Friday, August 31, 2007
Philanthropy Thursday Friday
On her blog yesterday she suggested the last Thursday of each month as "Philanthropy Thursday", and asked everyone who stopped by her blog to take a second and think, "How can I make a small difference today? What can I do, however small, to make the world just a little bit better?" I'm a day late (Thursdays are generally a crazy day around the ole island) but this is definitely a case of better late than never.
Yesterday, I gave a bag of toys to my cleaner, who is a lay preacher and leader among the foreign worker community here in Israel, a group of primarily illegal workers (though he isn't himself) with almost no access to community resources or support. I've had some involvement with this community professionally (by providing pro bono breastfeeding teaching and support). Each time I walk away impressed by their spirit, will and willingness to work incredibly hard picking up the leavings of those luckier than they, all while refusing to give in to the atmosphere of fear and intimidation my so-called government is creating for them.
I've given them many items in the past, clothing, an old oven, books, and my son's old bicycle... It broke my heart when this man leapt at the chance to take an old pair of Jay's shoes, then accidentally threw them away with my household trash. It cracked my heart wide open when that mattered enough to him to take the bus 45 minutes back to my house to search through the building's garbage for them. I hadn't really thought to give them toys though. I'd mainly been giving necessities, not the things that can put a smile on a small child's face.
K was here the other day, cleaning up my mess, when I saw a bag of toys I'd set aside, rejects from a recent toy swap. I'd been meaning to "do something" with it for weeks, when I remembered that the creche run by the foreign workers' church has very few toys. My own children are lucky beyond all reason when it comes to toys. They are quite honestly drowning in them. They can no longer value what they have because of the excess.
I made a resolution on the spot. I am going to have a monthly toy purge. Instead of saving the toys for a future toy swap, or passing them on to friends' children or local preschools, I will be giving them to K. This way they I know they will be going straight to children who truly wouldn't have them otherwise. I hope that they will put a smile on someone's face.
So there you have it. My small attempt to make a the world a little bit better for someone this month.
Who's with me?
Here we go again
So much for having the chance to check out her new room and meet the new aide (she already knows and loves the teacher) before dropoff on Sunday. Sigh...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
TT #28 - 13 Reasons My Husband Should NOT Get A Unicycle
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Baking Salmon (CORRECTED)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Calgon, Take Me Away!
I've been working like a maniac the past two days trying to condense a week's worth of (part-time) work into 2.5 days. (The kids are off this week, Jay and I are splitting the time.) I was nearly done for the day when both children came racing in arguing loudly about their individual and non-reconcilable video preferences, in the process managing to press some button on the laptop and nearly wiping out half an hour's work. No, it wasn't pretty, but I managed to hit undelete and find it again. After that I was attempting to do the dishes when found out that a certain someone had left the wet bathing suits and towels from their (not my, I was working, remember) trip to the beach yesterday to sit and fester in a closed duffel bag. I was getting that into the washer when the grocery delivery showed up, so I had to stop to go put everything away before it spoiled (it's VERY hot here today and the perishables were barely chilled by the time they arrived). Before I could finish doing that a certain small child had managed to miss the toilet AGAIN and pee all over the damn floor, and I mean ALL over the floor, AGAIN. Sigh. Got that mopped up, then it was back to the groceries, then back to the laundry, start straightening up the disaster zone that is my house, and now the solar water heater guy is due to show up in five minutes. Oh, for goodness' sake. I forgot the dishes.
Calgon, take me away!!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Rockin' On

Yes, this is an incredibly crappy picture. It was taken on a cellphone camera from what is literally the very top row of what I can only describe as dizzyingly high bleacher-type seating (scroll down for the picture of "the Theater", and yes, it's much steeper than it looks, and yes, people still bring cushions to soften the hard stone benches as they did in Roman times). Oh, and it's a picture of the video screen, not of the actual guy on the stage. We can't expect miracles from a lousy little cellphone camera after all. Heck, I'm surprised that this even came out well enough to see what it is. But I digress...
