Friday, March 30, 2007
I need a laundry fairy

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #9 - Colors of Green
1. Spring green: This one had to be first of course. Spring green is a color that is the color on the color wheel that is halfway between cyan and green. It is an official web color name. It corresponds to a visual stimulus of 505 nanometers on the visible spectrum.
The complementary color of spring green is Rose.
2. Emerald: An emerald color is a shade of green that is particularly light and bright, with a faint bluish cast. The name derives from the typical appearance of the gemstone emerald. Ireland is sometimes referred to as the Emerald Isle due to its lush greenery.

Emerald City, from the fictional story of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, is a city where everything from food to people are emerald green. However, it is revealed at the end of the story that everything in the city is normal colored, but the glasses everyone wears are emerald tinted.
3. Celadon: Celadon is a pale, sea-green pigment. From the French 'Céladon,' a character in L'Astrée (a romance by Honoré d'Urfé), celadon also refers to a type of pottery having the same pale green glaze, originally produced in China. Chemically, celadon is formed by combining chromium oxide, cadmium yellow, and titanium-zinc white. It was most commonly used in Korean art.
I had an incredible meal at the Celadon Restaurant at the Sukhothai Hotel on my first night in Bangkok. I still salivate at the thought of their freshly made Thai iced tea, and the food was out of this world good.
4. Forest green: Forest green refers to a green color said to resemble the color of the trees and other plants in a forest. Forest green is one of the school colors of the University of the Philippines amd Cass Technical High School. It is also one of the team colors of the Forest Green Rovers F.C., an English football club.

5. Kelly green: Kelly green, also known as grass green or pigment green, is achieved by mixing cyan and yellow in equal proportions. This is the color green that is shown in the diagram located at the bottom of the following website offering tintbooks for CMYK printing.
This color is also called grass green. Colored pencils of the 1950s colored this were sometimes called grass green. Psychedelic art made people used to brighter colors of green, and pigment colors or colored pencils called "bright green" or "true green" are produced which approximate (with much less brightness that is possible on a computer screen) the electric green shown above.
6. Sea green: Sea green is a shade of green that resembles the sea floor as seen from the surface. Sea Green is notable for being the emblematic colour of the Levellers party in the politics of 1640s England. Leveller supporters would wear a sea-green ribbon, in a similar manner to the present-day red AIDS awareness ribbon.
Not every language distinguishes blue and green like English.
7. Pine green: Pine green is a greenish shade of cyan that resembles the color of pine trees. It is an official Crayola color.
8. Tea green: Tea Green is a light shade of green. And of course the color of the very delicious green tea.
9. Asparagus: Asparagus is a brownish shade of green that resembles the plant asparagus. It is an official Crayola color. I'm actually not crazy about this color, but I love to eat asparagus so I left it in. 10. Fern green: Fern green is a color that resembles ferns. A Crayola crayon with a similar color named Fern was created in 1998.
11. Jade: Jade is a saturated, slightly bluish green. The name comes from the stone called jade, although the stone varies widely in hue. A magnificent color to be sure.
12. Persian green: Persian green is a color used in pottery and Persian carpets in Iran. Other colours associated with Persia include Persian red and Persian blue. The color persian green is named from the green color of some Persian pottery and is a representation of the color of the mineral malachite. It is a popular color in Iran because the color green symbolizes Islam. The first recorded use of Persian green as a color name in English was in 1892.
The source of this color is the ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955), a color dictionary used by stamp collectors to identify the colors of stamps.
And last and possibly least:
13. Olive: Olive is a dulled, darker yellowish-green color typically seen on green olives. It can be formed by adding a little black to yellow dye or paint. As a color word in the English language, it is unexpectedly old, appearing in late Middle English. Shaded green, it becomes olive drab.
Olive is a direct color name. Sometimes persons are said to be "olive-skinned", to denote shades of medium toned white skin with small hints of yellow and green. In religion, Olive is sometimes used as a Church color during Ordinary Time. (Question from Robin - what is Ordinary Time?). Shades of olive, such as Olive Drab, are frequently used for camouflage, or by the military in general.I like olive because craggy old olive trees are particularly lovely in their own way, and because olive branches are a symbol of peace, but at the same time I dislike it because it brings with it thoughts of army uniforms, and the necessity of wearing them.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
WFMW - Water Wow Books

