Monday, March 26, 2012

Poppy and Fence

Yikes, I am really falling down on the whole blogging thing lately. Real life is getting in my way (oh the nerve!)...

In the meantime, can I distract you from my abysmal visit-returning record of late with this poppy? Yes? Okay then, here we go - and oh look, it's red too :).

Poppy and Fence would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift, just in case you're trying to get an early start on things... ;)


Dina said...

So many interesting and pretty things to look at in one photo.

I've had the same problem during the last month, know what you mean.

Daryl said...


Ingrid said...

Very pretty ! spring moves slowly in and it starts to bloom ! what a nice season !

Stacey @ RealWorldMom said...

It is beautiful! Perfect way to start my day! :)

Carletta said...

Two stages in such lovely light.
Beautiful shot Robin!

Ralph said...

Life intrudes so often, yet we may post less often - but always with the same quality! The poppy qualifies well for RT, the blurred green background with the bold ruby feels like a painting, as if oils or acrylic were used. It is beautiful!

Dianne said...

first of all, I love the photo of the kids on the sidebar
what happy faces

the flower is beautiful and the entire shot is flawless

Lola said...

Love all the Red here - great shot!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Leovi said...

A delicious light, nice framing ... and those red poppies are really impressive, I love this photo.

Liz said...


My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

The Salty Mermaid said...

Sometimes you just need a break - I love your distraction. It's absolutely beautiful!!

Felisol said...

She walks in transparent beauty, and the Mom flower has a certain strong dignity too.

About blogging.
Some days I make photos and words for pure therapeutic reasons. There are things I need to express whether my readers understand it or not.
I find great freedom and peace in giving my thoughts and feelings wings. that.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

that is a beautiful picture of one of my very favorite flowers.

Fábio Martins said...

Olá boa noite

Hoje lancei online a minha nova galeria num novo link.
Gostaria que fizesses uma visita e se quisesses, adicionavas a galeria à tua lista de seguidores. Espero que gostes tanto da nova imagem como da organização simplista em que me baseei.


Obrigado e um grande cumprimento deste lado,
Fábio Martins

Mildred said...

Wow! Great job! So beautiful!
Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

Happy day****

Kim, USA said...

That is beautiful. I can't wait to see my first poppy too. ^_^


Phoenix said...

Wow what a gorgeous capture! Thank you for sharing & for visiting my page! :)

catsynth said...

It's a beautiful image of the poppy. Especially with the color contrast, the deep gem-like red against the green.

anymommy said...

It looks like a painting!

kayerj said...

so pretty :)

Leah H. said...

That's so sweet!

Visiting for RT-2- hope you can stop by:)

Mrs.D said...

I love pretty!

late visit from RT!

bichonpawz said...

Hi Robin! Your blog is looking fabulous over here!!! LOVE this Red Poppy shot and I just had to share it!!

Hope all's well!!