The concert was incredible, once we finally got there (more on that down below). There was singing, there was a bouzouki, and by god there was one-footed flute mastery. I don't think I could even stand in that position that long, let alone play some of the finest and most creative flute music ever known to man. (I was in fact a flute player for many years, so I say this with some degree of accuracy.) Sitting there listening to those incredible sounds coming from that instrument transported me back to age 16, when I would cut orchestra to sit on the grass behind the school and make my kind of music with my friends. To this day there is still a scrap of faded and nearly illegible looseleaf paper in my flute case that has the chords to some Jethro Tull song. Damned if I know which one, but that scrap of paper has too much sentimental value to throw out. Sadly, the only "cool" piece of music I can still play from memory is Stairway to Heaven, but that one I know well enough to play in my sleep, even all these years later. I can barely manage to scrape out scales, but I can still play Stairway to Heaven. (Yes, that tells you something about the course of my musical (and social) development.)
But why did I say the concert was incredible once we actually got there? That dear readers is one of those "only in Israel" episodes.We left what was shaping up to be a very successful musical party at friends' in Tel Aviv very early, missing a lot of good acoustic music, to be sure we'd have plenty of time to make it to the concert. We zipped up the highway, arriving at the Caesarea exit, which is only about 4 miles or so from the venue, a full 45 minutes before the warm-up band was due to go on. Traffic was starting to back up, but we didn't think much of it. What fools these mortals be. The traffic was of (forgive the cliche, but the setting demands it) biblical proportions. Thousands of people all trying to get to a single parking lot at a single venue, along a road that quickly went down to ONE LANE! ONE LANE to get thousands of people to a concert on time. We crawled along for so long that not only did I have to finally hop out in desperation to pee behind a bush (thank heavens for long peasant skirts and a former teacher's suggestion to lose the underwear in such situations), but even Jay had to hop out and find himself a tree a bit later, and that never happens. Me, yes. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a bladder the size of a grape (and yes, I do take those "gotta go" pills to deal with it), but Jay is usually much more stoic than that. All told, it took us over NINETY MINUTES to go 4 miles! We missed the entire warm-up set AND the first Jethro Tull song. Then, once I finally got to my seat (after stopping to pee yet again, since you're pretty committed once you're at the top of a Roman amphitheater), I found that some asshole was sitting in my seat and flatly refusing to move. I threatened to just sit on him if he wouldn't move over (and it's not like these were even particularly good seats) and Jay finally lost his cool completely before this jerk and his friends finally moved one seat down to where they were supposed to be in the first place. I have no idea what that was all about, but it certainly wasn't a nice relaxed start to the event, that's for sure. What an asshole...
Eventually we managed to find our happy place and enjoyed the concert itself. Mother Goose, King Henry's Madrigal and Locomotive Breath really knocked our socks off. They never did play Skating Away, so I started wondering whether that was the one song we missed, but everyone I asked either missed the first few minutes as well (I told you the traffic was bad) or didn't know the names of the songs. Nevermind, there were plenty of classics to be had and we went away singing.
As an aside, I heard a disproportionate amount of Russian among the crowd. I wonder if somehow Jethro Tull was one of the bands whose music made the underground rounds before perestroika. I'll have to ask a Russian friend sometime...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Quiet is Dangerous
Uh oh.
I get that sinking feeling in my stomach as I realize that I've entered that most dangerous of all parenting zones - the quiet zone.
It can't be good. It's definitely not good. It's never good.
Quiet means that one or both of them are deep into something they have no business being into.
With great trepidation I slowly walk down the hall, to find my daughter has decided to dump out every single boxed game that my son has in his room and scatter the
And I breathe a big sigh of relief that I dodged a bullet on that one, knowing that it could have been worse. Far worse. She could have been covering herself and all of her surroundings with tiny stickers (have you ever tried to get several hundred stickers off of the carpet? I have. It's not fun.), or pushing several dozen magnets deep under the refrigerator, or dumping fish food all over the bed, or playing 'can I cover myself head to toe" with that blue gunk in the toilet bowl (we've since changed to the kind that goes inside the tank), or clogging up the toilet with an entire roll of toilet paper, or any one of a million other things that I shudder to
Yes, it could have been a whole lot worse.
The Sunday Scribblings writing prompt for this week was "I get that sinking feeling".
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Recapturing my lost youth
But, because the last 20 years DID in fact happen and I'm now the mom of two small children, we'll be spending the afternoon at the pool first. All the better to tire the kiddos out with my dear. Gotta have some sympathy for the babysitter after all. It's going to be a long evening for her.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Stone Soup
It's not entirely true. The freezer is full of things that won't be defrosted in time and there are various other ingredients around, but at 10 o'clock at night there's nothing easy to grab and I'm too tired to start cooking. Why am I eating dinner at 10pm you ask? Why, because I ate lunch at 4:30 of course (though that was a very yummy pasta with mushroom cream sauce that I whipped up just because I was in the mood). The kids ate earlier, Jay napped through dinner and I obviously didn't want anything heavy so it just never happened, and now I'm ravenous.
