1. What Robin Wants for Christmas - you mean other than the chance to run around in funky green tights?
2. How I Met Your Mother Television show - How I Met Your Mother TV ... Robin wants to tell Ted she loves him, but she can't make the leap. Gosh, life is so darn complicated on sitcoms...
3. Sky Sports - The Best Sport Coverage From Around The World
Robin wants to be reliable. By Tom Adams - Created on 3 Nov 2006 ... Arsenal striker Robin van Persie says he has set his sights on becoming a more selfless... The link goes to a general page about Arsenal, so I guess I'll have to die unfulfilled, never knowing a more selfless what Robin wants to become.
4. Amazon.com: ROBIN HOOD (Read & Listen Books): Books: Philip Neil ...
The characters are Robin Hood, Marian, Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, Lord Fitzwalter and King Richard. Robin wants freedom, Marian and his title and lands back. His first big problem is the sheriff wants to kill him. So he harasses the sheriff. Robin gets 30 comrades to help him and lives in Sherwood Forest. The king comes back and gives Robin's title, lands and Marian back to him. I think what Robin really wants is for this kid to learn not to give away the ending in a book review!
5. Robin: wants more ferrets. - Nothing I say could possibly top this as a punch line, could it?
6. Robin: wants to know if there is any way off not getting updates on im? - but updates on what we'll never know.
7. Robin wants to purchase more or less butter than Batman is willing to sell. I guess times are really tough if the Dynamic Duo has moved from fighting crime into gunrunning for the commodities market.
8. Robin wants things to go back to how it used to be. (You Tube video clip) Am I really old and out of touch or is this more than a bit obscure? On second thought, don't answer that...
9. Robin wants to reduce too much behavior to signals - Scarily for someone who HATED studying economics (and is in fact married to an economist), this is like the third different economics reference that popped up during this little escapade. Do I give off some sort of weird economics vibe or something?
10. Robin wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world - I can go for that. Heck, I'm a fan too.
11. "O ye of little faith, lay it on me - all of it. Father Robin wants to hear all of it - particularly the juicy stuff." - Sounds entertaining.
12. Robin and Joanne - Robin wants to give them away too, but he has not found anyone yet. I have no idea what he might want to give away, it was a link to a blog page without that quote. My curiosity is peaked though.
13. Robin wants us all to be more aware. Sure they suck you in with a perfectly reasonable sounding quote, but once you click? Beware! It's another economics link!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!
Hope everyone has a great Thursday.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Happy TT! :)
I hope all your wishes will be fulfilled !
Holy Butter, Batman!
Brilliant idea for a T13. Robins of the world, unite! Or, on the other hand, DON'T.
(Batman and Robin were fighting about BUTTER? don't want to know don't want to know don't want to know)
You know, I go in similar patterns -- only mine are to computer geeks. Weird how that works, huh?
Here's hoping things get fixed for you. Are the boys due home from the wedding soon, or did they arrive and I missed it somehow?
They're back very late (3am I think?) tomorrow night.
I mean really, who doesn't want more ferrets? I know I can't get enough! *snort*
Great list. :)
Haha! Great list idea! Happy TT :)
Great list, tough to limit it to 13...;) Happy T13!
Great List Robin!
Happy TT!
Those are great. I did that through google once. Happy TT!
darn, you changed #7!!!
thanks for visiting!
Ahh, the wide weird world of the internet! Happy TT!
This is funny - I am going to go google what I want now too! :)
Happy TT!
That is a fantastic idea for a TT! I applaud your orginality.
I love ferrets, unfortunately my dogs would eat them. *sigh*
LOL - #7! These google lists are always fun.
Happy TT and thanks for visiting my list. :-)
You indicated on my blog that you're allergic to cats. How do you respond to ferrets?
I like the ferret one! Who couldn't use more ferrets?! :)
Sounds like there's a juicy story behind #11! Hope your computer issues are resolved soon!
No idea Gal, these are links I found through Google. I don't think I've ever even seen a ferret in real life.
Janet, what do you think I changed?
Happy Thursday to you too!
i checked your blogger profile and your interests are so similar to mine, it's uncanny. i'll be back to read some more!
Welcome Diva. Kick off your shoes and make yourself at home.
My ex wants to get 2 ferrets and give them their own room to run around in! haha. They look adorable!
Well, I hope Robin gets, what Robin wants!!LOL!
FUN list Robin! Glad you were able to get your computer fixed.
Happy Thursday!
I love 'How I Met Your Mother' -- it's great for a shitcom, heh.
Ferrets are rather cool...
hhhmmmm.....a ferret fetish. Interesting....
Always late I have my tt "13 things I see that you see." From tel aviv to Florida.... Hmmm.
Liked your tt, usually do.
Jeremy, thank you for your kind words. I read your TT and tried to leave a fairly long, well thought out comment, but your server thinks I'm spam and won't let it through.
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