That's what works for me. For more WFMW tips check out Shannon's Rocks in My Dryer.
My husband just made a liar out of me
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Shades of Gray

We had several days of hot and very dusty winds blow in from North Africa on Thursday and Friday (very typical in the spring), and then during the night Friday it apparently drizzled for a minute or two, leaving the entire country coated with a dusty, smudgy mess. Everything looks gray, muted, depressing. There's a uniform sameness of the landscape. Differences are hidden. Everything is the same shade of brown. On a more practical note, getting to the car wash is top priority today, I can barely see out my windows!
On the one hand, these sharavs are sort of nice because they're a chance to break out all the summer clothes and enjoy a taste of summertime without the humidity, but on the other hand during a severe one the dryness and the dust can get very oppressive. At its worst, a sharav is like being inside a clothes dryer while it's running. Thankfully they usually only last a few days and then normal spring weather returns, and then before we know it spring is over and we're well into the long hot humid summer. Bring it on!
Edited to say that wow, I apparently really really need a cup of coffee. I just glanced over this entry and found at least 7 truly stupendous typos and grammatical idiocies (corrected now). Off to go brew some java ASAP.
Friday, March 23, 2007
A slice of life
The first clip is me reading Sandra Boynton's Blue Hat, Green Hat to Maya. She loves this book. The "oops" at the end of each page sends her off into cataclysms of laughter. Better yet, play it and see for yourselves. (Excuse my "oh wow do I need to get back to the hairdresser" dark roots and old sweatshirt, not to mention Maya's lack of attire - we weren't planning to make our big blog debut that night.)
The next clip is Maya performing a Bugs Bunny vaudeville routine. (You're not crazy, half the words are in fact nonsense, but the little soft shoe routine kills me every time.)

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #8 - Working in Turkey
1. 6 day week - all offices are open half-days on Saturday. They generally close up shop at about 1pm, leaving you with a weekend that is only 1.5 days long (not enough time to leave town and go touring if you're a business traveler like me!)
3. Pide for lunch on Saturdays. Monday to Friday we'd get a hot catered lunch (soup, meat and starch dish, and some kind of dessert) that would arrive in giant 3-tiered metal lunchbox. On Saturdays though there was no catered meal. Instead, the boss would bring in pide, which are sort of like long, skinny, greasy foccaccia with either meat or cheese inside.
5. Tea boys and drivers. Labor costs are low in Turkey, particularly for unskilled labor. Every office had a "tea boy" (often old enough to be my father, it was very disconcerting to hear them called "boys") and a driver (also always a man).
6. Horrific drivers. I've done a fair amount of traveling and have seen some pretty awful driving (heck, even in Israel drivers are terrible), but Turkey takes the cake. I met up with my husband in Istanbul one weekend, where we took the most frightening taxi ride of our lives. This driver was in such a hurry that he passed a bus as it was letting passengers on by driving between the bus and the bustop! He just cut right through, swerving around all the passengers trying to get on and off! Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.
7. Abundance of (cheap!) internet cafes. When I first started going to Turkey the hotels didn't offer any way to connect in the room (neither did my laptop for that matter). Luckily there were internet cafes on just about every corner to get me my fix.
8. Freezing my ass off in the Hotel Metropol. During my first project in Turkey they'd always put me in this little fleabag hotel near the project office. Winter in Ankara is COLD and this hotel didn't have proper heating. I used to literally boil myself in the tub to get warm enough to go to sleep (thank heavens the next project I was put in a normal modern hotel). Actually, there was poor climate control in pretty much every building - it was always too hot or too cold. Spring was beautiful, but winter and summer were sometimes rough.
10. Many homes displayed silver mirrors on the wall - with the mirror side turned to the wall. Muslim tradition dictates that you can't pray where there are graven images, so to avoid this people would turn their mirrors to the wall. Over time, they began to decorate the reverse side, and then that developed into a tradition all its own. I even bought one to display in my own home. This one is typical:
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
WFMW - Storing Ginger