Oh well, I'm off now to go prowl the wilds of my kitchen in search of something effortless and not horribly unhealthy. One meal like that per day is enough for me (or it least it darn well should be!).
Thursday, August 23, 2007
TT#27 - 13 Reasons Garden Centers Bar Their Doors To Me
If there is a super-secret blacklist of customers too dangerous to handle that circulates among
(It took nearly two hours of struggling but I finally managed to figure out how to make a slideshow out of my photos. I have no idea whether the captions will even show up, but nevermind, these pictures speak for themselves. Hang on, I just got it - if you click on an individual photo it will pause the slideshow and show you the caption. Just in case you're wondering what on earth some of these monstrosities are.)
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
And as an extra, just to show that I'm not utterly and completely hopeless with anything green and leafy ALL the time, here is the proof that not everything I have is dead or in immediate danger thereof. A few are in fact surprisingly healthy looking. Rest assured though, it's accidental and certainly no fault of mine.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
My sister just had a baby!
I haven't seen pictures yet, but I'm betting he's a cutie.
Oh, and he and his sister will soon be the proud recipients of the super-cool gifts you all helped me find :-).
Storing Children's Artwork

Enter the digital camera.
I take digital photographs of all my kids' drawings and projects (and boy do they bring home a LOT of them). Once they're stored digitally, the originals quietly disappear. The kids love seeing their work pop up on the computer's screen saver, and I love getting rid of the clutter! A word to the wise though, always make sure that the artwork you're not saving "disappears" when no one is watching. Otherwise, that fingerpainting they haven't even thought about in 6 months suddenly becomes a treasure they can't live without.
Storing artwork digitally - it works for me. Check out Rocks In My Dryer to see what works for everyone else.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Telltale Heart Clock
Something in this house is conspiring to drive me mad. For the past few days, every time I sit down at my computer I hear a quiet, subtle ticking. An incessant ticking. A maddening ticking. A drive me to distraction ticking.
Why don't I just remove the offending object, you ask? Because I Can't. Find. It!!! My watch doesn't tick, the clock doesn't tick, the dvd player or digital clock on the oven certainly don't tick. I have no freaking idea what is ticking. I'm starting to wonder whether it's something in the new laptop itself, not that I've ever heard of a computer ticking before. Whatever it is, it's driving me mad. MAD, I tell you.
All I know is that I am starting to feel an awful lot like the protagonist in The Tell-Tale Heart. (And oh my god, did you know that someone has actually turned The Tell-Tale Heart into a musical?! Or rather, a musicabre as he's calling it. Amazing. The Tell-Tale Heart - a musical. Good grief.)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, Monday
What is it about Mondays that drag us down so? Monday isn't even the first day of my week (the week runs Sunday to Thursday here) and I still can't get my act together. I stare woozily at the piles of work awaiting me, unable to take that first step and begin writing. I got
I've blogged, surfed, checked my e-mail, drank yet another cup of iced coffee, if I don't manage to get to work soon I'm going to have to go do laundry!
What do you do when your nose simply refuses to press itself to the grindstone?
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Dear Diary...
Wow. It's been decades since I looked at you. 25 years at least. You're looking a bit worse for wear, and the little gold key that stood guard over your secrets has long since disappeared. Nevermind, those locks are even flimsier than the ones on the old travel locks. I just stuck a bobby pin in and it popped right open.
How strange to read about things that seemed so important back then and are so completely meaningless now. Those two girls down the street that made it their life's work to torment you at the bus stop each morning? One didn't get a date until she was nearly 17. The other's parents got divorced and she had to move away. Neither of them were ever even that popular. Maybe that's why they were such bullies.
