Thursday, May 10, 2007

TT #15 - things that have to happen before Tuesday night

Those of you who've been reading my blog lately will notice a pattern here...
13 things I have to accomplish before we leave on a 3 week vacation to the States Tuesday night:

1. Return the library books
2. Submit my timesheet
3. Clean out the fridge
4. Do all the laundry
5. Stop the mail
6. Sort out my tax issues
7. Bring the fish to the neighbor's
8. Do a week's worth of (part-time) work in just 2.5 days - both this week and next
9. Copy down all my key internet bookmarks so that I can blog and read from Jay's new laptop, assuming it gets configured correctly and actually works there
10. Find the contact information for my boss, who I will be meeting briefly for the first time next week
11. Sort out camping equipment - what to pack, what to borrow there, what to buy
12. Go nomail on a very busy e-mail list so the 80 million messages don't clog up my whole box
13. Did I mention pack for all of us for a 3 week vacation????
Sadly (and stressfully - is that a word?) there are still more items that have to be dealt with - I haven't even told you about Itai's "Welcome to First Grade" event we need to attend, or the cake he needs to bring to kindergarten Friday morning (he's "Father Shabbat" this week), or the new little toys I need to buy for each kid to keep them busy on the airplane, or... I could go on and on, but if I listed them all this meme would have to be called the Thursday 8,423,864,296!
Mumbling under my breath *I will find my zen place, I will find my zen place, I will find my zen place*

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Joan said...

You'll get it done! I hope you have a wonderful trip and aren't too exhausted to enjoy it. My TT is also posted.

Anonymous said...

Busy life. Hope you manage to get all done and fully enjoy your holidays!

Happy TT & Happy Mother's Day!

Cinnamon Girl said...


Learning Team said...

Enjoy your holidays...and see you when you come back.

Eimi said...

That rocks that you are going on a 3 week vacation-- but that is a giant flight so I can see why!

Thanks for stopping by my TT! If it is ok, I am going to add you as a link from my blog! =)

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Yikes! You do have a lot to do! Hope you have a lovely trip! Any chance you'll be spending a chunk of time in Eastern Massachusetts?? : )

pussreboots said...

Enjoy your trip!

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage my friend!

Anonymous said...

That is a long time to pack for! Good luck and I hope you enjoy your trip!

Robin said...

Not this trip FOM, but my sister is near Boston and my folks are retiring to NH when their big trip is over, so I do get there on occasion :).

Thanks for the link Amy, I love knowing that people are actually out there reading.

Barbara said...

Hope you get it all done in time, and have a nice vacation in the states!

My TT is up.

JHS said...

Good luck. That's quite a list!

Hope you have a fun trip, but I recommend one thing: Forget the camping and make reservations. :-)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful vacation.

Marie said...

wow!!! you a pretty busy week ahead!!!! hope you'll have fun here in the US!!! enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't want to worry you or anything, but have you checked to make sure all your family's passports are still valid?

Robin said...

Yup, all 8 of them (4 people x 2 passports each). I checked a few weeks ago.

Thanks for the reminder though.

Ingrid said...

Hope your neighbor has no cats ! My cats would enjoy to fishsit !!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Okay, I don't know if someone else has mentioned this, but here's something that might make things easier: put your bookmarks into and then you'll have them everywhere.

There's supposed to be a function that lets you import your existing bookmarks when you set up the account, but I haven't found it yet.

Happy getting ready! It'll all happen... somehow.

My Shoes said...

good luck with that. i find myself making lists and lists before going on a trip!

Janet said...

You're going to need a vacation after your vacation!

abee said...

Have a great vacation - you'll get it all done - don't stress too much! :)

MamaToo said...

wow - sounds very busy. Glad to hear you have your humor in the midst of all of it. :)
Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Have a FUN and safe trip. Sounds like you have tons to do before you go, but you'll get it done.

Happy Mother's Day and TT!

Lori said...

Good luck!!

Jen said...

Have a wonderful trip -- and you are my hero for your involvement w/ LLL, by the way. We could use the help where I live - I'll have to send some news clips your way that would make you shudder (the anti-nursing in public people)...I'll wait until ya get back. Have fun!

Robin said...

You must be in either TX or FL Jen. I keep hearing awful anti-NIP stories from there. Don't get get me started...

PS You could always get involved in LLL yourself and then those moms would have some local support ;-).

Carmen said...

I hope you enjoy yourself States-side and you'll get everything done!

Kim said...

Don't worry, you'll get it done! I know how how hard it is to pack for a lengthy vacation. We were gone for a month last year! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you good vibes to help you accomplish all your tasks in a timely manner. Enjoy your vacation!

Anonymous said...

3 week vacation!!!! Wow... you are going to really need to recover after you return! :D

Sounds like you have a ton of work to do... I'm right there with you on several of these. We are driving south just for a week though, need to see the family!

Anonymous said...

I want to feel bad for you, but a 3 week vacation? Hmmm...I want it!

Lady G~ said...

Three week vacation... how totally AWESOME!!! Praying you have a wonderful time...

impwork said...

I'd put the original 1960s Mission Impossible theme on because it sounds like one...

Laurence said...

HOO WOO 3 weeks on vacation ! :-)
That sound very cool !

Happy T13 !
And thanks for stopping by !

P.S. You write french very well ! Reviens quand tu veux ! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin...thanks for dropping by earlier. You certainly have a busy schedule. Maybe that red wine and dark chocolate will come in handy!!!
Have fun and enjoy the vacation

The Rock Chick said...

All that before Tuesday? Yikes! You're going ot need a three-week vacation!!! Hope you enjoy your visit...not sure where you're going in the US exactly but I'm in Chicago...

Happy TT and I really hope you enjoy your visit here!

Jessica The Rock Chick

Unknown said...

You can do it! The stress before a trip is huge, but it will be worth it. I hope you enjoy yourself. :)

Scribbit said...

And on top of that a post? I'm terribly impressed! You're one dedicated blogger :)