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Quick update about Maya
Thank god.
I'm now going to go wash the supper dishes (that my husband was supposed to do before falling asleep on Itai's floor!) and listen to my not sleeping daughter singing and reading to herself.
PS For those keeping track of the details, Maya and I spent a long time playing Magnetix tonight. Not only did she not simply line things up, she was making numbers, letters (including some I'd never shown her how to do), trees, mountains, a car for Dora's friend Tico... After that we sang a few duets and I read her a few books before she went to go dance and sing to her Gymboree dvd. This is not a withdrawn, introverted, unresponsive child. This child is a delight. A ray of golden sunshine. Now we just have to help nurture that sunshine and help it to shine out at school.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
L and I have agreed that it would be an excellent idea for me to spend about 30 minutes in Maya's classroom most days. We'll be varying the time and circumstances to try and keep this from ending up as another one of Maya's rigid "compartments".
This morning, on my own initiative and before speaking with L, I decided to stay in the classroom for a bit to try and draw Maya out. The teachers all greeted her and then she made a beeline for the blocks. She started lining them up as always. When I sat down and suggested she make a 7 instead, she took two blocks and made a 7. Then an upside-down 7, then a sideways one, then she made a T. When I suggested a car, she made that too. At that point another little girl came over to play and wanted to make a bridge. They spent the next few minutes playing sort of together, sort of in parallel. At one point I mentioned to another girl (Maya's good friend) that she needed to wipe her nose, so Maya promptly got up, went to go get a tissue, and walked over to the girl to wipe her nose. This doesn't sound to me like a child who is uninterested in social contact, more like a girl needs to feel comfortable first, and perhaps needs a bit of a push to initiate it.
At the end of the day I made sure to come a few minutes early and try again. This time, Maya was very huggy kissy with her teachers, and then went to play. When I suggested that she hug another girl who'd come over, she did. Then they kissed and hugged some more. I then suggested that they both jump together. They did. When I suggested that they hold hands while jumping, Maya happily did that too.
One of the aides, who speaks English extremely well, also agrees with my thinking that the language is a major issue, and seems less stressed about the whole situation (since she sees it more as a temporary language issue). She said that the teacher doesn't speak much English and isn't very experienced with bilingual children, and may be underestimating the impact of this because she doesn't realize how much more fluent Maya still is in English.
There are certainly issues here, and they need to be fixed, but seeing how easily I was able to elicit an appropriate social response I can't help but wonder why her teachers can't. They are educated, warm, loving, involved and extremely capable. Why has this progressed to the level that it has?
I'll be meeting with L again on Tuesday morning for a more in-depth conversation. I hope these things I'm seeing in the school help to illuminate a clearer path towards helping Maya. In the meantime, she's encouraged us to have a lot of playdates for Maya so we're going to be very busy this week. Tomorrow her good friend is coming over (the one with the runny nose LOL). Tuesday a friend is coming over with her two kids - a boy Itai's age and a girl just a bit younger than Maya, they also play well together. Then Thursday her classroom aide (who she adores) is coming over with her daughter. She's Maya's age and they know each other enough to be friendly. I think it will be particularly helpful for Maya to see the aide out of school, and just as much so for the aide to see what Maya is actually capable of.
Never a dull moment. I do feel slightly more optimistic at the moment though.
Thank you to everyone for your support. It really does help.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Maya's developmental evaluation
This is what came of that. So far anyway.
Where to begin...
For starters, the results of the initial evaluation at her school were quite worrisome to L. She said Maya exhibited quite a lot of problematic patterns - sinking into herself, spending ages just lining up blocks (no imaginative component), staring at herself in a mirror, not responding to the efforts of those few children who still try to engage her, not using speech to communicate with her teachers... She did beautifully during circle time, participated, spoke appropriately, etc. L also noted that her cognitive abilities were quite advanced, that she was doing very well in that and was quite bright. She was however very worried by the difficulty and even lack of interest in interacting with others that she displayed during free play.
On the plus side, L was able to engage her within about 5 minutes, something her teachers have not been very successful in doing. They were actually very surprised that within 3 or 4 minutes Maya was talking and playing with her.
I've been saying since this all started that the behaviors they describe are not my Maya, not today's Maya, but I don't think that was all that credible coming from me, her mother. Her teacher is a neighbor and her dd is in school with Itai, so she does see Maya out of school at times and knows there's a difference in her behavior, but I'm not sure she realized how distinct that difference is. Maya did show more problematic behavior last year, but in the past six months she's really made huge developmental strides, at least here at home. She went from being a difficult two year old who often seemed unhappy with life in general to a truly delightful three year old, someone it's honestly FUN to parent.
I was really worried about what L would see when we went on Friday, whether Maya would show her the "real" Maya, the one that I know and see daily. Thank god she did. Maya talked, she played, she danced, she made up stories with the toys, demonstrated imaginative play, cuddled, went freely to both Jay and I and to L, had great eye contact... All those normal things that "normal" children do. I did agree that we see a few of the more problematic patterns, but that they were to a MUCH lesser degree than what is apparently going on in school. L said that a lot of that was probably because of the positive way we react to and parent her and that we instinctively and automatically pull her up as she starts to slip down into herself, without even really realizing it.