Oh, and the youth group I wrote about, wondering whether I should join? (I should? You should? How does one write to one's younger self, anyway?) I did join, and I became very active in it, gaining lots of friends, a very active social life, my first trip to Israel (and we all know where that led, much to my parents' dismay), and the
And that brings me to another thing, self. You're almost at the age, if you're not there already, where you're going to take a temporary leave of your sanity and decide that it would be an adventurous thing to do to try smoking the discarded cigarette butts in the ashtray of Lisa W.'s father's van. For god's sake girl, THINK about it! That is freaking DISGUSTING! Don't do it! And how a revolting experience like that one could end up in 17 years of heavy smoking I'll never understand. You'd think it would have sent you (me?) running as fast as you (I?) could in the other direction. Take it from me, young and inexperienced self. Quitting smoking is HARD. Unbelievably hard. Probably the hardest thing you've ever done. Save yourself a whole lot of anguish and don't bother starting in the first place. Seriously. It's not worth it.
And one more thing before I run away screaming from these annals of preteen angst. (Don't take it personally, there's only so much I can take from the viewpoint of a 38 year old.) This one's important though. It's hang in there, and believe in yourself. Your road is going to have a lot of ups and downs. Growing up, at least the way I did it, is not for the faint of heart. Just be true to yourself, keep a good head on your shoulders, and know that you're going to turn out just fine. Better than fine. So buckle your seat belt, you're in for the ride of your life, kid.
The writing prompt for this week's Sunday Scribblings was "Dear Diary".
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sunday his friend came to the pool with us after camp and ended up staying late enough that I told his mother he might as well stay over and save her the trip. (He's the son of a dear friend of mine, a GNI friend in fact. They live in a neighboring town, for some reason she couldn't find a second session camp there so he comes to Itai's camp.) That went well, so when I needed
He ran off, backpack and toothbrush in hand, with nary a backwards glance. My little boy's not so little anymore.
On the other hand, he's quite full of 6.5 year old sass though. When do they grow out of that? (And please don't say 25!)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
TT#26 - 13 Classic Summer Songs

13 Classic Summer Songs, guaranteed to get you smiling and singing along
(in random order)
1. Summer Nights - Grease
2. Summertime, Summertime - Jamies
3. Summer in the City - Loving Spoonful
4. School's Out - Alice Cooper
5. Surfin USA - Beach Boys
6. Saturday In The Park - Chicago
7. Up On The Roof - Drifters
8. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - Bryan Hyland
9. Summer Of '69 - Bryan Adams
10. Downtown - Petula Clark
11. Daydream Believer - Monkees
12. Boys of Summer - Don Henley ("I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac" is still one of my favorite lines ever)
13. Kokomo - Beach Boys
There. You're smiling now, aren't you? Good, I knew you would be.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Webcams Help You Stay In Touch

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
About to go off on a consumer rampage
These were expensive glasses, and I am FURIOUS. I will be on the phone with the store first thing tomorrow morning, when I will demand my money back. I am so so so freaking mad.
And, to top it all off, with the stupid screws right in the lenses the freaking things are impossible to clean.
Too bad, I really liked them, too.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Linky - The Meme
Here's how to play:
You must post 5 links to posts you've written. At least two of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better . . . and don’t forget to read the archive posts and leave comments!
Link 1 must be about family: Sometimes Mothers Really Do Know Best
Link 2 must be about friends: Tapenade, Chili Butter, and Death By Scrabble
Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are, what you’re all about: No Market For Used Teenagers
Link 4 must be about something you love: Jacob's Ladder
Link 5 can be anything you choose: Vacation Memories
The folks I am tagging are: Janice, Shelly, who's usually overwhelmed with tags but I really want to see what she comes up with for this one, Margalit, Fourier Analyst, LaLa, whose beautiful blog I just discovered last week, and anyone else who wants to play along. Just leave me a link to let me know and I'll post it here.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday Scribblings - Goosebumps
Songs can give me goosebumps though. Certain songs, usually those based on true stories, with lyrics so haunting you know they will stay with you forever, those give me goosebumps. Those are the things that send chills up and down my spine. Listening to songs like Tommy Sands' "There Were Roses", or to John McCutcheon's "Christmas In The Trenches", or Judy Small's "Mothers, Daughters, Wives". Or to songs like Peter Jones' "Kilkelly" or David Roth's "9 Gold Medals". Songs like these make my hair stand on end, staying with me long after the last note has faded.
Take a minute to read through the lyrics, and see if they don't give you chills, too.
You can find many more goosebumps at this week's Sunday Scribblings.
Friday, August 10, 2007
A Soapdish For Words
It's not the language that often gets me, though. It's the cultural minutiae, those tiny little details that you just couldn't possibly know without growing up here.
This time it was a "soapdish for words". Huh? Come again? A what?
