Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Self Portrait in an Elevator Mirror

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying.


Anonymous said...

My first thought was "what a clean mirror for an elevator" lol. Great WW as always.

Ann On and On... said...

Cool another SPT person..... Great photo.

I just started W.Wednesday. I see you participate in that too. :D

Ann On and On... said...

How is still Tuesday here. :D

catsynth said...

Great aim, and a very confident self portrait.

sweetytots said...

creative huh! My wordless entries are here:
Chocolates and Make-up
Some more toys
fun at the playground

You can still join and win the Magnetic Dress Up Bear here

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

Neato! This is a very cool self portrait. I love the green color of your top with your red hair.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Oh, but you must smile next time! Thanks for stopping by my WW. I read a bit and enjoy your writing style.

Anonymous said...

Next time, recruit a friend instead of a mirror and take pictures of each other. That way, Nikon won't be backwards.

Pamela said...

why are their mirrors in elevators? So we can watch ourselves go up and then go down? ha ha.

jams o donnell said...

Excellent self portrait. Happy WW

MaR said...

Well done!! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Looking mighty fine there gorgeous!

SandyCarlson said...

At first glance, I thought "Nikon" said "Robin"! How's that for a subliminal message--even if it is a typo from my own mind?

Robin said...

LOL. It's only two letters off - Robin spelled backwards is Nibor. When I was about six my parents gave me a customized storybook about Nibor the Friendly Giraffe, who came to my street to take my friends and I on a grand adventure. I still have it packed away somewhere :).

Anonymous said...

Cool shot, Robin! Happy WW!

Mojo said...

Such a serious look for such a fun shot!

Robin said...

This shot was utterly spur of the moment, literally taken in the few seconds I had left before I reached the ground floor. No fiddling with settings (just stopped long enough to turn off the flash), no posing, just focus and shoot.

Anonymous said...

Neat! I LOVE your hair! I'd pay good money for that color!

Anonymous said...

These kind of these never work out for me, but how nice that it happened just like that for you!

Libby's Library said...

I should do this for my facebook picture! Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

my 1st thought was: her hair looks great! :)

Robin said...

I did pay good money for that hair Sheila LOL. Just a few days ago in fact ;-).

Shannon said...

Love it! Now we know what you look like when you are snapping all those fabulous shots.

Stephanie in Idaho said...

Hilarious about the hair, I thought the EXACT SAME THING, about the color and you go and dash all! lol

Great pic!

Janet said...

Love your hair color, Nikon girl :-)

storyteller said...

'Kewl' shot! These never seem to work for me but yours is great ;--)

I'm almost wordless at Sacred Ruminations ... and it's guaranteed to generate smiles ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Great shot, Robin! I think every photographer has to grab a shot like this. I love that it's in an elevator - sounds like something I would do.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend, while I'm fixing up my new blog, you seem to have developed a growth over your face.

I suggest you see a plastic surgeon post-haste.


Tim said...

Hmm . . . a nokin camera. Never heard of it. :) I tried doing one of those and the camera and mirror broke. Does this mean the camera is having seven years bad luck or I have a shot at it?

Happy WW.

Jientje said...

That's a great picture Robin!

Lori said...

Great your hair color!!! Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

Leora said...

Cool. I have a hard time looking at this one, because the Canon DSLR that I want is about $1,000. Sigh.

Jill said...

I love seeing self-portraits of people taken with their own cameras... I'm going to have to give it a try myself!

I LOVE your hair... the color is fabulous and the style is so similar to what I want to do - just on a longer version!