Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's been taking up a very large chunk of my time lately

Only one (but a very good one) of the very many (and very wordy!) textbooks and online sources I'm currently devouring

I'm not sure how many of you know this but in addition to developing a fine art photography business, raising a family, trying to keep everyone in clean laundry and keeping up with this blog I'm also a breastfeeding counselor and lead mother-to-mother breastfeeding support groups (that last one as a volunteer). This year it's finally time to step up to the big leagues and sit for the international lactation consultant board exam this summer. I'm in a major rush because the prerequisites will change in 2012 and I ran into a big snag when I realized that a substantial chunk of my already-accrued lactation education hours are just a few months too old and have expired! Instead of having plenty of time to get my application together I'm instead scrambling to retake a bunch of credits that I'd already done (and paid for) once already, and to have this all done by the earlybird deadline at the end of this month. (Since I have to pay to redo all these credits it would only add insult to injury to also have to also pay more for the application fee, so I'm really rushing to get it done in time.) Once I've got my application in I'll then turn my attention to the actual exam prep, but I'll be able to spread that out over a few more months. In the meantime I'm up to my eyeballs in anatomy, physiology and pathology as I focus my attention on those areas likely to present my biggest challenge. If I have to retake courses I want to get as much as I can out of them, not reinforce what I already know...

So far I'm managing to keep all the various balls I'm juggling up in the air but bear with me if a few appear to wobble every now and again. I'm making sure the shop (and of course my family) get top priority which means blogging and commenting may experience the occasional temporary slowdown.

At least my life is never boring, right?

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


SouthLakesMom said...

I have a friend who is a widow who has just gone back to train in this area specifically (she was an RN pre-kids). It has taken her a few years to get her feet back under her after her husband's tragic death, but I'm so proud of her.

And proud of you. GO for it!

Anonymous said...

Inspiring, good for you!


Come Away With Me said...

This is a very helpful occupation! It is so good for babies to be breast fed. What a pain, though to have to redo and repay....but it seems it will be worth it, especially for the mothers and babies you will be counseling.

Maribeth said...

Good for you, you go girl! Wish I had had a lactation consultant when I had my girls. Especially the first time. So important!

Mimi said...

Wow! Good on you, Robin!
I was very involved in La Leche League for years, still have great friends that I made there when my kids were small and breastfed.
It is such an important and admirable occupation- I will never forget the people who helped me to continue breastfeeding when lay people told me you couldn't work and breastfeed!! Really!
So, positive energy on its way to you for those accreditations. I know you'll get there!

quilly said...

For the good of those you will someday help, I hereby freely volunteer to allow you to skip visiting me without pouting or penalty for the duration of your studies. You're in my feed reader and I'll still keep an eye on you, waiting patiently until you can come around again.

Dina said...

Kol hakavod Robin. You are doing such good things, and with all your heart.

Stan said...

Best of luck to you with your latest endeavor. Your boundless energy reminds me once again why men don't do the childbearing.

Kris McCracken said...

Well done! We're big on breastfeeding in our house, fortunately for my wife, it all went very smoothly and she never had any problems.

Beth F said...

Fascinating and important work. It's always good to be busy.

eileeninmd said...

That is wonderful, I sure you are very helpful too. You do sound very busy.

catsynth said...

I can sympathize with having so much going on as well. In addition to the photography, there is music (the thing that takes up a largest share of non-work time), my software-engineering job...oh and the blog, too :)

Daryl said...

Fantastic! I know you'll ace it.

Claremont First Ward said...

Good luck with all of your studying! I had forgotten that you also did this!

shibori girl said...

Good for you, and good luck!


Felisol said...

Dear Robin,
I wish someone like you was in my life 23 years ago.
I knew I wanted to breastfeed. I read books and asked the nurses at the clinic for help. What did they do? Feed my baby sugar water, so she loss wight and was unwilling to take the breast when I tried.
I tried for a month though, then my mother in law suddenly died, and I just felt how the milk disappeared.
How I wish someone like you had been there. Now Nestle made a fortune on us instead.
Never give up, what you are aiming for, is SO important.
From Felisol

InventingLiz said...

When I saw the title of the post and the picture of the book, I thought you were going to announce that you are pregnant!

Good luck with the studying!

Robin said...

Not a chance Liz - this shop is CLOSED, as they say in Hebrew ;).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

anymommy said...

I had no idea - what an incredible profession. Good luck with the test!