Aren't they stunning? They were growing in a planter outside a function hall in Jerusalem where we attended a friend's son's Bar Mitzvah this past weekend. And some of them are even red, too. Very convenient that.
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So pretty .. my window box begonias were looking a little frazzled this morning, makes me wonder what the heck went on while I was away
The red and pink is striking!
Lovely shot. Perhaps it is easier to grow flowers in higher up Jerusalem than in sandy Tel Aviv? Though you once showed us the beautiful flowers grown in Eilat - those people are working magic.
Gorgeous! Flowers just insist on showing their best face.
very beautiful!
Just beautiful. This is beautiful
An explosion of wonderful shades of red. Are they really begonias? I'd go for a variety of pelargonium.
They, they are my favorite summer garden flower.
Gorgeous sight anyway.
Oh your flowers look wonderful in your photos, Robin! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
What a lovely vibrant colour these flowers have!!
This is beautiful, love it!
Red is emergency
stunning! we *finally* planted our flowers yesterday and it's raining today! nothing like the colors and raindrops to brighten everything up! well done, lady!
Flowers like look that way as they have a paid gardner tending to them. It is not the same in our own gardens, we don't have perfection yet we are loving with our flowers and plants. Our gardens are not for profit, but exist to our sense of beauty...
Stunning shot. We have lovely flowers but these are exceptional.
I kill all flowers in my care instantly, so yeah, I have to settle for pictures as well.
Yes, stunning is a great word for this colourful display.
Very beautiful shot.
Very red! and pink! and green! Mine never look that good, either...
Such a happy sight on a happy occasion. Nothing cheers a person up faster that colorful flowers.
Thanks for sharing them with us. :)
Well, Robin, my guess that it that they belong to someone else. I would say that if I were to look at yours.
Happy RT! :)
when you discover the answer . . . post it on your blog for the benefit of the rest of us with flower envy
i have whatever is the opposite of green thumbs (brown toes? LOL) PS how did the comp go? do you know yet?
My Ruby Redness
If we had a gardener our would look that that also LOL. I love how the look.. Need to plant those planters of mine.
My ruby link for you
What Auntie E said. They'd probably love to take photos the way you do.
they're very pretty
and probably look that way because the hall has pros tend to them
No one ever thinks that red and pink meld yet this gorgeous photo that you've taken shows just how beautifully well they go together.
LOL! They ARE glorious-looking. Your flowers will look like that soon (and I'm sure they're already looking good). ;-)
indeed! and they seemed real :)
u may view mine here
Mine don't look like this as well. Of course, if I watered my flowers once in a while that might help. :)
Wordless Wednesday: Simon Says
Theme Thursday: Camera
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