Itai was excited to find a letter addressed to him in yesterday's mail, and was even more excited when he opened it to find that Flat Stanley had come to visit Israel - all the way from a second grade class in Georgia! The very lovely Megan, daughter of mom's friend in the computer Tinene, sent this terrific-looking Flat Stanley over to Itai's house so that he could learn first-hand what it's like to be a second-grader here in Israel and then report back to Megan's class on his adventures.

Itai has read a bunch of the Flat Stanley books so having Flat Stanley himself come to visit is a real treat. Here's Stanley checking out his collection.
Here he's checking out Itai's Hebrew dictionary - this one stays at our house for helping out mom, whose Hebrew spelling is atrocious helping with homework. Itai and his classmates each also have a pocket version that they keep at school.
We'll have to check with Megan to see how long Stanley plans to visit with us. Hopefully he'll have time to visit Itai's school and a few other places too. (Sadly he came one day too late to visit the Old City of Jerusalem with Itai and Jay, but I'm sure we'll find lots of other cool places to take him while he's here.)
Love that pic of Flat Stanley in the dictionary!!
Too cool! My son did Flat Stanley in kindergarten. I think he sent him all the way from New Jersey to his favorite cousin in Far Rockaway. I love the idea of having Flat Stanley visit a blog post.
He made it! Megan was so excited about sending Flat Stanley to Itai. Tell Itai thank you so much!!
I hadn't heard of Flat Stanley until last year. It's a wonderful idea. I wonder if he'd work well with my 5th grade class???
that flat stanley is quite the traveller. he has been so many places...we're in the midwest and he has visited sweden and mexico and then returned here. he always has great stories to tell too!
fun post! i'm looking around...see you soon
My neighbor's son sent his Flat Stanley all over the world- he even made it to the Taj Mahal in India and to the jungle in Vietnam!
Oh we love Flat Stanley! When my parents last came to visit me in Israel, he came with them. He did a lot of traveling around - and took some amazing photos!
Oh what fun he will have!
Awesome! Jack sent off Flat Stanley a couple of years ago. Its such a great idea. Megan is so lucky to get to hear all about Stanley's trip to Israel!
Oh, I miss Flat Stanley from second grade. I don't have any more second graders at my house and yours brought back a sentimental moment.
That was me who did the anonymous thing.
I remember doing flat stanley at school and that was years ago!!!!!
I love Flat Stanley, so fun! Some internet-friends of mine took the concept and started one with a cloth diaper! They keep a blog on its travels.
My daughter did that project last year...it was so fun. Your Flat Stanley will have quite a trip to report! Very cool.
Thanks for your sweet comment today, Robin.
Stanley visited Itai's 2nd grade class today - the kids had never heard of Flat Stanley before but they quickly jumped on the bandwagon. I came home with letters from each child and a bunch of photos.
Now Itai plans to make his own Stanley to send back with Megan's so his class can learn about 2nd grade in the US. I love it when kids are really excited by learning.
What absolute fun! This is a great culture exchange. Wait ... what culture does Flat Stanely represent? Hmmmmmmmmm..........
So fun! Hannah had such a fun time with Flat Stanley when she did it in school. I can't wait to do it with Jacob. :-)
Flat Stanley! My nephew sent Flat to me once and I had a great time escorting him around.
I think this is a wonderful experience for kids.
that is so cool! flat stanley all over he world...i love it.
STANLEY! Boy he gets around. He was in Buffalo last year. ;)
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