Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Kitchen Aid

I'm still deep in leavingonvacationnotatallreadyyet hell so I thought this would be a good time to pull out this photo I shot a few weeks ago and hop on the Ruby Tuesday bandwagon. It's been sitting in my photo file just waiting for the right opportunity to shine. I love it's shiny retro feel and the upward looking angle of the shot.

Where the Magic Happens

As a bonus for my regular readers, in the background is the infamous green cruet of spilled olive oil fame, which, together with the red cruet behind it coordinated so beautifully with my dishes. Luckily I just got a call this morning that the housewares store down the road has managed to find me a replacement. Now I just need to find the time to go get it.


Anonymous said...

Nice angle. I wish I had one of those but I'm afraid it would take too much space.

Robin said...

It kind of does, but it's a real necessity in our kitchen. We couldn't manage without it and probably use it just about every day.

Leora said...

Interesting little composition. Is that a red onion on the left? And two other red things, too. That little bag looks interesting.

I have a Kitchen Aid. It never worked properly. Unfortunately, I bought when my daughter was born, and that was a crazy, crazy year, so I didn't call Kitchen Aid until the year was up, and the closest Kitchen Aid person was in Trenton, and I would have to pay a lot to fix it. So now I have to hold it when I use it.

Next time I decide to buy one of those, I think it's gonna be a Bosch.

Gemma Wiseman said...

I have never seen one quite like this before! It is almost a work of art! Great shot!

Robin said...

What a shame Leora, we LOVE ours. Even after it fell off the counter while running at an extremely high speed (lesson: never ever knead dough unattended) and something came loose inside it still works beautifully, just rattles a bit at very high speeds.

The onion is in fact a red onion, in a red bowl from Morocco (notice a theme here LOL?) and the bag is a roughly woven bag that holds my clothespins. I picked it up in Egypt or somewhere ages ago. It shouldn't be out on the counter though.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

hey haven't chatted in a while I hope you are well other that the stress of getting ready to de-stress on vacation. I Love the Red Kitchen Aid and happy you found a replacement that green is so great w/ the red--- Have a nice break

Preethi said...

great colors.. have a wonderful trip back home.. I know international flights can be a trial on sanity.. so wish you good luck!!

Yrsa said...

Nice dialog between the objects. And great ruby red!

Anonymous said...

Love the red. My kitchen aid is white and not nearly so fun to take shots of.

maryt/theteach said...

Robin, a gorgeous RED KitchenAid mixer! The angle is fantastic! This photo certainly does shine! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Great photograph and what a fabulous ruby mixer! I love it...

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I definitely like the green cruet for color contrast against the reds and neutrals. I also like the zigzaggy stairs and the three hanging lamps in the background - gives the shot a wonderful sense of perspective.

Carletta said...

Great shot and a nice angle!
Have a wonderful trip.

Dianne said...

It's like a shot out of a gourmet magazine.

Perfect angle, wonderful background and vivid color.

RivkA with a capital A said...

Great shot!!

You totally have to tell me how you got them to sell you one HALF of a set!!!

Robin said...

I asked, and they said yes :). I think they must sell them separately too, otherwise I can't imagine they'd have agreed, even if I do end up depositing my paycheck directly into their bank account most months (it's an awesome gourmet store too).

Claremont First Ward said...

Love your red mixer, and the shot. My trusty Mixer has been my constant friend for over 10 years now.

Genny said...

Love your mixer! Mine is similar, but white (I like red better!).

Hope the packing is going well!

Raven said...

What a good photo! I love the angle of the shot with the beautiful red mixer and the touches of different red (and green cruet - glad you got a replacement), from the onion on. Cool shot.

Askew To You said...

Great shot and it's as shiny as a new red car. :D

Anonymous said...


That red sure is shiny! I LOVE my kitchenaid mixer. It's boring, it's white, but I couldn't imagine baking without it! :)

Have a safe trip Robin!

Anonymous said...

well, aren't you fancy?! :) i'm afraid if i was ever near one of these all i'd inevitably make is a mess. :)

Tink *~*~* said...

Hi Robin. Happy 1st Ruby Tuesday! I love your kitchen island. It looks like a great place to do just about anything.

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Anonymous said...

I spotted that big red onion, too. I'm afraid the mixer in my kitchen isn't nearly so glamorous as yours. If I had one like that I'd leave it out on the counter, just to show off. My dowdy, boring white one gets to stay inside the cupboard.

Welcome to Ruby Tuesday.

Robin said...

Mine does stay out on the counter, but more because we use it every day and it's too darn heavy to keep shlepping in and out than because it looks good. (It does look good though, doesn't it. My husband wanted blue! Thankfully he lost that debate.)

Janet said...

loooooook at that bright clean shiny mixer! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh Robin! While you are on vacation can I babysit your mixer? It will so clash with my kitchen but I don't care!

Ralph said...

I would be happy to have a red Kitchen Aid on our counters. The red is striking, the retro looks and the style. I'd learn to make and bake cakes if we had one!

followthatdog said...

beautiful. My beat up old Kitchen Aid is jealous. If it could talk I'd probably be lectured for looking at glamour shots of other mixers.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fire engine red for your mixer! :P I foresee lots of wonderful treats in your kitchen with that mixer around :)

Jim said...

Hi Robin, Happy WW!
I detoured to your WW post with the funny trees before getting here. I am returning your visit yesterday to my red phone booth and daughter talking picture. Thank you.

I have a parade on my WW (Little Photo Place) today, 13 of us bloggers from different places n the U.S. assembled in that town for Blogstock '08. We build our float and entered the parade as one project. (It is on my 'Little Photo Place' blog.)