Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Impersonating a Traffic Signal
Rock Hyrex in His Den
These little guys were not shy at all this weekend. Here's another one peeking out from his den. Cute little furballs aren't they, though if you enlarge the photo you'll get a look at some very sharp looking little teeth.
More of our desert oasis weekend can be found here, including a full color shot of one of this guy's relatives.
Visit Monochrome Maniacs for more black and white goodness.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
It just doesn't get much better than this
(Notice the tent is "staked" to the benches - necessity being the mother of invention and all that)
We even had a few encounters of the small and furry kind. We didn't get close to the ibex this time (turns out they were right by the entrance to the kibbutz where we were staying, but we weren't able to pull over quickly), but we got a real kick out of this little guy that we found along the trail. He's a rock hyrex and cute as a button.
Don't ask about the nights, it was the desert after all. We froze our proverbial patooties off, and after a windstorm blew through the second afternoon and nearly collapsed our tent with Maya inside it we decided it would be prudent to move it - so the second night we actually camped INSIDE a giant quonset hut right by the indoor stage. It worked out perfectly - the first night we were outside just a few feet from the main stage, and the second night the kids were able to go inside to bed out of the cold while the adults made a racket outside, and then by the time the cold chased us inside as well they were sound asleep and not bothered by the music being played just a few feet away.
Heck, they even made some music of their own before heading off to bed. Yes, my kids actually got up on stage and performed in front of about ninety people. They practiced for two days before making their big debut. Itai sang the theme song from their favorite cartoon (Huntik) while Maya danced. (They'd originally both planned to sing, but he managed to convince her that the act needed a dancer. They were by far the youngest performers there and they brought the (albeit quite indulgent) house down.)
All in all a wonderful weekend. We can't wait to do it again. Stop by during the week for more photos and stories from desert adventure, or better yet, join us next year.
(Yes, I realize there are no photos of the actual performances here. I didn't want to put anyone's pictures up on the internet without their permission. Rest assured I've got lots.)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Goin' down, down, down...
Catch you on the flip side.
PS It is utterly obscene how much crap a family of four needs to camp out for two nights - even though nearly all of the food will be purchased there!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Got mail?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Turquoise Fence
Yes, surprisingly, this simple fence outside a neighborhood grocery store is actually an eye-popping turquoise in real life.
I'm not sure why I find this simple photo so appealing. I took it a few weeks ago on a whim and while I knew it wasn't a showstopper I still found myself coming back to it over and over again. Something about the geometry really speaks to me, all those lines and angles repeating over and again. While I love the turquoise shade the painter chose I think the conversion to monochrome allows the viewer to hone in more closely on the form and shape rather than on the substance.
Perhaps sometimes it's more about how the art makes us feel than its inherent beauty. Something to ponder over a quiet cup of tea I suppose.
Visit Aileni for more monochrome magic.
PS Yes, I've finally dug myself out, for those who were concerned.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Caution: Excavations in Progress
Don't laugh, it's a real danger.
You're laughing. I heard you laughing.
This isn't funny. I'm in real danger here.
Ok, maybe it's a teeny tiny bit funny.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bedouin Woman in Tent
This photo of a Bedouin woman sitting in a traditional tent baking pitot (pitah bread) on a taboun could have easily been taken one hundred years ago. Only the roll of toilet paper she left on the table gives a clue that it is not in fact an old photo.
In fact, it was taken this past December at the Joe Alon Center for Bedouin Culture in the Negev Desert in the south of Israel.
Visit Sepia Scenes for more old-time goodness.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Probably not what the Beatles had in mind
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Nearing the finish line
A few weeks ago we joined some friends who live much further out in the sticks on a nature walk to celebrate (read: preserve and protest the development of) the unique character and vegetation of Israel's Sharon Plain. The walk itself was a bit of a bust - it was promoted on television and the crowds which turned out quickly overwhelmed the small site. The overcrowding wasn't helped by the weather either - after being rained out the previous week, that day marked the first of Israel's spring sharav's - terribly hot and dusty winds similar to Southern California's Santa Ana's which blow up from North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and suck every drop of moisture right out of the air, making you feel like you are being blown about in the world's largest clothes dryer. The temperature that day soared well up into the nineties (mid to upper thirties celsius) and after just a few minutes (and a few quick photos which you'll see in future posts) we packed it in and headed for the relative cool of our friends' home and a backyard barbecue. Here you see the end of our short walk, when a certain small blond child just couldn't take the heat, the dust, or the crowds anymore. Luckily she had a dad there to carry her out in style.
