Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dust Storm, June 2010

Click to enlarge, if you dare
Straight out of the camera just a few minutes ago, no processing of any kind. It is utterly revolting out today (and hotter than a furnace, too)! Yuck *cough* yuck YUCK *cough cough cough*!
Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying this week.
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Daryl said...

Yuck indeed.. stay indoors!

This Eclectic Life said...

OMG! Get a mask!

Mojo said...

It's pretty vile here too. We have a ground-level ozone alert until 9PM. And it's awful outside. Bleah.

Jennifer said...

Yikes, not fun! Y'all stay safe and unclogged if you can! We have the heat and humidity, but not the dust.

Lady Patchy said...

yeah ,we experienced the stand storm here in Qatar today too.oh my, i forgot to take a picture of it .

quilly said...

Bummer. Stay inside. Keep the doors and windows closed. Get the broom and vacuum ready. I'm sure you know the drill.

ninja said...

Wow, cool. Never have seen anything like that so I can't even imagine.

caite said...

gosh, I am glad we don't get storms like that.

Stan said...

I know just what you are experiencing. Been through a few of those out in the Nevada desert. It is truly miserable.

amandab said...

So glad I lie almost in the country where the air is clear!

Hope your Wordless Wednesday is a happy one!

Anonymous said...

It's really hot here also--great shot!

Anonymous said...

This would kick up my son's allergies a notch.

SandyCarlson said...

Amazing and awesome and intimidating! We are not the boss.

Marice said...

oh my I dont think I could stand even just a few minutes at that place! awk!

u may view mine here

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Couch choke sputter gasp, unbelievable, If we don't all wake up our entire and wan ourselves from oil dependency our planet will be like this before long!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Wow! I can't imagine trying to breathe in that. Hope you stayed inside.

catsynth said...

In a way, it's impressive. Just visually. I actually *can* imagine trying to breath in that. It makes me think of the time I was at Burning Man :)

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said...

Honey, I'm from Atlanta, GA. We've got the same thing... only it's pollution... not dust.

WW Kitten Naming Contest

Ma.links said...

Doens´t look too nice :( But a great shot though.

bichonpawz said...

Now THAT is some serious dust!! I'd stay inside too!!

stan said...

I guess u cld use the heavy rains here to wash it all out there!

Auntie E said...

Is that fog or dust? Look like you are high up and viewing the valley.
My WW link for you

Beth F said...

Robin, how awful. *cough* is right. But lovely shot!

JennyMac said...

That is certainly yuck but it is a very cool pic.

Anonymous said...

u gotta stay indoors though!
Mariposa's WW!

Andree said...

I opened the large version of the photo. That must be really difficult to live with. The heat would make me sick alone. It looks worse than the smoke we got from Canadian forest fires, and we thought that was hazy. At least we didn't have sand blowing in. Your blog, by the way, is lovely. I like to cruise around and visit blogs I've never seen before. Glad I stopped by.