Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sculling at dawn

Click to enlarge
Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what else people aren't saying this week.


Daryl said...

Truly spectacular shot .. its like a painting ...

kayerj said...

such a beautiful shot. I love to watch skulling in the olympics.

Patti said...

Beautiful! I love the morning mist in the background.

P.S. My thumb is not too green, but I keep trying! I try to buy indestructible plants for indoors. ;-)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Wow. I love so many things about this shot. The scale of the rowers against the hills behind, the three levels of hills, the different tones of each level, the sequence of neutrals, the tranquility...

Maribeth said...

Looks familiar! ;-)

quilly said...

The colors in this photo are gorgeous!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the layers and shades of colour in this photo.

This Eclectic Life said...

AAARGH! This picture needs a story. It's lovely. I hate it when you go wordless and there is a story to be told!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

A truly beautiful time of day when the earth is at peace in its awakening. Happy WW

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I enlarged it! It's awesome!

catsynth said...

The light at dawn is really nice, with the colors and haze. Sometimes I wonder if it's cold or not in these scenes (I'm used to morning having a bit of a chill, even in the summer).

Stan said...

Very nice. Pictures like this are quiet and peaceful.

life ramblings said...

it's truly peaceful and serene there.

Drahdrah said...

Wonderful shot, such a serene and beautiful view. Happy WW !

Dina said...

Ahh, so serene.
Just think, Harei Yehuda could look like this if we only had a body of water. There are plans of turning the Motsa reservoir into a park with a permanent body of water (instead of just in rainy season).

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Nice shot !! Beautiful colors and peaceful !!Unseen Rajasthan

The Social Frog said...

What a lovely & relaxing picture! Very nice.

jams o donnell said...

What a wonderful photo. It really makes me with I was there now wathcing the rowers. Happy WW

Liz Mays said...

So incredibly peaceful!

Beth F said...

Wow! Simply beautiful. The color and composition. So calming.

moneythoughts said...

Beautiful example of atmospheric colors, yes like a painting.

sheila said...

Very relaxing! Those people must have really strong arm muscles, lol

Anonymous said...

Great shot!

Anonymous said...

I love the layers! Beautiful shot!

Happy WW!!

Marice said...

yup they are right.. its like a painting..

mine is up too

Auntie E said...

So peaceful looking. Great shot. Happy WW

Calico Crazy said...

Gorgeous photo! The colors and the layering of the tree covered hills with the water and sky is beautiful.

Calico Contemplations

Manda said...

It's perfect. What a peaceful view.

Mojo said...

Embiggened this is just goosebumpy. A true masterpiece Robin. (Deep salaam wave.)

Ayie said...

just like a painting!

happy ww!


annalarssonphotography said...

Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Mojo, enlarged it was even more awesome Robin!

please check mine out here

Bonny said...

What a peaceful place, before the rest of the world is up.

Beautiful! Happy WW!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Superb place for rowing!

Mama Pajama said...

Wow again! Looks like getting up early really paid off for you!