Oh, and lest you get too jealous and become tempted to say that at least it was warm here, the sharav broke by the following day, the rain returned and the temperatures dropped a good twenty-five degrees.
More monochrome magic can be found here.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Dear Robin, 24 December 2007
Hang in there Robin. It's going to be a long, hard ride, and it isn't over yet, but the view out my window is glorious.
Robin, March 2009
I haven't scribbled for months, but this one finally woke up my long dormant writing muse. Who knows, perhaps she'll stick around for a while. I hope so, she's been missed.
For a completely different take on this prompt, here is the post I did back in August 2007 for the Sunday Scribblings prompt "Dear Diary".
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Almost makes getting up at the crack of dawn worth it
This shot was taken on my patio and is straight out of the camera. All I did was put the frame around it. Mother nature did all the photoshopping on her own, meddling would have been completely superfluous.
Visit Skywatch Friday for other looks at this glorious sky we all share.
Sepia Shadows
What is implied is sometimes more powerful than what is obvious. The innate monochrome character of this shot seemed a natural choice for this week's Sepia Scenes, too.
Come back tomorrow though for color in all its grandeur - I've got a doozy coming up ;-).
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I found this scooter parked outside my building on my way back from that same photo walk which yielded yesterday's sock photo.
An appropriate choice for this week's Ruby Tuesday, wouldn't you say?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Day the Rain Stopped
I shot this a few days ago just around the corner from my home. This flat is in an older building that has certainly seen better days, but it stood out for being the only one given over completely to laundry, right down to the bars on the windows. Everyone else in the neighborhood seemed able to make do with their normal laundry lines. If they had dozens of socks drying somewhere they weren't hanging in their window like so many potted plants.
My more charitable half is reminding me that the reason I was out shooting that day was because it was the first sunny day we'd had after days of heavy rains, so perhaps they really did need to do that much laundry that quickly, but my other less charitable half thinks...
Probably just as well not to tell you what my less charitable half thinks.
Look here for more monochrome madness.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
How we spent our Friday, a/k/a why Robin breathed in too much bleach
To properly set the scene, you should understand that Friday is a semi-weekend day here. For children it's a (slightly shorter) schoolday, but most adults, particularly those in office jobs, have the day off. (No, we don't get a longer weekend than you, our weekends are Friday and Saturday, on Sunday it's back to work again.)
See that giant gaping hole where my sink is supposed to be?
Yeah, this sink, the one that you now see sitting on the FLOOR of my bathroom, and last time I checked, the floor was not the appropriate installation point for a bathroom sink. Damn thing fell right out.
(Let me point out here that while my husband and I have many wonderful qualities, mad DIY skills are not generally counted among them.)
Jay managed to scrap off most of the old caulk but there was still a fair amount left, not to mention a whole heap of mildew where mildew should never have been. None of the standard cleaners we had around, including the anti-mildew spray you see pictured above, made a dent in it. After realizing that his efforts were futile, Jay headed off to consult with the experts over at Google and discovered that a homebrew of one cup of bleach to 3 cups of water, with the addition of a few tablespoons of laundry detergent, was rumored to do the trick lickety-split. Since he'd already spent about an hour an a half scraping caulk and still had to head to the hardware store to buy "whatever I need to reattach my sink", he asked me to get out my trusty cauldron and brew up some of this witches potion and then take a go at getting the mildew off while he went out to pick up Maya from school and go to the hardware store.
I was willing to do my fair share of the work so I mixed up the potion and went to work - in a small, poorly ventilated bathroom. To top it all off I even closed the door behind me so that I'd have more room to work! (Are you seeing where this is going? Probably. Me, I wasn't quite bright enough... Have I mentioned that I have asthma and breathing is already not my strong suit? Yeah. Like I said, not so bright...)
I got to work scrubbing, and - nothing. Nothing at all. Not a millimeter of mildew was removed. I was determined though. Jay had asked me to do it believing it should work and I wasn't going to concede defeat within the first five minutes.
So I kept going.
And going.
And going.
At some point I realized that the mildew was actually on some remaining bits of silicone and that I'd be better off scraping them off with a penknife than continuing to scrub. Because I knew that I'd still need to scrub more mildew from the back of the cabinet itself I decided not to throw out the bleach solution and left it in a bucket in the tub while I continued to work - in that same small, poorly ventilated bathroom.
By the time Jay came back and had the sense to make me stop I was completely nauseous and very light-headed. I stumbled out, wandered around the house for a bit complaining of how sick I felt, and then finally gave up entirely and headed up to bed, and of course we all know what happened then...