I received Itai's school supply list and dutifully went off an a grand purchasing adventure. (Second mortgage anyone?) I managed to stumble my way through the basics, and did enlist the store clerk's help to wind my way through the mazes of "magic notebooks, lined notebooks, script notebooks" and a seeming million of other kinds of notebooks more diverse than you could possibly imagine. (If you're curious, a "magic notebook" is for learning to write and has oddly sized lines. I think. Or was that the "script notebook"?) I gathered pencils, and erasors, and sharpeners, and markers, and any number of other school supplies.
And then, right there at the bottom of the list, in black and pink (the paper was pink, not white), there it was. A soapdish for words. I was sunk. What on earth could a soapdish for words be? With some trepidation I asked the clerk. I hate doing that, because it's invariably some stupid thing that Every. Single. Person. In. The. Country knows but me and I end up looking like an idiot. I usually try to save those questions for my Anglo friends with older children so that I can live vicariously through their prior humiliation (though I've had some spectacular failures there too - ask me next spring about the Shavuot fruit baskets), but there it was. I was in the store, buying school supplies, and I needed a soapdish for words. I bit the bullet and asked.
Turns out, it's just a soapdish. A plain old ordinary soapdish. The kids make flashcards, and then store them in the soapdish. He told me to just go to the pharmacy and buy one if I didn't have an extra lying around the house. No, the bookstore doesn't sell them.
Who'd have guessed...
Not me apparently. Heck, I still write the amounts on my checks with English letters because it was too humiliating to have to keep asking semi-literate cashiers how to spell "four". In a strange twist on language education, I was taught words like laboratory but never how to write the numbers (that's an essay in and of itself). Like I said, it's the little things that trip me up...
At least now, when Itai starts first grade in a few weeks he will be well prepared, with the right books, notebooks, school shirts, and yes, the right soapdish.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
TT#25 - 13 Things Robin Wants
1. What Robin Wants for Christmas - you mean other than the chance to run around in funky green tights?
2. How I Met Your Mother Television show - How I Met Your Mother TV ... Robin wants to tell Ted she loves him, but she can't make the leap. Gosh, life is so darn complicated on sitcoms...
3. Sky Sports - The Best Sport Coverage From Around The World
Robin wants to be reliable. By Tom Adams - Created on 3 Nov 2006 ... Arsenal striker Robin van Persie says he has set his sights on becoming a more selfless... The link goes to a general page about Arsenal, so I guess I'll have to die unfulfilled, never knowing a more selfless what Robin wants to become.
4. ROBIN HOOD (Read & Listen Books): Books: Philip Neil ...
The characters are Robin Hood, Marian, Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, Lord Fitzwalter and King Richard. Robin wants freedom, Marian and his title and lands back. His first big problem is the sheriff wants to kill him. So he harasses the sheriff. Robin gets 30 comrades to help him and lives in Sherwood Forest. The king comes back and gives Robin's title, lands and Marian back to him. I think what Robin really wants is for this kid to learn not to give away the ending in a book review!
5. Robin: wants more ferrets. - Nothing I say could possibly top this as a punch line, could it?
6. Robin: wants to know if there is any way off not getting updates on im? - but updates on what we'll never know.
7. Robin wants to purchase more or less butter than Batman is willing to sell. I guess times are really tough if the Dynamic Duo has moved from fighting crime into gunrunning for the commodities market.
8. Robin wants things to go back to how it used to be. (You Tube video clip) Am I really old and out of touch or is this more than a bit obscure? On second thought, don't answer that...
9. Robin wants to reduce too much behavior to signals - Scarily for someone who HATED studying economics (and is in fact married to an economist), this is like the third different economics reference that popped up during this little escapade. Do I give off some sort of weird economics vibe or something?
10. Robin wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world - I can go for that. Heck, I'm a fan too.
11. "O ye of little faith, lay it on me - all of it. Father Robin wants to hear all of it - particularly the juicy stuff." - Sounds entertaining.
12. Robin and Joanne - Robin wants to give them away too, but he has not found anyone yet. I have no idea what he might want to give away, it was a link to a blog page without that quote. My curiosity is peaked though.
13. Robin wants us all to be more aware. Sure they suck you in with a perfectly reasonable sounding quote, but once you click? Beware! It's another economics link!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!
Hope everyone has a great Thursday.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wouldn't this be wonderful...
Now if only he could get it to market in time to replace my slowly failing solar panels before I have to pay hundreds of dollars to replace them. Wishful thinking, but maybe next time. They only last 8 or 9 years you know...
