Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - Studying Like a Crazy Person


So you might have noticed I haven't been blogging much the past few months... It's because I'm studying to take the lactation consulting board exam and am up to my neck in this book, and a whole bunch of others equally big and heavy and full of massive amounts of complicated information, from anatomy and physiology through to virus transmission, biochemistry, counseling skills (the easy bit thanks to my years as a breastfeeding counselor, thank heavens there's at least one easy bit...) and so so SO much more. Pretty much anything and everything that relates to the field of lactation counseling (hyperbilirubinemia protocols in the asymptomatic neonate, anyone? No? How about whey:casein ratios in human milk at various stages of lactation? Or perhaps management of the breastfeeding dyad when mom contracts Hepatitis B immediately after birth? Or the baby born (god forbid) with a serious birth defect or neurological syndrome? or...? See what I mean?) My husband even took the kids to Eilat (a resort on the Red Sea coast) for the weekend (a company-sponsored getaway) so that I could stay home and study in peace. Which I did. And am. And am about ready to go certifiably looney from.

9 days and counting...

Wish me luck!



deedee said...

Bonne chance!

Dina said...

That is some serious summer studying. I'm certain you will be fine on the test; now if you can just make it through the next 9 days ...

SouthLakesMom said...

Robin, my dear friend here is studying the same thing! She is presently doing an internship. She went back to work 4 years after her husband died unexpectedly (and young) but wanted to work in a "happy" place in the hospital, and new babies fit the bill! Her last kid is launched now so she can go love on new mammas!

I'll post in a little while.

Yoda: There is no try. There is do
Me: You will do well!

kayerj said...

good luck Robin!

Mama Pajama said...

wow, you go! yay for Jay and the kids going to Eilat and having alone time to study, though, that's a big help! love the picture - it says it all! I'll put my link up in a bit, kinda busy here, too, and the kid is calling... : )

Come Away With Me said...

Absolutely, all the best to you! That is a lot of studying, and I wish you every success. Sara

This Eclectic Life said...

Good luck, my friend. I'm afraid that if I had a quiet house I would be tempted to sleep! Hope you get all the info jammed into your brain.

Chrissy Brand said...

Good luck- busy people get more things done in my experience ;-)


Tania said...

Oh, it sounds a lot. Wish you good luck and blessed days:-)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

what an interesting thing to study. Good luck.

Leora said...

Some babies and moms are going to be very lucky to have you as their consultant. Good luck with the studies.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Exactly - yay for Jay coming through when you're in the crunch.

hyperbilirubinemia protocols - LOL!

Daryl said...

I know you will ace it .. you are one smart caring cookie

My summer shot this week is a waterfall in Central Park and a tease to come back tomorrow for more

Dimple said...


Rayna Eliana said...

Best of luck, Robin! I know you will do well. Thanks for continuing the photo meme throughout all of it.


Mimi said...

You're great.
Anatomy and Physiology was on my aromatherapy course too, as was chemistry, none of which would have been favourites of mine on school curriculum.
And hubby taking the kids off? yes, familiar too!
You'll do great, I just know you will.
Just back from Italy, thanks so much for your info, had a ball!

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Robin, just stopping by to say I'm thinking of you and send good wishes your way for the big exam...not so many days left now!

Robin said...

Thanks Yosefa, and yes, Hannah and I did take it together (studied together the past few months too) :).

How did I do? Ok I think, although I'm not sure I covered myself in glory, the morning session was a horror, hopefully redeemed by the afternoon one!