Oh, and while we were at it, we also found this lovely sight, which will have to be dealt with sometime soon.
It's Saturday now, and Jay has removed the car jack (!) that he'd been using to hold up the freshly reglued sink. It's holding. So far. Keep your fingers crossed...
Friday, March 6, 2009
18 and 40 - Holy smokes!
Holy smokes, can you see those flames shooting up there?!? That wasn't what I'd seen earlier, no wonder Jay was so insistent on closing all the windows.
And all those sirens I'd heard while I was drifting in and out of sleep? They were attached to eighteen, yes EIGHTEEN, fire trucks bringing in over FORTY firefighters, not to mention the hazmat team, the police and teams of paramedics!
We originally thought our neighborhood gas station had gone up in flames but it turns out it was a chemical plant in the nearby industrial zone, and there was a serious concern that all those billowing clouds of thick black smoke were toxic. (Side note: I never even knew that there was a chemical plant in there, despite driving by it every time I go to the grocery store. It's in the midst of a bunch of hi-tech buildings too. I can't imagine how some city planner could possibly have thought that having a chemical plant that close to a residential neighborhood was a good idea. Thankfully upon testing the smoke was found to be non-toxic.) We live safely well out of range (zoomed way in to get these shots) but the fire department evacuated everyone who lived within 100 meters (100 yards) of the facility for fear that the fire would spread. Luckily they were able to contain the flames and it was finally extinguished a few hours later. More luckily no one was hurt, although I'm guessing there was substantial property damage.
And all this was in addition to the household excitement we'd had a few hours earlier...
Visit Skywatch Friday for photos of what are hopefully much clearer, bluer skies than mine.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hamentaschen Recipe
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hamentaschen (updated with link to recipe)
* Hamenstaschen are the three-cornered cookies traditionally eaten on the Jewish holiday of Purim, occuring on 11 March this year. And yes, I did notice that Maya was sneaking tastes of chocolate filling every chance she got.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Caution: Danger of Death
I've been meaning to take a picture of one of these signs for years. I know the purpose behind them is quite serious, utility poles and high tension power lines are certainly nothing to trifle with, but the wording has always amused me. I mean really, how can you not laugh at a warning that says "Danger of Death!".
Head over to Mary the Teach's for more ruby red goodness.
Fig Tree in Early Spring

The weekend's cold and miserable weather brought some much needed rain but I must admit that I'm setting my sights on the next weekend when the skies will clear and the temperatures will hit the upper seventies (25 celsius). Picnic season is right around the corner, I can feel it, and I can't wait. I'm itching to get back outside with my
Visit Aileni for more monochrome magic.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
It's raining, it's pouring
It's been much too dark and wet for photography so by rights I should dust off the old writing portion of my brain and crank out something worthwhile, but it just isn't coming. I miss the days when I would merely glance at a writing prompt and the text would start to flow almost of its own volition.
Yeah. Not happening.
I think part of it is the weather, my mood has always been very susceptible to what's going on outside, but part of it is probably also the crash that inevitably comes after a big adrenalin rush, and god knows we had that last week.
We managed to have a great weekend despite the weather - we started things off right Thursday night when we met up with the always lovely Phyllis and her very cool husband Michael (who it turns out went to camp with all my best friends from high school - we'd even attended some of the same Sweet Sixteen parties way back when. He'll actually be meeting up with a very dear friend of mine next month, such a small world...) and another friend of theirs for an evening of laughs and good fun at our favorite pasta joint. It was great to celebrate our good news (about Itai) with them, I only wish they lived close enough to hang out more often. Do you think their temple would spring for trips over here every few months so that we can go out to dinner more often?
Friday was a fairly wet, low-key day. A trip to the gym, errand-running and the usual kid-ferrying, but not much else.
Yesterday was Jay's birthday so we had a few friends over for an "indoor picnic". It was utter bedlam, but good happy bedlam. Maya was a bit put out though when she found out that her dad had elected to have birthday ice cream (homemade strawberry - yum!) instead of cake. Totally goes against her "more cake is better" worldview.
Today it's back to work, back to the gym, and back to the electronics store with the Ican'tbelieveitdoesn'twork fancy-shmancy mp3 player that Jay had asked for as a birthday gift. Hopefully they'll just exchange it, I'm going to be really ticked if they try to make me send off a brand new just opened yesterday item to the lab.
And now speaking of work, it's time to put you all out of your mental misery and end this mindless drivel so that I can go do some.
Later taters.