L was very happy (and relieved I think) to see this other side of Maya, but the school side is a problem. It may be (is probably) developmental, possibly due to the discrepancy between her English language skills and her Hebrew skills. She apparently has a lot of "compartments" in her life - different behavior patterns for different places or situations (much like the way she was perfectly potty trained at school and would come home and pee and poop all over the house, thankfully nearly a thing of the past). The challenge is now to figure out how to help her out of her compartments, to move past the need for them. It may correct itself even if left alone, but she spends about 7 hours a day in school, and it's not helping her to have those 7 hours be so limited (and limiting) developmentally. The problem is how to do that. L said that if she were exhibiting only one of these two aspects of her personality then the answer would be simple, she'd know what to recommend. The fact that she's for all practical purposes a Jekyll and Hyde makes things more difficult to figure out. I've been saying all along that the behaviors they were describing didn't make any sense to me, because that is not the Maya I ever see, at least now that's been validated and will hopefully provide a more positive place to start from.
For now, L will meet again with the school staff and try to give them concrete tools to pull Maya up from within herself. Jay and I will also be meeting with her again this week to discuss her history in more detail. In parallel, L is consulting with some other specialists to try and find the best treatment path for Maya. We'll also request a developmental evaluation from the health fund now just to get that on the books in case we need their services later (socialized medicine - it will take ages to come through).
I met up with Maya's teacher when she picked her dd up from kindergarten and we had a chance to talk as the kids all played on the playground, and she got a chance to watch as Maya ran and played in a perfectly normal, social manner, but whenever Maya started to run to me and saw her teacher she stopped short and pulled back instead. It's not a problem with the school. Both we and L agree that the staff is wonderful and that they are making a serious effort to help Maya. It's apparently more that Maya has placed them in an "I'm not responding to this" lower-functioning compartment for herself.
Her teacher is convinced that language isn't the problem, because Maya can communicate reasonably well in Hebrew. After seeing the level at which Maya communicates with us in English though L isn't sure she agrees, and I think I'm with her. Yes, Maya's Hebrew is reasonable compared to some average Israeli child. However, her English is far above that, and I worry that on some level her innate perfectionist tendencies have made her feel that it's better to withdraw than to fail to communicate at the level she wants to. Hopefully we'll be able to find a way through this together that will get Maya whatever kind of help she needs, whether developmental, speech therapy or otherwise, to help her school persona get back on track with the rest of her life.
Friday, March 16, 2007
By request - savory crepe recipes
Here are a few easy combinations to get you started:
Basic crepe recipe
(can be doubled or reduced by one-third - since you can't easily cut 3 eggs in half):
1.5 C (375ml) milk (can be skim)
2 T vegetable oil (something light, not olive)
3 eggs
1.5 C (375ml) flour
Put the ingredients into a food processor or blender in the order listed. Blend until smooth. Pour 1/3-1/2 C of batter into a non-stick frying or crepe pan and swirl around to make a big circle. Cook on medium heat. Cook the first side until you see small bubbles and the crepe moves freely around the pan. Flip and slightly brown the other side. Repeat until all batter is gone. Stack on a plate until ready to fill.
Note, crepes are best used right away, or at least a bit later that evening. They don't store well.
Filling 1: Ham and Cheese Basic Recipe (sorry to anyone out there who's kosher, just substitute mushrooms if you are)
Ingredients (enough to stuff however many crepes you've made. Don't overstuff.):
ham/smoked turkey cut into small julienned strips
Shredded cheese - any kind that goes well with the meat
Binder - can be a soft white cheese (i.e. a mild bulgarian, feta, or goat cheese) or a thick cream sauce seasoned however you like (ask me for a recipe if you need one)
To assemble crepes:
Lay a crepe dark side down on a plate. Spoon a few tablespoons of the meat in a line down the middle, staying away from the edge. Spoon sauce on top of meat to mostly cover. Sprinkle grated cheese on the top. Roll up crepe (parallel to the filling). Seal with a bit of soft cheese if necessary. Place in oven-safe baking dish.
Once all the crepes are lined up in the pan, I like to spoon a bit of sauce over the top to keep them from drying out.
Heat through in a medium oven (15-25 minutes or so, depending on whether your filling started out hot or cold. Serve immediately.
Filling 2: Basic Mushroom Filling (nothing very exotic, just a good starting point. Get creative from there.)
Ingredients for 8 crepes:
1/2 pound (230g) mushrooms, thickly sliced
2 T (30ml) butter
2 T (30ml) dry white wine
1/2 tsp (2ml) chicken bouillon
1/4 tsp seasoned salt (or you can substitute mustard powder, tarragon, etc.)
dash pepper
1/2 C (125ml) sour cream
1 T (15ml) minced chives (optional)
Saute mushrooms in butter. Add wine, bouillon, seasoned salt (or other herbs/spices) and pepper. Cook over medium heat until bubbly. Stir in sour cream and chives. Heat through, but do not boil.
Fill crepes and heat through before serving.
Filling 3: Steamed vegetables with cashew ginger sauce (my favorite)
From Molly Katzen's oh so wonderful Moosewood Cookbook
Steamed veggie of choice - I love this with julienned carrots, but it goes well with broccoli too)
2 C toasted cashews
1 C water
2 T minced fresh ginger (NOT powder)
1 T soy sauce
1 T honey or sugar (white or brown)
2 T plus 1 tsp cider vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
cayenne pepper, to taste
Puree everything together in a food processor or blender until smooth. If you've made the sauce in advance heat it through before assembling the crepes. This saves a bit of heating time once the crepes are in the oven and will help keep them from drying out.
To assemble crepes:
Place a few tablespoons of the steamed vegetable in your crepe. Top with a tablespoon or two of sauce. Roll and seal with a drop of sauce. Arrange in baking dish. Once all the crepes are arranged, spoon some sauce of the top of all of them. Heat through and serve.
I hope this helps you get started. Bon appetit, or as we say in Israel, B'teavon.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #7 - Favorite Foods

