Maya's kindergarten class had a big end of the year event on Friday complete with face painting and lots of crap put in their hair fancy hairstyles, cookie ice cream cones to decorate (and eat!), clay mobiles to paint (or turn into a necklace if that's the way you flow), sparkly mommy and me tattoos (we got matching shooting stars) and a lot of other pint-sized fun.
Once she was all dolled up Maya asked to pose for a marathon photo shoot. She was having a ball, every time I thought we were done she had me get the camera back out again - she posed alone, with friends, in the sun, in the shade, on the slide, in a tunnel... A real supermodel in training (or, heaven help me, a diva). We had a ball together and for the next three days she showed everyone we met our matching tattoos.
Two more days of school and then summer starts in earnest, and WE CAN'T WAIT!
More Ruby Tuesday goodness can be found here.
My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.
holy cow has she grown up!!!!!!!!!!! gorgeous girl! :-)
Fabulous ... poo poo poo ...
I'd say your kid is ready for kindergarten, Robin! She is precious! Of course Mom doesn't miss an opportunity to show her off on Red Tuesday either! :)
Happy RT! I am traveling and should be 'out of pocket' but I sneaked to a computer for a bit. It is Ruby Tuesday you know.
Wow! What a difference a year (and change) makes, yeah? I can't imagine the Maya you described back in the day doing a full-on fashion shoot like this. She has really blossomed Robin! She'll be the next Israel's Top Model or something!
Your dolled up doll is cute, and obviously not afraid of the camera!
She's more than ready for kindergarten - she's finished with it and is heading to first grade in September :) - that's the big leap here, the first year of "big school". Kindergartens are mostly just one class in a freestanding building.
Look how much she's grown! Oh my. she is a cute, though, isn't she?
Whoo hoo! Maya is a big girl now! And doesn't she make a great photographer's model?!
OMG, how did this happen? Maya's all grown up!
Great pictures of your beautiful daughter!
Funky! Love the one on the bottom right of Maya. I see confidence.
She's all grown up Robin!!! Beautiful.
Why not tie-dye garments to model? She is pretty and isn't as snooty as a grown-up model. Pleasant she is, and happily you captured the moment(s) splendidly!
That's one beautiful lady there. Happy RT!
RT~Fiesta Hollyhock
Move over supermodels! She's a doll. Perfect for Ruby Tuesday. ;)
Gorgeous little girl you got there! my boys would just run away or hide their face when they see me with the camera!
That's a great photo shoot. Love the tye-dyed shirt and the rockin' smile. She makes it easy to believe that divas and supermodels were once just kids in kindergarten.
She is beautiful, and looks so very happy to be your subject!!!
Wow, that girl is glowing. May she always keep that self confidence and inner joy!
That she's also blessed with beauty is no drawback. May you have a blessed summer and stay forever young at heart, both of you.
Elle est très belle! We too, can't wait for summer vacation.
Such a cutie! And Maya played the model role so well.
How come my kids never got to do all that in gan?
'crap in the hair' made me laugh
Jeff used to do all sorts of things before a little league game and it would take forever to get out :)
she's beautiful
the camera loves her
I enjoyed the pictures of your little model. I think she has what it takes.
Maya's teeshirt reminds me of the late 70s. Great series of a lovely not so little girl.
WOW! definitely a diva in the makin! :) and cant help not to say this, she's your mini-me :)
u may view mine too here
It always makes me smile to see tie-died shirts! And I love your daughter's resemblance to you.
She is beautiful..
What a great time the two of you had! She is such a cutie!
What wonderful photos, ones that will be memorable decades from now, for Maya. What a great thing to do!
Simply beautiful, a super model in the making.
Oh my goodness she is SO adorable... my daughter is really into peace signs and tie dye now and would flip out at Maya's shirt!
my gosh, Robin, but she's grown!!! Beautiful, beautiful shots :-)
Maya is adorable, Robin! I remember tie-dyed shirts the first time around (think late 60s)
Happy belated Ruby Tuesday!
I see these pictures and know how far she has come and my entire soul smiles. :)
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