WFMW - Use towels to protect carpeting

Since sick kids don't always manage to aim very well (despite you screaming "In the bucket! In the bucket!!), when a stomach bug hits your house lay down old towels around your child's bed and on a path to the bathroom to protect your carpet, just in case. It's a lot easier to throw a load of towels into the machine than it is to scrub carpeting.
Now that I've had this stroke of genius, hopefully I won't need it again for a LONNNNNG time!
Check out Rocks In My Dryer for lots more tips.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Down the Big Slide (and Maya is better today)
So he did.
Four times.
I am SO proud of him, and so glad his dad got the chance to be there and see his moment of triumph.
My boy is growing up. (And all those swimming lessons this summer seem to be paying off, too.)

Exhausted but triumphant
Our very proud (and very handsome, if I do say so myself) ring-bearer
And thank heavens, Maya seems to be over whatever she had and is back to her happy bouncy self (and back to camp!) today. Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm sure glad that's over. My washing machine may never forgive me though, and I'm not done yet.
Monday, August 6, 2007
And here we were doing so well, too (updated)
Yesterday after school we met friends at the new playspace (nice, but way too loud) and she ran around like a crazy person. After that we stopped for dinner, where Maya ate way too many french fries (like more than a full-grown adult male could have managed) and then suddenly remembered that if she ate her dinner well she was entitled to ice cream. I'd been planning on taking her home and giving her a spoonful or two at our house, but instead my girlfriend offered within her earshot to buy her some and next thing I knew my feeble requests for "a teeny tiny one" had morphed into the Ice Cream That Ate Brooklyn. This sucker was huge, and you know she scarfed down every last drop.
Which of course meant that she started throwing up in the middle of the night. She almost never throws up either, so it scared the crap out of her too.
It's now 7:30am and she's fallen back asleep. I'm awake and doing my third load of laundry, and hoping against hope that this is just a result of poor food choices and not some long-running stomach bug. Evil mother that I am, I'm also using this as a chance to instill the message that "too much ice cream is not good for tummies", so at least some good may yet come from this oh so lovely experience.
In any case, she's home with me today. It's times like this that I am very grateful that I work from home. I can be right here at home to take care of my sweet sick girl, and since I'm part-time (and 10 time zones away from my colleagues) I don't need to sweat the hours. I can work when she's feeling better (or
Keep your fingers crossed that whatever this is that it's short-lived, would you.
Update: It's nearly 10am. Maya is definitely sick. She alternates between sleeping fitfully and throwing up, and I think she's running a fever. I'd give her some motrin, but I don't think she can keep it down right now. She's such a sad sack, poor thing :-(.
PS Jay, if you're reading this from the wilds of Maryland, how was the wedding? It must have been beautiful. Give J my love, and tell R welcome to the family and I'm really looking forward to the chance to meet him next time.
PPS Any chance of e-mailing a quick pic or two of J&R and one of Itai as ring-bearer?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Super summer dish - curried chicken salad
Here's a variation on chicken salad that will get your taste buds perked up again. It contains mayonnaise, so remember to keep it nice and cool if you do plan on bringing it for a picnic.
Curried Chicken Salad
All quantities are approximate
3-4 chicken cutlets, cooked and cubed (can use dark meat, but I prefer white)
mayonnaise to taste
1 Tbl soy sauce
1 Tbl lemon juice
1 tsp curry powder
about 2 cups seedless white grapes, halved
1 cup roasted cashews
Optional: celery or water chestnuts, for added crunch
Taste and correct seasonings.
Chill to blend flavors before serving.
Bon appetit.
Check here for more of my recipes.
Friday, August 3, 2007
The best laid plans...
She started feeling warm during dinner tonight. Luckily my girlfriend has young children and was able to pull out a bottle of children's tylenol. Here I must add that Maya was an absolute dream all evening. She played beautifully, interacted well, conversing nearly non-stop with my friend and I, started instructing the toddler on how to behave ("no Adam, we don't push those buttons, and we don't scream. We use our words." - that's my girl!), ate well... All the normal things we often take for granted with most children, but a real achievement for Maya, for whom these things don't come that easily. She was truly "present" for the entire evening. I nearly cried when I realized that the 3 of us had been sitting there having a perfectly reasonable, age-appropriate conversation for at least half an hour. No repetition of our words and phrases, no rote speechmaking, no circling the room endlessly. Just a half an hour of completely normal nearly 4-year old behavior. I can't begin to tell you what that means to me. And of course I can't expect you to understand yet, since I still haven't gotten into all of those issues. I will though. Soon.
