Monday, December 15, 2008

Checking in quickly

We're having a great visit, full of togetherness and fairy tea parties, stories and pro soccer games (Hapoel Tel Aviv of course). The warmth of their welcome from my children as they exited the terminal had both of my parents feeling like visiting royalty. (The children had been standing at the barrier stalking watching for my parents and the very second they saw them come out they flew under the bar and literally tackled them both. It was quite exuberant, to say the least.)

I'm preserving our memories with lots of pictures (a favorite is one of my father with a fuzzy pink purse - on his head). I haven't uploaded them yet but hopefully there are a few gems in there. (I'd check now but all my usb cables are in the closet in the room where my parents are currently sound asleep. Later.)

I'll have to cut this off now, it's time to go make like a grownup and work for a living.

PS I finally found a pair of sensible old lady shoes shoes with removable orthotics that I actually like - and better yet they're comfortable and don't make my feet hurt. They're Clarks, and look quite a lot like these, just with a leather criss-cross strap with a velcro closure instead of the cord. Oh, and they didn't have black in my size, so for the first time in probably twenty years I've got a chocolate brown shoe. It looks great and it's dark enough to hold me over for a bit though, so all's well in Shoeville. I'm just happy they don't make me look ninety years old!

Update: Found 'em! Mine are these. Not your grandmother's sensible shoes, eh?


Leora said...

Enjoy your parents. I like the shoes. They are funky. Not what I expected...

Phyllis Sommer said...

love the shoes. have a great time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, me likey! I need to give up my Crocs addiction and get shoes that don't make my feet throb later. :(
Have fun with your folks!

Jientje said...

Enjoy your parents visit, Robin, I'm already looking forward to see the pictures!! By the way, my father is doing great, he's already home from the hospital!

Baila said...

I need good shoes, my feet are so flat and positively ache at the end of the day. I'd say it's because I'm old, but they did the same thing when I was in my twenties....

I love going to the arrivals at the airport and watching all those reunions. Usually brings a tear to my eye.

Enjoy the visit.

Anonymous said...

okay, you can't throw out details like "fuzzy pink purse" and then NOT post a picture! :)

glad you're all having fun! have a wonderful holiday and fabulous new year! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE Clarks. They are about all I'll wear, but I'm a sensible old lady.

Wanna see the pink purse (what, you didn't have a lampshade?). Hope the visit is good.