young Morgan Freeman do Easy Reader
7. The original Super Heroes - a cartoon from the good old days
8. Gilligan's Island - if only to get the damn song out of my head
9. M*A*S*H - it just doesn't get any better than this. Hmmm... I see that the whole series is available on dvd. I wonder how much it costs...
10. OLD episodes of Letterman from back when he was young and edgy (before he moved over to CBS)
11. The Partridge Family - for the music of course
12. Little House on the Prairie - I LOVED both the books and the show as a child, I'm curious to see how the series would hold up now
13. The Monkees!
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Robin-this is so funny, I did 13 of my favorite old television shows.
You have some on your list that I have completely forgot about.
Great TT!
I loved Get Smart--that was one funny show.
What a fun list..I loved 30something.
My daughter loves little house on the praire reruns and books. I love to watch Charmed.
Besides the little house in the prairie I don't know any of these shows or at least not their english title.
I'd love to watch thirtysomething again, now that I'm approaching "fortyhood." Also The Cosby Show, Murphy Brown and Friends... Great list!!!
Yeah, a lot of these would be great to see again. I'm getting my daughter hooked on Little House reruns; she really likes it. Sadly, #1 doesn't. So... they fight over whether or not they can watch it.
Great list - I was a huge Little House fan!!
So many of these are my favorites! I love Little House - I still watch it sometimes (oh, is that embarrassing?)
I don't know all of them, but there are some great ones I'd love to see too. One of the networks over here is doing rerunbs of Hillstreet Blues and Little House, yay!
Thanks for visiting my full moon TT.
Oh, so sad. Almost every one listed is in rerun on satallite here in the States.
I watched Gilligian as a young man and can almost quote all the shows and would still numb my brain and watch some clean humor...
I love Get Smart. I still remember the episode with the tarantula and the sauce.
Great TT!!
Oh! I loved Electric Company--that's a good one!
Your shows are similar to what I'd choose - ahh, a trip back to childhood.
We saw the trailer to the new Get Smart film recently. I can't decide if I'm looking forward to it or not.
I've just seen Hill Street Blues Seasons 1 and 2 for the first time on DVD. Its fun to see the way they sit as a bridge between 70s and 90s American cop shows. I'd never quite figured out how Starky and Hutch became NYPD Blue - now I understand. Great show too.
I used to work with a former Partridge. I'll never watch be able to watch the show again...
Happy TT.
My husband and I just saw the Time-Life infomercial on Get Smart, and HE is seriously thinking about buying the collection. We couldn't stop laughing at all the small clips and remembering how funny the show was.
Fun list.
Happy TT!
I still watch MASH over and over and over again. Can't get enough and always laugh at the same scenes. This was a great list. Brought back some great memories.
Great shows! I like Get Smart, I think it's going to become a movie too. Lyn from Bloggin' Outloud
They should DEFINITELY show the Electric Company again! I used to watch the Monkees reruns on Nickelodeon when I was a kid.
I loved watching Zoom! The current Zoom is just not the same...sigh....
Haha, I have the Monkees in my list this week as well.
Loved Get Smart, too! I dated a guy named Don Adams...didn't look a thing like the actor, wrong color, even, but I always thought it was funny LOL! Also loved Hill St, Gilligan, MASH & the Monkees...
I loved Thirty Something!
Another I like but it isn't avail. on DVD is "The Wonder Years" because it takes place in the 70's ... my High School Years
We had just finished the entire Little House series when I decided to Netflix a few of the shows----they made me crazy (and I L-O-V-E-D them as a child). First, they made Mr. Edwards into a drunk! Sure, he gets reformed, but a drunk?!? Then, they changed and added so much (I know they had to do it to make a TV series work, but it was hard to watch).
We also Netflixed the Best of the Electric Company and it is awesome. Easy Reader makes me drool.
Now I have the Gilligan's Island song in my head. Thanks for that!
Dangermouse was great!! I hadn't thought about it in years, but I loved that show. I agree, bring on the reruns.
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