In any case, we were supposed to have brunch with friends tomorrow but I think we'll take a rain check. I don't want Maya to overdo it. We've got (stupidly expensive and non-refundable) Dora tickets for the afternoon, so if we're only going to do one activity we'd both rather it be that one.
Keep your fingers crossed...
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Pick me! Pick me!
Pick me! Pick me! Come on, how cool would it be for those Hawaiian clothes to travel all the way to Israel!
TT#24 - 13 Activities
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
We Got Gifts!
For her 4th birthday my niece will get a fuschia super-hero cape with a crown applique from superflykidz over at etsy (I was going to go for a play tent, but my sister had just gotten her one for the party. She's been pretending to be a superhero lately though, so I think she'll love this.)
New baby boy will get a custom-made sleep sack (the animal print one) from BeeBee Mod.
And proud big sister to be will get the cutest ever pink hoodie with a flower applique as her big sister gift, also from BeeBee Mod. And, I caught the final day of her big summer sale, so I got the hoodie for half off! Love that.
Thanks again for your help everyone. Smooches.
WFMW - Inflammatory Breast Cancer information

Did you hear that? You DON'T have to have a lump.
Rather than retyping that old post, I'm going to let WhyMommy's words speak directly to you. She says it better than I ever could, because she's living it. It's not just a warning to her. It's the battle for her life.
We hear a lot about breast cancer these days. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes, and there are millions living with it in the U.S. today alone. But did you know that there is more than one type of breast cancer?
I didn’t. I thought that breast cancer was all the same. I figured that if I did my monthly breast self-exams, and found no lump, I’d be fine.
Oops. It turns out that you don’t have to have a lump to have breast cancer. Six weeks ago, I went to my OB/GYN because my breast felt funny. It was red, hot, inflamed, and the skin looked…funny. But there was no lump, so I wasn’t worried. I should have been. After a round of antibiotics didn’t clear up the inflammation, my doctor sent me to a breast specialist and did a skin punch biopsy. That test showed that I have inflammatory breast cancer, a very aggressive cancer that can be deadly.
Inflammatory breast cancer is often misdiagnosed as mastitis because many doctors have never seen it before and consider it rare. “Rare” or not, there are over 100,000 women in the U.S. with this cancer right now; only half will survive five years. Please call your OB/GYN if you experience several of the following symptoms in your breast, or any unusual changes: redness, rapid increase in size of one breast, persistent itching of breast or nipple, thickening of breast tissue, stabbing pain, soreness, swelling under the arm, dimpling or ridging (for example, when you take your bra off, the bra marks stay – for a while), flattening or retracting of the nipple, or a texture that looks or feels like an orange (called peau d’orange). Ask if your GYN is familiar with inflammatory breast cancer, and tell her that you’re concerned and want to come in to rule it out.
There is more than one kind of breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer is the most aggressive form of breast cancer out there, and early detection is critical. It’s not usually detected by mammogram. It does not usually present with a lump. It may be overlooked with all of the changes that our breasts undergo during the years when we’re pregnant and/or nursing our little ones. It’s important not to miss this one.
Inflammatory breast cancer is detected by women and their doctors who notice a change in one of their breasts. If you notice a change, call your doctor today. Tell her about it. Tell her that you have a friend with this disease, and it’s trying to kill her. Now you know what I wish I had known before six weeks ago.
You don’t have to have a lump to have breast cancer.
P.S. Feel free to steal this post too. I’d be happy for anyone in the blogosphere to take it and put it on their site, no questions asked. Dress it up, dress it down, let it run around the place barefoot. I don’t care. But I want the word to get out. I don’t want another young mom, or old man, or anyone in between, to have to stare at this thing on their chest and wonder, is it mastitis? Is it a rash? Am I overreacting? This cancer moves FAST, and early detection and treatment is critical for survival.
From Robin again:
Everyone who reads this, please, go do your monthly breast self-exams. Don't just look for a lump. IBC is NOT characterized by a lump. Please go right now and read these descriptions of the symptoms of regular breast cancer and inflammatory breast cancer, and if you find anything questionable, please, PLEASE, go see your doctor. Knowledge is power and early detection is critical.