I was apparently hungry when I was trying to come up with a good list for this week. Here are my favorite foods, in no particular order:
1. Pasta in cream sauce - any way, shape or form, preferably homemade

Edited to add that I've put the auto-link thingie in now. I was in a rush this morning and completely forgot. And the header too. Sheesh, that'll teach me to post in a hurry!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Works for Me Wednesday - Game Storage

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Real Mothers Are...
Real Mothers are Imperfect.
Real mothers sometimes lose their temper. Real mothers don't always serve their children perfectly healthy, well-balanced meals (made from scratch of course). Real mothers still need some "me" time to stay sane. Real mothers have parts of parenting that they don't like. Real mothers can get mind-numbingly bored reading the same book over and over and over and over again. Real mothers don't always look like they've stepped out of the pages of a 1950's edition of Good Housekeeping. Real mothers lose their car keys. Or forget to start dinner. Or sometimes choose to blog instead of playing pokemon cards (otherwise known as the card game from hell). Real mothers can rationalize stealing (and then eating) their children's holiday candy. Real mothers sometimes breathe an audible sigh of relief when bedtime rolls around.
Real mothers love their children more than life itself, and are loved just as much in return, despite, or even because of, all their flaws. Real mothers are you and I.
And now as part of the meme I need to tag 5 more people. Eeny meeny miny moe...
Terri, Janice, Dorit, Darcy and Kim - you're up.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Happy Feet
Thank heavens I was finally able to get my very much needed pedicure, and am again the proud possessor of happy, polished and reasonably cute feet. See?

