Especially for Kelley, who you might have noticed has a small thing for shoes...

And sorry to disappoint you dear, but no, I didn't buy any. While I loved some of the summer shoes I saw in back corners of the occasional store, nearly everything they're showing now were either uber-formal shoes and breakyourneckhigh heels or else very dressy high boots, none of which match my current "works from home mom of two small kids" lifestyle, and it seemed a bit daft to try on the few pairs of leftover sandals I saw when I was freezing my ass off...

I consoled myself with a gorgeous red leather wallet and new brown leather bag instead. I know, life just sucks that way, doesn't it?... Much more "me" than a pair of 4-inch stiletto heels I'd never have occasion to wear (and would instantly want to take off the moment I did try to wear them.)
I see a couple pair of boots I wouldn't mind having =)
While I was there I was tempted to by a pair of boots and a jacket, but chose the more sensible choice of a leather bag. I love my bag and every time I use it - I am instantly back in Florence. But sometimes being practical is not all that fun.
Oh my. Someone pass the smelling salts cause I am feeling faint with bliss.
gorgeous. Oh thankyou my lovely for the photos and a post just for me! ;)
I do have a handbag problem too ya know..... photo please!
Nice to see you back, loved the shoe pics, I am a sucker when it comes to shoes, I just convince myself to buy a pair - I love them.. I am surprised you didnt buy any, they look gorgeous. Thank you.
This scared me at first. I thought it was your closet! lol. I love those boots, but they don't love me! I'm green with envy when I see women wear them, so I pretendthat I would never want to do so. I'm pathetic.
My closet? Bwahahahaha!!! I live in crocs lady! I'd break my damn neck in most of those.
*picking myself up off the floor now*
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