Thursday, June 11, 2009

Now you see it...

... now you don't.

Click to enlarge

I've taken a break from Old City windows this week to bring you a Crusader window (and a naturally sepia one at that), and what a view they had! I like too the juxtaposition of the old and the new - looking out through a window built hundreds of years ago to see a modern speedboat zooming by. That contradiction is actually one of the things I like best about Israel - the way the ancient coexists happily with the ultra-modern. Like I said the other day, you never know quite what you're going to find here, and that's half the fun of it all.
Don't worry though, all you Old City fans, there are still a lot more Old City photos to come, or have a look through my recent archives for the ones you missed the first time around.


Carletta said...

Beautiful shot Robin - like the framing!
A natural sepia peeking through to color - great choice to leave it that way.

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

MaR said...

What great shots and fantastic contrasts!! The blue water is very inviting, particularly now that the speed boat is gone :)

Anonymous said...

More beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing bits of Israel with us.

Author said...

I too love this type of shot - or any shots where one peeps through arches or doorways or windows to new views. I particularly like old and new presented in this way.

My entry:

Milo and Alfie's entry:

Anonymous said...

very nice photos Robin. I really enjoy them. Excellent :)

Unknown said...

Those shots are beautiful. What an intriguing window.
Especially with that motorboot passing by :)
Great catch :D!

Melissa aka Equidae said...

its nice having these niches for photos :) its also great to know someone's been to our islands...if u come again let me know we can meet

Suki said...

Wow! two lovely photos! As you said you managed to bring out the contrast between the old and new in your two pics. And the sea looks very inviting.

Ingrid said...

I found that it Morocco too ! a village in mud houses looking like cubes out of the bible or tora but with solar pannels and TV antennas ! It really looked very strange to me.

Ingrid said...

BTW on my Morrocan window it's only decoration, no security bars. That's not necessary.

Anonymous said...

That piece of blue sea is like a jewel on an ancient necklace - I am ready to put it around my neck.

PJ said...

The natural sepia color is beautiful and the water is so blue. It's a really cool contrast between the old and new, hard to imagine even when seeing it.

Daryl said...

Fabulous .. I love the azure thru the sepia

Anonymous said...

I too like the contrast of the sparkling blue, blue water against the old stone, lovely shots!

DeLi said...

im lost for the right adjective to describe such scene

kayerj said...

love everything about the shot and the post

Shannon said...

Absolutely stunning photos. It must be incredible to live and experience life where you are. Cool!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Crusader marvellous!

Sherrie said...

Awesome view! The blue against the sepia tone is beautiful! Have a great day!!


Leora said...

Lovely, eye-catching composition.

RivkA with a capital A said...

I can't decide which shot I like better!!

anymommy said...

Your pictures are so awesome. I love coming here, I always leave feeling like the world is gorgeous.

bichonpawz said...

Absolutely stunning photos Robin! You sure have the eye for this!! Love it!!

Shaun said...

Nice view and photograph... contrasts in colour and in time...

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. Nice place to sit and watch the sea.

This Eclectic Life said...

I love touring Israel with you. What great colors!

maryt/theteach said...

The juxtaposition of the aquamarine water and the sepia brickwork is extraordinary, Robin! Gorgeous! :)

Ilan said...

Nicely done :)
Made me smile actually.
Great to find your blog, Shalom :)

Happily Retired Gal said...

WONDERFUL window views ;--)
Hugs and blessings,