Friday, March 9, 2007
Shoutout to Michelle from Scribbit
Thanks Michelle!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
TT #6 - 13 Israeli (English Language) Singer-Songwriters and Musicians
1. Ray Scudero - a true shining star that we were privileged to have among us for much too short a time
2. Joanna Katzen - Ray's wife, a collaborator on this album, and an excellent singer-songwriter herself
3. Jill Rogoff - originals and traditional Celtic, stunning voice
4. Sandy Cash - amazing voice, original songs ranging from hysterically funny (think Christine Lavin) to incredibly poignant
5. Shelly Ellen - folk rolk with forays into blues and country
6. Dov Hammer - blues and more blues
7. Diane & Ada - Folk and world music with lovely harmonies
8. Black Velvet - homegrown Irish, with Celtic, Israeli and Central European influences
9. Lynn and Judy Lewis - bluegrass, and hosts of a popular local folk club
10. Marc Miller - humorous originals
11. The Goldoolins - English folk and "Renaissance Pop", with some 60's thrown in, great acoustic vocals
12. Ofer Golani - eclectic, peace-oriented
13. The Taverners - bawdy fun, definitely not for kids
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Works for Me Wednesday - Easy Birthday Cake

(This one stayed in the pan so that it would be easier for me to bring to my son's school. It looks better if you take it out.)
You need:
Photograph of the birthday kid
1 square cake
loads of colored candies, whatever kind the child likes
Take a photo (preferably cropped square) of the birthday kid. (Laminate or seal in a ziploc bag if you want to keep the picture safe.
Bake your favorite cake in a square pan. Frost. Lay the photo in the middle. Cover the rest of the cake (sides too if you wish, but that's optional) with the candy to form a picture frame. Presto, a fun cake sure to impress all your young party guests.
Note: I've found that M&M type candies work really well to cover the cake. Unfortunately, they were off limits this time since they aren't dairy-free (cake had to be kosher pareve) and I was stuck with whatever dairy-free candies I could find. A full face brightly colored photo also works best, but Itai really wanted the picture of him blowing out the candles on his wizard's hat cake (scroll down for pic) from his "friends" party. I did like the juxtaposition of a cake with a kid blowing out candles while he blows out his candles though. Sort of a Hall of Mirrors type thing LOL.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
When you look at it this way...
... I have an awful lot of traveling still to do.
And I can't wait. There's a whole big world out there and I want to see all of it.
create your own visited countries map
Monday, March 5, 2007
Purim 2007 Wrapup
Friday, March 2, 2007
Wow did I nearly f*ck up!
Anyway, to explain the "how I nearly really truly and utterly f*cked up" part...
Tonight we're celebrating Jay's birthday at a really wonderful Tel Aviv restaurant with a whole host of our nearest and dearest. Everyone's invited (and nearly all are coming), the restaurant is booked, the table for 15 has been confirmed... Then Jay looks at me and asks, just out of curiosity, who's watching the kids tonight? Oh shit!!! Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. Completely forgot to get a sitter. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. Friday nights are TOUGH around here for sitters - most of our sitters are high school seniors and they're all friends, so one good party and they're all out of commission, which is exactly what happened last night. Thank god I finally tracked down our one older sitter who is both out of high school and available tonight and we're set, otherwise I'd be stuck home missing my own husband's birthday party and feeling VERY angry with myself! It would have taken me YEARS to live that one down!
Now if I only had something decent to wear...
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #5 - Back Again
I've been away the past few days with no computer access *gasp*, so here's an easy one for me this week. On the plus side though, I've finally figured out how to do the Mr. Linky thingie to make life easier for all of you. And, I'll update you all on where I was soon.
Happy TT!
This is a list of 13 European countries I've been to so far, with an observation or two from each. Still on my "someday" list are Ireland, Spain, Croatia and several others. The list is in no particular order. (Oh, and remember, I live in Israel, so it isn't that far for me to get to Europe, especially as a stopover between Israel and a trip back to the States.)
1. Portugal - NO ONE (other than 2 young girls visiting their grandparents) goes to the Algarve in the winter!
2. Czech Republic - beautiful architecture, great beer
3. Greece - gorgeous, but a difficult place to do business
4. England - The Pub on the Puddle, my former home away from home when working in Surrey, and home to assorted friends and a relative or two
5. France - bliss, what more needs to be said
6. Italy - oh, the food, and beautiful Cinque Terre
7. Holland - Space Cakes are not worth the hype
8. Sweden - Gamla Stan, Scandinavian design
9. Denmark - The Little Mermaid statue
10. Norway - simply breathtaking, home to a very dear friend in the computer that I desperately hope to meet someday, and the home of Hell (from which yes, you can send postcards)
11. Malta - looks a lot like some parts of Israel
12. The Vatican - Swiss Guards in funky striped tights
13. Scotland - castles and more castles, and a few wee drinks
So what's on your list? What did you love? What did you not? Where would you go if someone dropped the tickets in your lap?