Sunday, September 2, 2007


Motherhood is messy. It's sticky and grimy and sweaty. It's sacrifice. It's holding a sick child, knowing that that very holding will likely get you sick, and then leaning down to kiss their fevered brow anyway. It's reading Pat the Bunny for the 400th time, and still smiling when your child says "ooh, it's soft". It's diapers and potty training and sleepless nights. It's scraped knees and fevers and flu. It's tantrums and crying (sometimes even your children's). It's endless loads of laundry and constantly dirty floors. It's countless hours and vast sums of money spent in overly loud, garishly lit places with no windows watching other people's sugar-high children crash headlong into yours.

Motherhood is first smiles, and laughter, and that milk drunk look babies get after they've gotten their fill at your breast. It's butterfly kisses and learning to jump. It's abc's and twinkle twinkle and look what I drew mommy. It's licking the beaters. It's snuggles and hugs and a tiny hand in yours. It's learning to swim and new backpacks for school. It's fostering self-confidence and new skills. It's jokes and laughter and love. More than anything it's love. All powerful. Transcendent.

It's holding on tight. It's learning to trust. It's letting go.

This was written for MamaBlogga's September group writing project, on the theme "motherhood is".


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is such a sweet post.I love the way you wrote this. Motherhood for me is a miracle in itself.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Yes it is. Thank you for the warm fuzzies this early morning.

Anonymous said...

You've definitely captured what motherhood is . . .

GREAT job :-)

Mel said...

A very eloquent post Robin - well done!

Pieces of Me said...

And then there are the days when I wish motherhood wasn't that messy.(you can tell I'm having a rough day...:) *sigh* )
You've successfully brought out the contrasts... and how true they are!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Dorit, you've really brought out the contrasts! What a beautiful post.

Thanks so much for participating once again!

Selective Sanity said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I really enjoyed reading this.

Shawn said...

I refuse to let go. I won't do it.
: )

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVED everything you captured in this post! The little moments every mother has gone through. My favorite is your description of milk drunk baby. We joke about that after my 4 month old eats. They're just so out of it after a good feeding.

Papaya Mom said...

Wonderful writing - you have a great talent!

And I really relate to the kissing the sick child - it may be dangerous but it's just darn worth it!

Anonymous said...

beautiful post. thanks for inspiring me:-)

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

"It's countless hours and vast sums of money spent in overly loud, garishly lit places with no windows watching other people's sugar-high children crash headlong into yours."

Oh yes, been there.

Writer Bug said...

what a great post! I love the poetry in it.

Donetta said...

Yes, it is... Letting go is the reward of it all. When if we succeed they will walk and live on their own.

swirlingnotions said...

What great posts! There are so many poets among you all!

Robin . . . I love that your blog is about gathering around your kitchen island. I've always liked to think of mine as the conversation that ensues when we gather over a bottle of wine (I live in Sonoma County . . . so where there are people gathered, there is wine). We'll have to get together around your island with a bottle of my wine! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Of course my comment may not mean much since I don't have kids, but that was really beautiful! Almost makes me not so afraid of procreating!! :)

P.S. When you have a moment or 2, please stop by my blog to read my 'sticky' post...I'm interested in what the you might suggest! :)

Pearl said...

Letting go is the hardest part of motherhood.

SAHMmy Says said...

What a thoughtful post! I love it all; by the end of the day, when they're all finally asleep, I can look back on even the tantrums and feel blessed.

Michelle (The Beartwinsmom) said...

Yup, I agree, letting go is the HARDEST part of being a mom. My twin boys started 1st grade this week- first time in separate classes. It is so hard to not want to be the protector all the time.

Great way of using contrast in your post. The English major in me LOVES it. :-)


Found your post through MamaBlogga's Sept. Group Writing Project. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love this post - I totally identified with the 'Pat the Bunny' repetitive reading sessions : ) I think your last word - transcendence says it perfectly : )

Anonymous said...

You summed up mother hood so well. I could relate to all of that. Wonderfully written.

Ursula said...

So I have to let go, though?!

Thanks for sharing.