Sorry to vanish on you. A big work commitment and a sick kid, not to mention an apparent fun little virus of my own if this stuffyheadcoldcoughfeverlaryngitis thing is not in fact just allergies (and even if it is it's kicking my butt), are conspiring to keep me busy and tire me out both physically and mentally. No worries though, I'll get my act together and find my lost equilibrium soon enough.
Oi, sei gesund, both of you.
I handle a lot of things better than I handle a stupid cold with all the symptons you describe. Honestly! Why can't the medical people get rid of that when they can other things. :)
Hope you're better soon, Robin.
see you when we see you, get better first.
Feel better, soon, both of you.
I hope you all feeling better soon,Robin!
get well soon . . .
I hope you are all feeling better soon, Robin!
Hugs to you,
Girl! I hope you and the young'un feel better soon. Do you have Vaporub over their? lol, My Mamaw always used that remedy. Smells awful, but it helps.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Nothing like a cold for a good butt-kicking, I know.
I swear my my husband's "special tea": A strong cup of tea with honey, lemon and a good slug of bourbon. Repeat until you fall over. :)
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