Friday, February 23, 2007

Shabbat Dinner

We've got a houseguest arriving from France any second now, so for the first time in ages we're actually making a (semi-)traditional Shabbat (Sabbath Eve - Friday night) dinner - appetizers - various Israeli dips and spreads just for local color, homemade challah bread - made by Jay, who's awesome at it, vegetable soup with pasta bits, roast chicken with lemon, new potatoes, salad and probably fresh fruit for dessert, since I ran out of time without making anything.

It's funny, for many of you this is probably a completely normal sounding menu, but we so rarely eat this way that it's actually kind of exotic LOL.

He here, gotta go. Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oh man that sounds yummy. You and Jay seem to cook quite a bit. I need some of your recipes.

Enjoy! (and thanks for commenting on my blog re my father, it means alot:) )

Scribbit said...

Sounds good to me--when my mother in law watched my kids while Andrew and I took a cruise last fall she had them doing all the ritual Shabbat things before their Friday night dinner. They told me later that they were a little impatient to get through the prayers and into their pizza--it wasn't quite a traditional meal obviously :) I guess they're not ready to convert yet.

Lilight said...

Oh my goodness, that all sounds so wonderful, Robin! I hope you had a great time.

Anonymous said...

so simple yet sooo good! I love homemade challah.. Haim made some small little loaves two weeks ago. They were so delicious!